
Overview of Human Development

  • Presenter: Ms. Arleth T. Follero

  • Focuses on various stages of human development and psychological theories.

Stages of Human Development

  • Development is segmented into distinct stages based on different theories, notably theories by Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lawrence Kohlberg.

Sigmund Freud: Psychosexual Development

  • Development divided into stages based on erogenous zones.

    • Infantile Period: First 4-5 years of life, crucial for personality formation.

      • Oral Stage: (Erogenous zone: Mouth)

        • Activities: Eating, sucking, chewing.

        • Fixation results: Overeating, smoking, nail-biting.

      • Anal Stage: (Erogenous zone: Anus)

        • Activity: Toilet training.

        • Fixation results: Obsessive cleanliness or messiness.

      • Phallic Stage: (Erogenous zone: Genitals)

        • Understanding gender differences; Oedipus/Elektra complex.

      • Latency Period: Resolving conflicts from earlier stages, focusing on social and academic skills.

      • Genital Period: Reawakening of sexual interest, forming sex role identity.

Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development

  • Development throughout the life cycle; each stage poses a psychosocial struggle to resolve.

    • Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust - Basic Trust as a strength.

    • Early Childhood: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt - Will as a strength.

    • Play Age: Initiative vs. Guilt - Purpose as a strength.

    • School Age: Industry vs. Inferiority - Competence as a strength.

    • Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion - Fidelity as a strength.

    • Young Adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation - Love as a strength.

    • Adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation - Care as a strength.

    • Old Age: Integrity vs. Despair - Wisdom as a strength.

Jean Piaget: Cognitive Development

  • Emphasizes active role in learning and adaptation through:

    • Sensorimotor Stage: Learning through sensory experiences and developing object permanence.

    • Pre-Operational Stage: Egocentric thinking and symbolic thought.

    • Concrete-Operational Stage: Logical thinking and understanding classifications.

    • Formal Operational Stage: Abstract thinking and logical reasoning.

Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development

  • Focuses on how children develop a sense of morality through different levels:

    • Preconventional Level:

      • Stage 1: Punishment/Obedience Orientation.

      • Stage 2: Mutual Benefit (Reward Orientation).

    • Conventional Level:

      • Stage 3: Social Approval (Good Boy-Good Girl Orientation).

      • Stage 4: Law & Order (Authority Orientation).

    • Postconventional Level:

      • Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation.

      • Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles.

Key Concepts of Human Development

  • Equality vs. Equity: Equal treatment vs. providing tailored supports for fairness.

  • Justice: Moving beyond support to eliminate systemic barriers to achieve true equity.


  • Understanding human development is complex, encompassing psychological, cognitive, and moral dimensions.
