Presenter: Ms. Arleth T. Follero
Focuses on various stages of human development and psychological theories.
Development is segmented into distinct stages based on different theories, notably theories by Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lawrence Kohlberg.
Development divided into stages based on erogenous zones.
Infantile Period: First 4-5 years of life, crucial for personality formation.
Oral Stage: (Erogenous zone: Mouth)
Activities: Eating, sucking, chewing.
Fixation results: Overeating, smoking, nail-biting.
Anal Stage: (Erogenous zone: Anus)
Activity: Toilet training.
Fixation results: Obsessive cleanliness or messiness.
Phallic Stage: (Erogenous zone: Genitals)
Understanding gender differences; Oedipus/Elektra complex.
Latency Period: Resolving conflicts from earlier stages, focusing on social and academic skills.
Genital Period: Reawakening of sexual interest, forming sex role identity.
Development throughout the life cycle; each stage poses a psychosocial struggle to resolve.
Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust - Basic Trust as a strength.
Early Childhood: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt - Will as a strength.
Play Age: Initiative vs. Guilt - Purpose as a strength.
School Age: Industry vs. Inferiority - Competence as a strength.
Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion - Fidelity as a strength.
Young Adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation - Love as a strength.
Adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation - Care as a strength.
Old Age: Integrity vs. Despair - Wisdom as a strength.
Emphasizes active role in learning and adaptation through:
Sensorimotor Stage: Learning through sensory experiences and developing object permanence.
Pre-Operational Stage: Egocentric thinking and symbolic thought.
Concrete-Operational Stage: Logical thinking and understanding classifications.
Formal Operational Stage: Abstract thinking and logical reasoning.
Focuses on how children develop a sense of morality through different levels:
Preconventional Level:
Stage 1: Punishment/Obedience Orientation.
Stage 2: Mutual Benefit (Reward Orientation).
Conventional Level:
Stage 3: Social Approval (Good Boy-Good Girl Orientation).
Stage 4: Law & Order (Authority Orientation).
Postconventional Level:
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation.
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles.
Equality vs. Equity: Equal treatment vs. providing tailored supports for fairness.
Justice: Moving beyond support to eliminate systemic barriers to achieve true equity.
Understanding human development is complex, encompassing psychological, cognitive, and moral dimensions.