
EPICURUS:philosophical tradition known as hashim, choosing pleasures as highest good.Long lasting pleasures, defines highest pleasure as peace of mind, greek word for ataraxia(being in a state of long lasting tranquility. 

  • Universe made of Atoms, the human soul is made of atoms. 

  • After death, the atoms scattered in the universe self, argument of being afraid of death because you don't feel anything once you die, no concious, once you die there's nothing there,

  • Doesn’t believe in heaven or hell

  • Intrinsic(means of good for yourself, pleasure, friendship is important good, good friends give that long lasting pleasure or tranquility)and Instrumental good

  • Peace of Mind is what you're looking for, no fastline pleasures, pain in the long run

  • Thoguh many 

  • Evil for then is Pain to get away from,


Based on assumptions of the universe and highest good

  • Highest good is Self Control(Discipline)enables us to control our emotions and the ideal. In greek is called apathy(meanings apathos, opposite of having your emotions run wild, control your will to keep us on keel, intune of the higher of the universe)

  • For God he thought God is everywhere and part of God, He is imminent, Pantheism is the term for greek word Pan meaning nature

  • Nature is God, God pervades all the natural universe

  • God doesn't exist in heaven but exist in with us and we are part of god

  • Force of nature(divine spirit) as Logos, reason, laws of nature that guide the universe

  • Everything is planned, predetermined, no such thing as free will in sense we think of it, they happened in accordance of Gods will, 

  • Evil, it's not real, God controls everything with good of mind, so evil is illusion of our perspective 

  • Everything in us is our control, regulate control our emotions attitude, but things that are happening outside is in control of God and not us, so we shouldn't worry about what is not our power but in fact focus on what we have in power of

Saint Augustine

  • .Big time believer of God

  • He is creator of the universe, author of moral law

  • Omnis power(omnipotent, God Is all powerful) Omniscient(good is all knowledgeable)

  • Omnipresent(god is all present), OmniBenevolence(god is all good)

  • Heaven or Hell after death. God is Predestination of what you end up, Knows the Beginning and End. A set destination where god knows beforehand where he knows everything, he doesn’t force you its your fault if you end up in one place in hell. God gives us free will but doesn’t choose us good or evil just knows in advance.

  • His Highest Intrinsic Good is the love of God, 

Thomas Hobbs

  • Social Contract:give up certain freedoms to abide a set of rules to obtain law in order

  • Life before Social Contract(state of nature) is all chaos, people are at war with one another, aggressive, competitive, with one another, miserable.

  • Set up a Government(Absolute ruler) king, best ways to maintain peace because you need for hobbs is to have a central power that great enough to force them to obey the laws or be punish

  • Religion:god is not the center of the Universe, cannot prove the existence of God but does believe there is God, but we have no knowledge of God. But we need to based our Philosophy in a scientific output which is mechanism, everything is reduce to material bodies and emotions(similar to Epicurus.  

  • Need for focus on god to get a good society.

  • Establishes what religion people will follow, 

  • Controls religion so people will follow just the rules and religious beliefs.

  • Ethical relativism. England has one god, and other countries has another god. Democratic freedoms is the disagreement will lead to conflict in state of nature 

  • Evil will be the state in nature. Peace is a highest good in which can be achieve through government 

  • Controls religion

David Hume

  • For God(he is agnostic) not positive but can’t prove there is or there isn’t. Doesn’t worried too much on if there is a God or not

  • View of Human Nature(where does ethics come from):emotions, rely on our own emotions and we are capable of positive emotions.(include like kindness, generosity, virtues, 

  • Moral Sentiment.(empathy, benevolence, kindness, justice(moral instinct) fairness, honesty, trustworthy, 

  • Animals are a continuity with Humans, where we evolved to be socially creatures, value good emotions, good nature, human, grateful. These virtues are known in all languages and universally express the highest merit of which people are capable of obtaining.

  • Allows us to live together 

Some people are selfish and negative, and could be evil if we cannot persuade in a moral community. Leave it up for justice to stop harming. (a question ask from somebody)

No class Friday
