Untitled Flashcards Set

Clause in the Constitution that makes federal law and the Constitution highest law of the land - Supremacy Clause The division of power between different branches or bodies to protect liberty is known as - Separation of Powers There are ____ governments in the U.S. - 90,000 Powers of Congress include: Pass laws Regulate Immigration Declare war All of the above - All of the above The power of the Supreme Court to rule an action of the President or Congress unconstitutional is known as - Checks & Balances A system of Government that divides power between different levels of government is known as - Federalism The Bill of Rights is - The first ten amendments to the Constitution Powers that are listed in the Constitution are - Enumerated The Constitution was ratified in what year? - 1789 The Legislative Branch is created by which part of the Constitution? - Article I Which of the following is an example of checks and balances?: President signs a bill into law President vetoes a law passed by Congress Congress over-rides a presidential veto All of the above - All of the above The division of the legislative branch into two "houses" is referred to as - Bicameral The first government of the United States was created by the - Articles of Confederation The Constitution begins with the - Preamble The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the - Bill of Rights Which of the following is an example of checks and balances?: The senate being made up of 100 members The senate & house must pass the same bill The president being the Commander in Chief The three branches of the national government - The senate & house must pass the same bill The power of the judicial branch to interpret the Constitution is an example of - Separation of Powers When state and federal laws conflict the _____ settles the dispute. - Supremacy Clause Limits on government power to protect freedoms are known as - Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech is in the _____ Amendment - First The Establishment Clause protects _____ freedoms - Religious The right to meet on public and private property with others is in many cases protected by the freedom to _____ - Assemble The right to own guns is protected by the _____ Amendment - Second _____ gives law enforcement the power to search people and places any time there is suspicious activity - Probable Cause Capital punishment (the death penalty) is generally associated with the _____ Amendment - Eighth Post Civil War period of widespread social and political segregation primarily targeting former slaves and descendants - Jim Crow Era Protect(s) the political and social equality of people - Civil Rights Amendment that banned slavery - 13th Amendment that protected the right to vote for former slaves - 15th The "Equal Protection Clause" is in the - 14th Amendment The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are known as the - "Civil War Amendments" Supreme Court decision that overturned "Separate but Equal" doctrine. - Brown v. Board of Education Landmark legislation that targeted "Jim Crow" discrimination - 1964 Civil Rights Act "Test" used by federal courts to determine if government discrimination based on race is Constitutional - Strict Scrutiny The "Intermediate" test for determining if a law is unconstitutional deals primarily with _____ discrimination Race Age Gender Ethnicity - Gender Automatically triggers courts using "Strict Scrutiny" when determining if a law is unconstitutional - Suspect Classification Landmark case that declares slaves are not protected by the Constitution - Dred Scott v. Sandford Landmark case that creates the "Separate but Equal" doctrine, allowing for legal racial segregation - Plessy v. Ferguson Discrimination that is based on the law, legal, based on government action - De Jure Discrimination
