Theme 1 - Unit 1 - La evolución de la sociedad española - Spanish a-level - Edexcel

abortar                                                            to have an abortion

el aborto                                                         abortion

los abuelos                                                     grandparents

la adopción                                                    adoption

alquilar                                                           to rent

apretar (aprieto)                                              to squeeze

arreglárselas                                                   to cope, to get by

arrejuntarse (fam)                                          to shack up together (fam)

la buhardilla                                                   loft

caer (caigo) bien                                            to like, to find pleasant

el cambio social                                             social change

casado                                                            married

casarse por lo civil                                         to marry via a civil ceremony

casarse por la iglesia                                     to marry via a religious ceremony

el compañero de piso                                    flatmate

compartir una cuenta bancaria                       to have a shared bank account

convivir                                                          to live together

el/la cónyuge                                                  spouse

dar caprichos                                                 to indulge someone’s whims, give treats

dejar                                                               to allow

divorciarse                                                     to get divorced

echar una mano                                             to lend a hand

ejercer (ejerzo) la guarda                               to have custody

embarazada                                                    pregnant

el embarazo                                                    pregnancy

la empleada doméstica                                   domestic help, maid

enfadarse                                                        to be peeved

el envejecimiento poblacional                        ageing of the population

estar (estoy) casado                                       to be married

estar (estoy) en los planes                             to be part of the plans  

estar (estoy) separado                                    to be separated

extramatrimonial                                            extramarital

la familia monoparental                                  single-parent family

fuera de casa                                                  away from home

la guardería                                                    nursery

habituarse a                                                   to get used to

hacer (hago) los deberes                                to do homework

hacer (hago) (menos) caso                             to pay (less) attention

los hermanos                                                 siblings

la hija                                                             daughter

el hijo                                                             son

homosexual                                                    homosexual/gay

el horario                                                        timetable

los ingresos                                                   income

la lesbiana                                                      lesbian

llevar a alguien (en coche, en bici)                 to take someone by car, bicycle

llevarse bien/mal                                            to get on well /badly

el marido                                                        husband

el matrimonio                                                 marriage

la mujer                                                          wife, woman

el nacimiento                                                  birth

notar                                                              to realise, to feel

el/la novio/a                                                    boy/girlfriend

ocupar                                                            to take up

la pareja                                                         couple

la pareja de hecho                                          ‘common law’ marriage

el permiso de paternidad                                paternity leave

el piso compartido                                         shared flat

el pluriempleo                                                to have more than one job

el progenitor                                                   parent

quedar (con)                                                   to arrange to meet

quedarse (con)                                               to stay (with)

recaer (recaigo)                                              to rest with, lie with

recoger (recojo) a alguien                              to pick up someone

regañar                                                           to tell off

romper                                                           to split up

separarse                                                       to get separated

el sobrino                                                       nephew

la sobrina                                                       niece

la soltera                                                        single woman

la tareas de la casa                                         household chores

tener (tengo) hijos                                          to have children

tener (tengo) que acostumbrarse                   to have to get used to

terminar una carrera                                       to obtain a university degree

la tía                                                               aunt

el tío                                                               uncle

tocar                                                               to be someone’s turn

el treintañero                                                  person in their thirties

vivir (con)                                                       to live (with)

actualmente                                                    nowadays

la adopción                                                    adoption

afeitarse                                                         to shave (oneself)

el alcalde                                                        mayor

el anillo                                                          ring

anunciar                                                         to announce

apoyar                                                            to support, back

la aprobación                                                 approval

atestiguar                                                       to confirm

el ayuntamiento                                              town hall

una barrera milenaria                                     a thousand-year-old barrier

la boda                                                           wedding

casar a alguien                                               to marry someone

casarse de penalti                                          to be a shotgun wedding

Chueca                                                           gay-friendly district in Madrid

la cohabitación                                               cohabitation

comprometerse                                              to become engaged to

el compromiso                                               engagement

el conflicto                                                     conflict

congeniar con alguien                                   to understand (each other) well

conocer(se) (me conozco)                              to meet

el consejero                                                    counsellor

contra natura                                                  against nature

crecer (crezco)                                               to increase       

la creencia religiosa                                       religious belief

el/la cuñado/a                                                 brother-in-law/daughter-in law

el cura                                                            priest

el cursillo matrimonial                                   short course in preparation for marriage

la dama de honor                                           bridesmaid

depilarse                                                        to remove hair, to pluck, to wax

los derechos                                                   rights

descender (desciendo)                                   to go down/ decline

desear hijos                                                   to want a family

la desigualdad                                                inequality

el día de la boda                                             wedding day

la discusión                                                    argument

dispararse                                                      to shoot up

el divorcio                                                      divorce

durar                                                              to last (for)

duradero                                                         long-lasting

emigrar                                                           to emigrate

enamorarse                                                    to fall in love

encariñarse                                                     to grow fond of

entenderse (entiendo) bien/mal                      to get on well /badly     

envejecer (envejezco)                                     to age, get old

la estabilidad                                                  stability

la esterilidad                                                   sterility

la esposa                                                        wife

estar (estoy) enamorado de                           to be in love with

estar (estoy) por los suelos                            to be extremely low

la etapa                                                          stage, phase

la falta (de)                                                     lack (of)

la familia política                                            the in-laws

la fecundación in vitro                                   IVF

la fecundidad                                                  fertility

formar una familia                                          to start a family

los gemelos                                                    twins

la generación                                                  generation

la herencia                                                      inheritance

el/la hermanastro/a                                         stepbrother/stepdaughter

heterosexual                                                   heterosexual

el/la hijastro/hijastra                                       stepson/stepdaughter

el/la hijo/a único/a                                          only child

incrementarse                                                 to increase

la intimidad                                                    intimacy

el juez de paz                                                 justice of the peace (JP)

el juzgado                                                      magistrate’s court

la labor                                                           work

la legislación                                                  legislation

la lesbiana                                                      lesbian

la ley misma                                                   the law itself

llevar conviviendo                                          to have been living together for

llevarse (me llevo) muy bien/mal con             to get on well/badly with

matrimonial                                                    marital, matrimonial

el matrimonio civil                                         civil marriage

el matrimonio del mismo sexo                       same-sex marriage

el matrimonio religioso                                  religious marriage

los mellizos                                                    non-identical twin

la mentalidad obsoleta                                   obsolete mentality

el miembro                                                     member

la militancia                                                    solidarity

morir (muero)                                                 to die (off)

nacer (nazco)                                                  to be born

la natalidad                                                     birth rate

el noviazgo                                                     engagement period

la nuera                                                          daughter-in-law

la nupcialidad                                                 marriage rate (in statistics)

la orientación sexual                                      sexual orientation

el padrino                                                       best man, godfather

la pareja de hecho                                          domestic partnership

la pensión alimenticia                                    child support

la petición de mano                                        marriage proposal

(en) picado                                                     plummeting

la población                                                   population

por desgracia                                                 unfortunately

la profesión                                                    profession, job

la promiscuidad                                             promiscuity

quedarse soltero/a                                         to remain single

recién casado/a                                              recently married

reconocido                                                     recognised

la relación                                                      relationship

el respeto                                                       respect

salir (salgo) del armario                                 to come out of the closet

sentirse (me siento) solo/a                             to feel lonely

la separación de bienes                                 separate property

el sistema público de pensión                       public pensions system

el/la suegro/a                                                  father-in-law/mother-in-law

la tasa de natalidad/fecundidad                      birth/fertility rate

el temor                                                          fear

la tendencia                                                    tendency

tener (tengo) celos                                         to feel jealous

tener (tengo) familia                                       to have a family

tener (tengo) derecho a                                  to have the right to

el vestido de novia                                         wedding dress

el vivir juntos                                                 living together

la valentía                                                       courage

el valor tradicional                                          traditional value

el vello                                                           body hair

vivir y dejar vivir                                            to live and let live

el yerno                                                          son-in-law

administrarse bien                                         to spend wisely

ahorrar                                                           to save

aliarse                                                            to band together

el alojamiento                                                 accommodation

amenazar                                                        to threaten

antiguamente                                                  in the old days

arraigado                                                        deeply rooted

ayudar con los deberes                                 to help with homework

barrer                                                             to sweep

caerse (me caigo) el mundo encima               to have one’s world fall apart

cambiar pañales                                             to change nappies

el cansancio físico                                         physical exhaustion

la casa familiar                                               family home

los celos                                                         jealousy

la cita                                                             a (romantic) date

compartir                                                        to share

la conciliación                                                reconciliation

conectarse                                                      to connect

conocidos                                                      acquaintances

construir (construyo) su hogar                      to make one’s home

el consumo de droga                                     drug consumption

correr detrás                                                   to run after

la crisis                                                          recession

el cuarentón                                                   person in his forties

dar de merendar/cenar                                   to give a mid-afternoon snack/dinner

dejar de hablarse                                            to stop talking to each other

deprimido                                                       depressed

el derecho                                                      right

derrumbar                                                      to knock down

el desacuerdo                                                 disagreement

el desequilibrio                                              imbalance

de mutuo acuerdo                                          mutually agreed

desperdiciar                                                   to waste

la diferencia cultural                                      cultural difference

discutir                                                           to argue

disimular                                                        to hide

echar de menos                                             to miss

encantar                                                         to love

engancharse                                                   to get hooked (on)

engañar                                                          to deceive

el entorno familiar                                          family environment

la época                                                         period

estar (estoy) de buen/mal humor                   to be in a good/bad mood

la expectativa diferente                                  different expectation

el fallecimiento                                               death

la falta de comunicación                                lack of communication

la falta de tiempo                                            lack of time

los familiares                                                  relatives

la fecundación in vitro (FIV)                           IVF (in-vitro fertilisation)

fregar (friego) el suelo                                    to mop the floor

fregar (friego) los platos                                 to do the washing-up

gastar más de la cuenta                                 to spend more than necessary

la generación                                                  generation

gozar de buena salud                                     to have good health

hacer (hago) daño                                          to hurt

hacer (hago) la cama                                      to make the bed

hacer (hago) la compra                                  to do the shopping

hacerse (me hago) cargo de                          to take care of

la herencia                                                      inheritance

herir (hiero)                                                    to hurt

la incompatibilidad de caracteres                   personality clash

incorporarse al mundo laboral                       to join the work scene

la infidelidad                                                  unfaithfulness, infidelity

la intimidad                                                    privacy

jubilarse                                                         to retire

jugar un papel (juego)                                    to play a role

limpiar el polvo                                              to dust

llevarse (me llevo) bien/mal                           to get on well/badly

llegar a fin de mes                                          to stretch the salary to the end of the month

mantener (mantengo) una larga charla          to have a long, serious chat

marcharse de casa                                         to leave home

el modo de vida                                              lifestyle

el/la “niño/a bien”                                          rich kid

la nuera                                                          daughter-in-law

obsesionarse (con)                                        to get obsessed (about)

ocuparse (de)                                                 to take care (of)

los padres                                                      parents

la paga                                                           pocket money

pagarlo con otro                                             to take something out on someone else

el pañal                                                          nappy

la pareja                                                         partner

pasar la aspiradora                                         to hoover

pensarse algo dos veces                                to think twice

la pérdida de ilusión                                      loss of enthusiasm

el perfil                                                           profile

poner (pongo) el friegaplatos                         to put the dishwasher on

poner (pongo) la lavadora                              to put the washing machine on

poner (pongo) la mesa                                   to lay the table

quejarse                                                         to complain

reconciliarse                                                   to make up

recurrir                                                           to resort to

las relaciones familiares                                family relationships

reprochar                                                        to reproach

sacar la basura                                               to take the rubbish out

el salón                                                          living room

sentirse (me siento) (útil/solo)                       to feel (useful/lonely)

separarse de mutuo acuerdo                          to separate by mutual agreement

ser (soy) menor/mayor de edad                     to be underage/of age

ser (soy) egoista                                             to be selfish

soltero                                                            single

sospechar                                                       to suspect

el suegro                                                        father-in-law

la suegra                                                        mother-in-law

la tarea de la casa                                          household chore

tener (tengo) diferentes expectativas             to have different expectations

tener (tengo) mano izquierda                         to have a deft touch

tener (tengo) problemas de salud                  to have health problems

tener (tengo) problemas económicos             to have money problems

tener (tengo) sentido común                          to have common sense

tener (tengo) su propio espacio                     to have one’s own space

tirar la toalla                                                   to throw in the towel

tirar todo por la borda                                    to throw overboard

transmitir valores familiares                          to pass on family values

vestirse (me visto) de blanco                         to dress in white

la vivienda                                                      housing

vivir alejados                                                  to live far away

vivir juntos                                                     to live together

volar del nido                                                 to fly the nest

el yerno                                                          son-in-law
