past geo tests

Test 1: (Content- Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 up until section 2.7)

  1. (Q1) In the video, “America’s Hottest City Innovates to Survive,” which of the following is NOT described as a reason for the urban heat island effect?

    1. Urban buildings have efficient geometric shapes for trapping daytime heat

    2. Cities have mechanical equipment that releases heat into the air.

    3. Urban surfaces such as buildings and streets are made of heat-absorbing materials.

    4. Watering of laws causes urban heating

  1. (Q13) What term refers to the conversion of the globe into a plane, resulting in a map?

    1. Gridding

    2. Projection

    3. Conforming

    4. Equivalence

    5. Ratio calculation

  1. (Q19) Which layer of the atmosphere contains breathable air, most weather, and most clouds?

    1. Troposphere

    2. Stratosphere 

    3. Mesosphere 

    4. Thermosphere

  1. (Q32) Which of the following lists electromagnetic radiation in correct order from shortwave to longwave?

    1. Visible light, infrared, ultraviolet

    2. Infrared, ultraviolet, visible light

    3. Ultraviolet, visible light, infrared

    4. Infrared, visible light, ultraviolet

    5. Ultraviolet, infrared, visible light

Test 2: (Content- Chapter 2 (all) and Chapter 3 up until section 3.13)

  1. (Q20) A solstice occurs when the sub-solar point is at the __________

    1. 23.5 degrees north or south latitude

    2. Equator

    3. 0 degrees

    4. 90 degrees north or south latitude


  1.  (Q22) As shown in the figure, the subsolar point is in the ________ Hemisphere, and could possibly show conditions during the month of _____.

  1. Northern; October

  2. Northern; July

  3. Southern; January 

  4. Southern; July

  5. Southern; October

  1. (Q31) If the subsolar point is moving from the Tropic of Cancer toward the Equator, what season of the year is it in the Northern Hemisphere?

    1. Winter moving into spring Spring

    2. Spring moving into summer

    3. Summer moving into Fall

    4. Fall moving into winter

    5. None of these 

  2. (Q33) During the September Equinox, the subsolar point is located ______.

    1. At the Arctic Circle

    2. At the Tropic of Cancer 

    3. At the Equator

    4. At the Tropic of Capricorn 

    5. At the Antarctic Circle

  1. (Q34) If the subsolar point is at 15 degrees north latitude, in which of the below months this situation possibly occur?

    1. September

    2. March

    3. December

    4. May

    5. February

  1.  (Q48) The subtropical high is associated with many of the world’s _______

    1. Hot deserts

    2. Jet streams

    3. Forests

    4. Wind energy potential 

    5. Ice caps

  1. (Q51) Which of the following is not an example of a particulate in the atmosphere?

    1. Dust

    2. Pollen

    3. Hail 

    4. Oxygen 

    5. Volcanic ash

  1. (Q52) Convergence at the surface connected to divergence aloft connected to convergence aloft connected to divergence at the surface, and caused by uneven heating, is known as a ______ loop.

    1. Convection

    2. Conduction 

    3. Radiation

    4. Convergence 

    5. Divergence

  1. (Q56) In the center of a surface high-pressure system (indicating high pressure at the land surface), toward what direction does the air flow?

    1. Rises vertically

    2. Converges horizontally at the land surface

    3. It cannot be known without knowing the hemisphere 

    4. Descends vertically

  1. (Q62) In the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds blow from the ____ direction, while in the Southern Hemisphere, the trade winds blow from the ____ direction.

    1. Southeast; Northeast

    2. Northeast; Southeast

    3. Northwest; Southwest

    4. Southwest; Northwest

Test 3: (Content- Chapter 3 from Coriolis through end, Chapter 6 (all), and Chapter 4 through the end of Uplift Mechanisms)

  1.  (Q4) A specific region discussed in class where monsoons occur is?

    1. North Carolina

    2. India

    3. Europe

    4. South America

    5. The Polar Front

  1. (Q7) The polar front is the location of the ____, a high-speed upper-level wind formed where warm and cold air meet.

    1. Hadley Cell

    2. Trade winds

    3. Subtropical high

    4. ITCZ

    5. Jet stream

  1. (Q15) What statement is true about the doldrums?

    1. Both winds and ocean currents flow strongly across the Equator at the doldrums.

    2. Winds do not flow strongly across the Equator, but ocean currents do.

    3. Neither winds nor ocean currents flow strongly across the Equator at the doldrums.

    4. Ocean currents do not flow strongly across the Equator, but winds do.

  1. 4. (Q16) Globally and on average, both winds and ocean currents move heat from _____ to _______.

    1. High altitude to low altitude.

    2. Low latitude to high latitude

    3. Low longitude to high longitude

    4. High latitude to low latitude

    5. High longitude to low longitude.

  1. (Q17) The change in wind direction that occurs due to the seasonal migration of the ITCZ is known as _____.

    1. Monsoon

    2. Land breeze

    3. Topographic winds

    4. Sea breeze

    5. Rossby waves

  1.  (Q21) Which map shows the most likely location for a warm ocean current in the Northern Hemisphere?

    1. THIS ONE!!

  1. (Q24) Which map correctly shows a gyre in the Northern Hemisphere?

    1. THIS ONE!

  2. (Q30) Relative humidity is highest at ______ latitude (on average). This is because water-vapor capacity is ____ at colder temperatures.

    1. High; higher

    2. High; lower

    3. Low; higher

    4. Low; lower

Test 4: (Content- Chapter 4 (all), Chapter 7 (all), Chapter 17 (all), Chapter 18 (up until the synthesis of biomes)

  1. (Q3) As discussed in class, which type of forest biome exhibits warm temperature, high rainfall (over 6 cm per month), broadleaf evergreen trees, and epiphyte vegetation?

    1. Temperate coniferous forest

    2. Temperate deciduous forest

    3. Tropical rain forest

    4. Boreal Forest

    5. Tundra

  1. (Q9) Which of the following precipitation types freezes when it comes into contact with a chilled land surface?

    1. Freezing rain

    2. Sleet

    3. Hail

    4. Snow

    5. Cloud condensation nuclei

  1.  (Q14) The world’s boreal forests mostly occur in which broad climate category?

    1. E

  1. 4. (Q15) Briefly examine the below map showing average temperatures. Which broad climate category contains the hottest climates on Earth?

  1. A

  2. B

  3. E

  1. (Q16) The grassy biome with more trees than a grassland but fewer trees than a forest is a ______, in which more frequent fires lead to _____ trees.

    1. Savanna; more

    2. tundra ; more

    3. Savanna; fewer

    4. Tundra; fewer

  1. (Q17) Which of the following is not a factor that results in a hot desert climate?

    1. Distance from oceans

    2. Cold ocean currents

    3. Rain shadow effect

    4. Subtropical high

    5. Warm ocean currents

  1. (Q22) Which slow-growing tree described in class, found in cold desert areas and cold dry mountain regions, is the world’s longest-living tree and perfect for tree-ring studies?

    1. Spruce

    2. Bristlecone pine

    3. Balsam popular

    4. Sugar maple

    5. ironwood

  1. (Q23) The below figure shows the seasonal change of the subtropical high (Bermuda High) in the Atlantic Ocean. What term describes a climate that is more affected by this high during part of the year (when it expands) and not during the rest of the year?

  1. Hot Desert

  2. Tropical rain forest

  3. Humid subtropical

  4. Mediterranean

  1. (Q24) Of all the forest biomes covered in class, which has the shortest growing season?

    1. Boreal forest

    2. Temperate coniferous forest 

    3. Temperate deciduous forest 

    4. Tropical rainforest 

    5. Midlatitude grassland

  1. (Q25) Hot desert areas have ___ precipitation and ____ specific humidity.

    1. High; low 

    2. High; high 

    3. Low; low 

    4. Low; high

  1. (Q35) During succession, at what point is biodiversity the highest?

    1. Biodiversity never changes during succession.

    2. When pioneer species are first becoming established.

    3. During the middle part of the succession, before the climax community becomes established.

    4. After the climax community becomes established

  1. (Q42) Relative humidity is highest at ______ latitude (on average). This is because water-vapor capacity is ____ at colder temperatures.

    1. High; lower

    2. High; higher 

    3. Low; lower

    4. Low; higher

  1. (Q48) Examine the specific humidity map. The green colors indicate higher specific humidity. Why is specific humidity highest near the equator?

  1. Lower temperatures will hold more water vapor than higher temperatures

  2. Higher temperatures will hold more water vapor than lower temperatures

  3. There are fewer plants to take up humidity near the equator

  4. The Hadley cell is adding heat at the Equator

  1. (Q52) The unsaturated adiabatic lapse rate and the saturated adiabatic lapse rate have different values because water-saturated air is _________ as it rises and condenses water, whereas dry air does not do this due to the lack of condensation.

    1. Releasing latent heat to the atmosphere

    2. Undergoing adiabatic warming

    3. Evaporating

    4. None of the above, the saturated and unsaturated adiabatic lapse rates are the same value

  1. (Q58) Which of the following biomes, as discussed in class, occurs in the coastal plain region of North and South Carolina, especially on sandy soils?

    1. Boreal forest

    2. Midlatitude grassland

    3. Temperate coniferous forest

    4. Tundra

    5. Tropical rain forest

  1. (Q62) Which of the following is not, by itself, a factor influencing the climate of a region?

    1. Latitude

    2. Maritime vs. continental location

    3. Location relative to mountain ranges

    4. longitude
