Author: S. Levkoff, PhD, CAP®
Key Topics:
Present & Future Values
Net Present Value (NPV)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Evaluating Investments
Psychology of Discounting and Patience
Classical Theory of Asset Pricing
Definition: Future Value (FV) of a principal amount left in an account for a year at an interest rate (r) can be calculated as:
FV = Principal (1 + r)
Single Year Compounding:
FV after 1 year = Principal × (1 + r)
Example Formulation:
After 1 year: FV = Principal × (1 + r)
After 2 years: FV = Principal × (1 + r)²
Using Simple Interest:
FV after 2 years with Simple Interest is calculated as:
FV = Principal + (Principal × r × Number of years)
Definition: Compound interest allows earning interest on previously earned interest.
Formula for two years:
FV = Principal × (1 + r)² (compounded)
To convert Future Value back to Present Value (PV):
PV = FV / (1 + r)^t
Understanding the Relationship:
Moving Values Forward: Multiply by (1 + r)
Moving Values Backwards: Divide by (1 + r)
Definition: NPV measures the value of cash flow streams at different times brought to present value.
NPV = C₀ + C₁/(1+r) + C₂/(1+r)² + ... + Cₜ/(1+r)ⁿ
Converts various future payoffs to present values for analysis.
Situation: Decision on harvesting trees at different time periods affects cash flow.
Cash Flow Streams:
Early Harvest: {-100, 200, 0}
Late Harvest: {-100, 0, 300}
Comparing NPVs for decision making:
NPV for Early Harvest and Late Harvest indicates better investment choices.
Definition: IRR is the discount rate making NPV = 0.
IRR remains unchanged by variations in discount rates, allowing consistent assessment of investment viability.
Discount Rate (r): The subjective interest rate reflecting opportunity cost.
Discount Factor (DF):
DF = 1/(1 + r)
Used to convert future values back to present values (weights future benefits).
The value of DF can be an indicator of an individual's patience.
Closer DF is to 1, the more weight future payoffs receive (more patient).
Closer DF is to 0, the less weight future payoffs receive (less patient).
Financial assets provide future cash flow rights.
Market equilibrium occurs when the price equals NPV, ensuring no arbitrage opportunities exist.
Conditions for the classical theory: competitive markets and informed agents.