Roman mythology expresses social truths about the Romans
Romans claim their founder is Aeneas
Son of goddess Venus and a Trojan king
Exhibiting permeable boundary between divinity and humanity
Julius Caesar claims to descend from Aeneas
Aeneas and a group of soldiers escape Troy during Trojan War, become culturally Latin
Roman self-mythology emphasizes their militaristic and religious aspects (in that order!)
Romulus and Remus (twins) born to a vestal virgin priestess (religious symbol) and Mars the god of war (militaristic symbol)
Livy = Roman historian around the time of Christ; wrote Roman history to praise Augustus
Romulus and Remus select the place for their new civilization based on two aspects
Can easily cross Tiber River (trade advantages)
7 hills (military defense advantage)
Romulus and Remus wait for an omen from the gods to select who is king
Remus sees the first omen: 6 eagles
Romulus sees the second omen: 12 eagles
They fight, Romulus wince, which is why it’s called Rome
1st King of Rome = Romulus
Formed a legion, then formed the state
Within the state, formed the senate and the people’s assembly
2nd King of Rome = Numa
Uses religion to shape Rome into civilized society
Invents new religious practices and imports practices from other civilizations
Gives Rome their calendar and its holy days
Created the pontifex maximus (the pope of today)
Roman society = a soldier worshipping a symbol of military domination
All ancient peoples worshipped the planets, just with different religious practices
Tradition of hero-worship (people could become gods)
Jesus’ public ministry begins in 29 AD
Jesus was born into a period of instability in Roman Judea
We know for sure that Jesus was baptised by John because of the criterion of embarrassment
Apostolic Age ended in 64 AD with the death of Peter and Paul
1st Persecution of Christians by the State
Under Emperor Nero
2 Christian innovations to deal with power vacuum after end of Apostolic Age
Apostolic Succession
Authority passed from Jesus to His Apostles, then from the Apostles to bishops
Bishop = leader of all Christians in a city
Collection of the writings of the Apostles and treating them as Scripture
Formulating the New Testament
Together, Apostolic Succession and Canonization laid theological and moral foundations for the new Christian community
Theological Tradition ⇨ Interpret Scripture ⇨ Reinterpret Theology ⇨ Reinterpret Scripture
Post-Apostolic Christianity
Early Christians first met together in one person’s house
Once Christianity grew larger, this shifted
Now, Christians split into multiple churches, each headed by a presbyter/elder (“priest”)
Head of all the priests in the city = bishop
Idea emerges that obedience to the bishop is essentially obedience to Jesus
Early controversies and heresies
Taught that Jesus was really human but not really divine
Taught that Jesus was really divine but not really human
“Ghost” figure weirdness
Theological tendency, NOT actually a church
Complex; not just a Christian heresy
Knowledge = salvation
Passwords, multiple gods, etc
Greco-Roman syncretic philosophy and religion
Blending ideas of Plato
Christian missionaries brought a de-Judaized Bible to Marcion since it was a Gentile area
Marcion converts, then comes into contact with the full Bible and is shocked
Marcion teaches that the Old Testament is false and evil, and the expanded New Testament is false as well
Marcion sees the God of the Old Testament as different from the God of the New Testament
Nero becomes emperor of Rome, famous for his mismanagement and cruelty
Great Fire of Rome occurs in 64 AD
Extraordinary cruel
Confined only to the city of Rome
The Doctrine of Trajan
Emperor Trajan and Pliny
Correspondence between the two where Pliny asks about how to handle Christianity
If someone is accused publicly of being a Christian, they must recant or die
State cannot go hunting Christians → only dangerous to be Christian if you have enemies
During this time, persecution is sporadic and informal
Crisis of the Third Century
Period where military kept overthrowing emperors, installing a general as emperor, and the cycle repeating over and over
Military wanted consistently higher pay (which is what started and continued the crisis)
Decius’ Persecution
250 AD
Decius announces that everyone except the Jews (but including the Christians) in Roman Empire would be forced to worship the Roman gods
An attempt to stabilize the situation caused by the Crisis of the 3rd Century
Not intended as a persecution of Christianity, but in effect, it was
Diocletianic Persecution / The Great Persecution
Diocletian takes throne and wants to restore Rome
303-313 AD
Most systematic campaign against Christianity in Roman history
The Tetrarchy (installed by Diocletian)
Prevents future military coups
Each emperor (“Augustus”) has an assistant emperor (“Caesar”)
Meant to stabilize succession process and eliminate hereditary succession
Eastern and Western Augustuses/Caesars
Constantine’s ascension to power
Constantine, son of Constantius, gets left out of the succession of Caesars and Augustuses but his enemies are included
Constantius dies and Constantine’s army backs him as the true inheritor of Western Empire → Constantine begins civil war
Constantine sees a cross or Chi-Rho before his battle with the word “in this sign conquer” (a vision of Christ)
He wins the battle and becomes unopposed Western Roman emperor
Christianity is legalized with Edict of Milan in 313 AD
Constantine involves bishops in the administration of the emperor ⭐
From this point, the Church is established (integrated into the state)
Diocletianic persecution led to all possible copies of Scripture being burnt
Some bishops obeyed and handed over copies, they got called “traditores”
Donatus claimed the traditores were illegitimate and therefore had invalid sacraments
Donatus gets condemned by North African council, so then he goes to Constantine
Constantine sides with the council and tries to get the Donatists back in line via persecution
With Constantine, the church and state became fully integrated
Church uses state resources to enforce orthodoxy and punish heresy
Alexandria, Egypt = cultural and intellectual center of Roman Empire
Know where this is on the map!
Arius is a priest from Alexandria; was teaching that Jesus was less divine than the Father
“Lowercase g”
To Arius, Jesus was created by God and then Jesus created the world
Jesus functions as an intermediary
“In what way is Jesus God? To what degree?”
Council of Nicaea
325 AD
Decide that Jesus and God are in fact of the same nature
Agree on a creed (theological statement) condemning Arius’ teachings by using homoousios (which Arius hated)
Constantine splits his empire between multiple sons; Constans in the west follows orthodox mainstream church, while Constantius in the East follows the Arian church.
Constantius becomes sole emperor and now the Christians in the west are of a diff form than their emperor (their theological difference exacerbates their ethnic difference)
Romano-Greek background, but raised among Goths
Studied in Alexandria and agreed with Arias but took it further
To Ulfilas, the Holy Spirit was like an angel, and was also created
Ulfilas starts converting the Goths to his form of Christianity
Gothic Civil War occurs, Ulfilas leads large group of refugee goths to the Roman Empire
They’re allowed in since they’re Christian
Rules get bypassed because there are so many refugees – so they get to settle as a group and keep their weapons
Refugees get cruelly mistreated by Roman government and they rise up in war (with the weapons they got to keep) and kill the emperor
Beginning of the end for Western Roman Empire
380 AD
Edict of Thessalonica
Christianity becomes “the” legal religion of Roman Empire
Legally required to be Catholic Christians
Imperium Sine Fine: Roman mindset that they are rightful rulers of the world without end
Rome federates the tribes surrounding their borders to protect from invasion