3.1 European, East Asian, and Gunpowder Empires Expand

Introduction → originally from China, spread through trade routes, valuable source of innovation. Gunpowder Empire (large MULTI ETHNIC states that relied on firearms for conquering and control) Islam was strong on three empires of that area (Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal) At this time Quing empire expanded, had several invasions) Europe’s expansion spread gunpowder. Unlike free markets, exchange of trade was armed and troops and armaments were ready if conflicts occurred.

Europe(Early Modern period)→ end of plagues and hundred year’s war between France and England (1.6), invention of Gutenberg printing press with an increase in literacy. New monarchies risen due to leaders wanting to centralize power through control of taxes, army and religions. Effects→ bureaucratic expansion and middle class power grew

Russia→ held good position for trade, but tightly linked to Europe (the capital being in Europe) and the country had some Mongol and Europe influence from Mongols and Vikings. Ivan V (Ivan the terrible)→ wanted to expand Russian borders to the east first by taking control of areas controlled by the Golden Horde. expansion heavily relied on more use of gunpowder. expansion was set to control fur trade. Ivan hired soldiers control of the powerful Volga River to have direct access to Persia and Ottoman Empire without conflicts.

To the Pacific→ Russian continues to move east. Fur trade, militaries and missionary expansion, heavy emphasis on Eastern Orthodox faith. Expansion east/continues to California

East Asia→ Ming Dynasty forms after overthrowing former Yuan Dynasty. European and Portuguese move in and become involved in Asian trade network. Manchu’s overthrow and form the Qing Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty expanded China but Mongols came in and took emperor and conquered. In response, China uses Great Wall of China which was weakened during mongol rule but restored and expanded during Ming Dynasty

Emperor Kangxi→longest emperor during Qing Dynasty ( stable and rapid expansion period) China placed protected and guard over Tibet (mountain area north of India)

Emperor Qianlong→ poet, good in arts, his time of rule had good administration and government taxes were high. Military campaigns were preset and Qianlong was annexed with their local population murdered. (Uighurs)- they were never included in Chinese culture outcasts. Qianlong sent their religious leader there in Tibet, and developed a campaign against Nepalese (won, made Nepal submit to Chinese rule) Other campaigns were successful like Vietnam and Burma and cost Chinese some money

Conflicts with the West→ after unsuccessful campaigns, money was needed so they sold limited trading privileges to Europe but had limits. British was not happy with these limits and asked for more trading rights. Chinese responded by saying that they did not want British goods. Later on in Qing Dyn. reign corruption developed in the Chinese bureaucracy, effect was high taxes and arise of white lotus rebellion to restore Ming Dynasty and get rid of high taxes. Qing government killed the rebellion.m

Rise of the Islamic Gunpowder Empires→ similarities of the gunpowder empire states (Ottomans, Safavid,, and Mughal)

  • relied on gunpowder, descended from Turkic nomads, and spoke the language.

    Success of the empire was from strong military and expansions while Europeans fought among themselves and had conflicts.

Tamerlane→ invaded central asia and middle east, he was a mongol-Turkic leader and led nomadic invaders from Eurasia. Set out for conquest in Persia. Euraisa- birthplace of ghazi ideal (nomadic warrior+islamic fighter+involved in gunpowder empires) Some believed his pattern of conquest involved massed murder and violence (killed Hindus in gate s of Delhi) which brought froth the Gunpowder Empires. His rule in Samarkand was important as he encouraged learning and the arts and literature. Buildings there represent his interest the arts and architecture. While empire fell apart, invasions brought importance to use of gunpowder. He used gunpowder to built military government and heavy artillery as well as protection for trade on silk roads. Weak government led to economic breakdown in the empire.

Ottoman Empire→ major power and long-lasting Islamic empire but ended in WW1. Mehmed 2 was leader and established capital after suing cannons to break down the wall of Constantinople and force surrender. Capital became Istanbul, prosperous trade area with control of Bosporus Strait. Mehmed continued expansion by seizing lands around Black sea, made Venice pay yearly tax, strengthened navy. Istanbul became center from Islamic learning.

Sulieiman 1→ more expansion, and development, navy forces, experience new internal and external pressures. Challenges to avoiding foreign invasion and occupation let defeat and dissolution.

The Safavids→ practiced Sufism. Ismail (military hero) conquered most of Persia and Iran and becmae king (shah)

problems→ lacked navy power and no natural defenses but rose to power from land-based military and good leadership.

Shah Abbas 1→ christian boy soldiers, weapons and advise from Europe for his military and tools. Shahs started controlling religions, and used Shi’a Islam as unifying force. These strict rules to Shi’a Islam stirred conflicts with Ottomans who were strong believers in Sunni Islam. They were stopped by Ottomans in Persia and established border between two sects. Other conflicts included trade, ottomans imposed bands and trade embargoes.

Women in the Safavid Empire→ women rarely mentioned but could participate. they were veiled and restricted in their movement but had inheritance rights and could divorce.

Mughal India→ Babur(descendant of Tamerlane and found dynasty in India and complete conquests and formed government similar to Suleiman)Akbar(Babur’s grandson) led mughal emire was was very rich and prosperous. trade flourished mostly by Arabs, and exchanged fro golds and silver. trade within border were carried by merchant castes as they were allowed to be involved in baking and trade matters. caste system as well as outsiders called untouchables.

Decline of the Gunpowder Empire→ declined as western Europe grew (in terms of sea power) Islamic armies were not modernized and were weak compared to Russian army who were reorganized and modernized.

Decline of the Ottoman Empire→ European forces defeated ottomans in terms of naval power. Ottomans had weak sultans. Successors of Sulieman were held hostage, wives were promoting them and became powerful

Safavid Decline→ bad leaders who spent foolishly and selfish expenditure, therefore weak economy. Chaos in centralization and tax collection weak against rebellions. Since they were weak, Ottomans and Russians could take control. Replaced by Zang Dyn.

Mughal Decline→ current successor of the time inherited a weak empire that was corrupted with weak military innovation. He wanted expand empire under Muslim Rule and get rid of Hindu influence which stirred rebellions. Treasury was drained, unstable empire allowed British and French to take control.
