Psychology: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Scientific Methods: Utilizes scientific methods to minimize biases, preconceptions, personal beliefs, and emotions (Christensen, Burke Johnson, & Turner, 2020).
Observing and recording behaviors and situations.
Example: Observing interactions between two individuals from different cultures for better understanding.
Understanding the conditions and causes of behaviors and mental processes.
Specifying conditions under which behaviors or events are likely to occur, allowing for anticipation of occurrences.
Applying principles to prevent unwanted outcomes or to bring about desired effects.
A general principle or set of principles that explain the relationship between separate facts.
Organized systematically to guide scientific research.
Seeks new knowledge and advances scientific understanding.
Addresses the first three goals of psychology (description, explanation, prediction).
Example Topics: Nature of memory, brain function, emotional expression, causes of mental disorders.
Focuses on applying knowledge to solve practical problems and improve quality of life.
Example Topics: Methods to improve memory or motivation, therapies for mental disorders, strategies to reduce stress, and enhance job satisfaction.
Naturalistic Observation
Observing behavior in a natural setting without interference.
Advantages: Authentic behavior observation.
Disadvantages: Observer bias and the need to wait for events.
Laboratory Observation
Higher control over the environment but less spontaneity of behavior.
Advantages: Controlled settings and precise measurements.
Disadvantages: Artificiality and potential lack of genuine responses.
Case Study Method
In-depth analysis of one or a few subjects.
Advantages: Detailed insights into unique cases.
Disadvantages: Limits in generalizability and establishing causation.
Survey Research
Collecting data via interviews or questionnaires to gauge attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of larger groups.
Population vs. Sample: Defines the group of interest and the studied subgroup respectively.
Advantages: Large-scale data collection and tracking changes over time.
Disadvantages: Cost, time, expertise, and potential inaccuracies in self-report.
Correlational Studies
Establishes relationships (correlation) between variables but does not imply causation.
A numerical value that indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.
Positive correlation: Variables increase together.
Negative correlation: One variable increases as the other decreases.
No correlation: No discernible relationship.
A stronger correlation leads to better prediction abilities.
Notably, correlation does not equal causation; understanding of external variables is essential.
The only method to establish cause-effect relationships.
Tests hypotheses and determines effectiveness of manipulations.
Independent Variable (IV): The manipulated variable.
Dependent Variable (DV): The measured outcome.
Experimental Group: Exposed to the IV.
Control Group: Not exposed to the IV, serving as a comparison.
Random Assignment: Ensuring participants are randomly assigned to groups to eliminate bias.
Placebo Effect: Responses based on expectations rather than actual treatment.
Experimental Bias: Expectations influencing outcomes; utilizes double-blind techniques for mitigation.
Avoiding bias (ageism, sexism, cultural bias) in participant selection.
Ensuring reliability and validity in psychological tests.
Adhering to ethical guidelines:
Voluntary participation and confidentiality.
Debriefing participants post-study.
Provides simpler models and greater control.
Bound by ethical codes to ensure minimal harm and valuable knowledge gains.
Wilhelm Wundt: Founded psychology as an academic discipline in 1879.
Edward Titchener: Introduced Structuralism focusing on mental experience's basic elements.
Functionalism: Emphasizes adaptation; influenced by Darwin's theories.
Gestalt Psychology: Focus on whole experiences rather than parts; Max Wertheimer's contributions.
Behaviorism: John B. Watson; emphasis on observable behaviors, criticized for neglecting mental processes (Skinner).
Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud; focuses on unconscious forces affecting behavior.
Humanistic Psychology: Emphasizes personal growth and free will (Maslow and Rogers).
Cognitive Psychology: Studies mental processes including reasoning, memory, and decision making.
Biological Perspective: Focuses on neuroscience and biological underpinnings of behavior.
Evolutionary Perspective: Framework considering adaptation and survival.
Sociocultural Perspective: Examines cultural and social impacts on behavior.
Biosocial Perspective: Integrates biological, psychological, and social elements affecting health.
Areas of work: Clinical, Counseling, School, Educational, Applied Psychology (various specializations).
Majority of psychologists work within educational and health service sectors.