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All AP Lang WOW Words (Updated weekly)

1. Pre [L. prae, before]

before in time, place, rank, etc.

a. predilection [L. prae + L. diligere, prefer]

n. a partiality or preference in favor of something

connotations: formal, positive, fancy, sophisticated

b. presage [L. prae, + L. sapere, wise]

n. an indication or warning of a future consequence

v. to indicate or warn in advance

connotations: formal, mystical, negative

c. predisposition: [L. prae + L. dis, apart + L. posit, place]

n. an inclination or susceptibility to something in advance

connotations: negative, formal

d. preponderance [L. prae, + L. pondus, weight]

n. greater in weight, power, or importance

connotations: formal, legal, scientific, factual

e. precocious [L. prae + L. cox, mature]

adj. marked by unusual early development or maturity

connotations: formal, creative

2. Ant, Ante [L. ante, before]

a. antiquated [L. ante + L. quus, old]

adj. old and outdated or obsolete

connotations: negative, formal

b. antiquity [L. ante + L. quus, old]

n. ancient times, esp. those before the Middle Ages; the quality of being old or ancient

connotations: historical, formal, positive

c. antebellum [L. ante + L. bellum, war]

adj. referring to the period before the American Civil War

connotations: Southern, historical, formal

d. anterior [L. ante]

adj. placed before or in front; prior in time

connotations: scientific, medical, factual, objective

e. antedate [L. ante + L. data, day, date]

v. to precede in time; to give a date earlier than the actual one

connotations: formal, scientific, factual


All AP Lang WOW Words (Updated weekly)

1. Pre [L. prae, before]

before in time, place, rank, etc.

a. predilection [L. prae + L. diligere, prefer]

n. a partiality or preference in favor of something

connotations: formal, positive, fancy, sophisticated

b. presage [L. prae, + L. sapere, wise]

n. an indication or warning of a future consequence

v. to indicate or warn in advance

connotations: formal, mystical, negative

c. predisposition: [L. prae + L. dis, apart + L. posit, place]

n. an inclination or susceptibility to something in advance

connotations: negative, formal

d. preponderance [L. prae, + L. pondus, weight]

n. greater in weight, power, or importance

connotations: formal, legal, scientific, factual

e. precocious [L. prae + L. cox, mature]

adj. marked by unusual early development or maturity

connotations: formal, creative

2. Ant, Ante [L. ante, before]

a. antiquated [L. ante + L. quus, old]

adj. old and outdated or obsolete

connotations: negative, formal

b. antiquity [L. ante + L. quus, old]

n. ancient times, esp. those before the Middle Ages; the quality of being old or ancient

connotations: historical, formal, positive

c. antebellum [L. ante + L. bellum, war]

adj. referring to the period before the American Civil War

connotations: Southern, historical, formal

d. anterior [L. ante]

adj. placed before or in front; prior in time

connotations: scientific, medical, factual, objective

e. antedate [L. ante + L. data, day, date]

v. to precede in time; to give a date earlier than the actual one

connotations: formal, scientific, factual
