
  • U.S joins WWI due to German aggression

    • unrestricted submarine warfare

      • Lusitania

      • Sussex pledge

    • Zimmerman note/telegram

  • Wilson war message: U.S will join only for the purpose of making the world safer for democracy

    • will affect actions at the end of the war

  • U.S enters state of total war

    • every aspect of the country is geared towards supporting the war


  • War Industries Board: Sets production goals and priorities, encourages businesses to cooperate instead of competing

  • Food Administration: Overseas food production and distribution leads to rationing

  • War Labor Board: Workers gain 8 hr. workday, higher wages, increased power of unions


  • Selective Service Act: Drafted 2.8 million men during the war

  • Women fill roles typically reserved for men: Head of household, farmers, factory workers, drivers, police, etc.

  • Great Migration: African Americans move north and west to fill factory jobs and to escape sharecropping and Jim Crow laws

  • Mexicans came to U.S seeking job opportunities

  • Nationalism, hysteria, nativism leads to restrictions on immigration and attacks on all things German

  • Sedition and Espionage Acts: Criminalize protesting the war, draft, war bonds, etc.


  • Battleships or dreadnoughts developed and used

  • Germans used submarines

  • Airplanes

  • Tanks

  • Chemical Warfare
