Main problem: Should the federal government have power over the state governments?
1) Federalists
More centralized and powerful federal government
Continue relationships with Great Britain
Regulated and centralized banking system
Relationship between the elites of society with government
Loose construction - Necessary and Proper Clause/Elastic Clause)
Diverse economy that does not rely on just farming
Advocated for international trade to connect the US with foreign ports
Large New England following because it started with trading and ports
People: Alexander Hamilton, John Adams
2) Anti-Federalists ā> Democratic Republican Party
Party for the people
Wanted statesā rights
No central banking system
Individual liberty
Constitutionally limited view of the federal government (strict construction)
People: Thomas Jefferson (Election of 1800)
1) Democratic Party
Began with Andrew Jackson - Jacksonian Democracy
Federal government should serve the people, not money or politicians
Strong presidential power
Slavery should be decided by the states
Liked by the Southern states
2) Whig Party
Anti-Federalist ā> Democratic Republican Party ā> Whig Party
Henry Clay and John C Calhoun
Business friendly
National bank should remain intact
Federal money for internal improvements
Split after their wishy-washy stance on slavery (expansion to the west)
3) Republican Party/National Republican Party (1828-1836)
Haters of Jacksonian Democracy
Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams
Against expansion of slavery
4) Anti-Masonic Party
5) Liberty Party
6) Free Soil Party
7) Know-Nothing Party
Reconstruction Era (1864-1890)
1) Democratic Party
2) Republican Party
3) Green Back Party
Progressive Era (1896-1932)
1) Democratic Party
2) Republican Party
3) Progressive Party
4) Peopleās Party
Farmersā party
Printing more money without metal restrictions to help get rid of debt
Wanted a more direct relationship with the government - popular vote of senators, referendums, etc
5) Socialist Party
Popularity after industrialization
Like a labor party but not really
Supported unions and cooperatives
Represent interests of workers
Tied to big business and believed in Laissez-Faire
Wanted Tariffs
Low money supply
1928 -Hoover platform
Lower taxes
Protective tariff, donāt give farmers subsidies
Creation of new farm agency to assist cooperative marketing associations
Enforcement of Prohibition