2 IMMANUEL KANT- according to him, a man can create for himself the good and the rational being. IMMANUEL KANT- He attests that moral obligation is universal and excuses no one. Moral Obligation is called DUTY. SELF is DIVIDED INTO 2: 1.INTERNAL SELF - composed of psychological states and informed decisions e.g. EMOTIONS 2.EXTERNAL SELF- made up of ourselves and the physical world where the representation of objects action. e.g. family (FOR KANT, ESSENCE OF MORALITY IS FOUND IN THE MOTIVE FROM WHICH ACTION IS DONE.) Rules for Happiness: something to do, something to love, something to hope for- IMMANUEL KANT said CONFUCIUS- the great Chinese Philosopher. FAMILY is the bases of IDEAL GOVERNMENT Man must have the virtue of: - Kindness - Uprightness - Decency - Wisdom and faithfulness - THE GOLDEN RULE POLITICIAN RULERS- these should be exemplary models of the citizens. IF RIGHT PRINCIPLES prevail throughout the country, there is no need to change the government. "Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you."-CONFUCIUS said The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot... are both correct."-CONFUCIUS said ST. AUGUSTINE- considers the BODY as "SLAVE" to the "SOUL". The SOUL makes war with the BODY. - To love God means to love one's fellowmen, and to love one's fellowmen means never to do any harm to another. ("Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.") - ST. AUGUSTINE RENE DESCARTES - I is defined as a THINKING THING. - It signifies the comprehension of the existence of the self as a reality beyond doubt. COGITO ERGO SUM- I think, therefore I am. ("Conquer yourself rather than the world.") - RENE DESCARTES
