Origins of the Cold War

Cold War

  • A state of political tension and military rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that stopped short of full-scale war

  • Began just after WWII and lasted until about the 1990s

  • U.S. foreign policy, domestic policy, and international relations all were dominated by this rivalry

Why the alliance between the U.S. and Soviet Union began to unravel towards the end of WWII?

  1. Lack of trust

  2. Different ideologies (Democracy vs. Communism) and goals for the future of Europe

Why was there a lack of trust?

Soviet Union:

  • America didn’t want to open a second front when it was needed most, which left the Soviets with a high death rate among soldiers and civilians

  • Americans kept the atomic bomb a secret

United States:

  • Americans feared the spread of communism

  • Stalin initially sided with Hitler at the outbreak of war

  • Broke promises that were made at the Yalta Conference

Different Goals for the Future:

Soviet Union:

  • Keep Germany weak and divided so it is not a threat

  • Have friendly governments border Soviet Union for protection against future attacks (especially in Portland)

  • Rebuild its economy using Eastern Europe’s equipment and raw materials

United States:

  • Allow all nations to rule themselves

  • Gain access to raw materials and markets to prevent another Depression

  • Rebuild European governments to ensure stability and create new markets for U.S. goods

  • Reunite Germany (used to be Western and Eastern Germany, see map for more)

Decisions Made at Yalta:

  • Include existing government officials in Poland and allow free elections in the near future

  • Allow recently liberated countries to select what type of government they wanted

  • Allies will set up temporary governments with “democratic elections” and would allow free elections as soon as possible

  • Divided Germany into 4 occupation zones

    • Purpose: Never attack gain

    • Germany was forced to pay reparations (in goods and products)

      • U.S. and Soviet Union argued over reparations and economic policy in Germany (the major cause of the Cold War)

Soviets Violate the Yalta Agreement:


  • Refuses noncommunist Poles to serve in the government

  • No free elections are to be held


  • Imposed a communist government

Potsdam Conference (July 1945)

  • Purpose: Discuss Germany’s future

  • Leaders present: Truman, Stalin, Clement Attlee (Great Britain)

    • Truman felt that in order for Europe to recover, Germany must recover

    • Stalin felt that his countries needed reparations from Germany in order to recover

    • Agreed to take reparations from only their occupation zones

After WWII:

  • Germany divided into 4 occupational zones (see map for more)

    • West Germany (U.S., G.B., France)

    • East Germany (Soviet Union)

    • Berlin is also to be divided
