Course Title: Introductory Psychology
Instructor: Donte Green
Contact Information:
Primary: Canvas Inbox
Delivery Method: On Campus
Meeting Times: Mondays and Wednesdays – 9:40 AM – 11:05 AM
Location: Room BSC 108
Course Duration: 2/10/2025 – 6/9/2025
Course Number: 18430
Introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Topics Covered:
Critical Thinking and Scientific Method
Sensation and Perception
Consciousness and Thinking
Lifespan Development
Learning and Memory
Emotion and Stress
Psychological Disorders and Therapy
Social Psychology
Course Syllabus: Treat as the primary resource for course information.
Instructor Availability: Contact via Canvas Inbox or email (response within 48 hours).
Learning Format: In-Classroom with supplementing online components via Canvas.
Optional Texts:
Psychology in Everyday Life (5th edition) by Myers & DeWall, ISBN: 978-1319241483
APA Publication Manual (7th Ed.) by American Psychological Association, ISBN: 978-1433832178
Evaluate behaviors and mental processes using psychological concepts and theory.
Additional Objectives:
Differentiate and apply major psychological theories.
Understand and apply research methods in psychology.
Identify key contributions in psychology fields.
Apply critical and creative thinking to problem-solving.
Recognize human diversity complexities.
Develop insights into personal and others’ behaviors.
Implement psychological knowledge in various settings.
Syllabus Quiz (10 points): 5 questions, due end of the first week.
Quizzes: 11 quizzes at 20 points each (220 total points).
Coverage: Text, lectures, activities, discussions.
In-Class Discussions/Activities (70 points): Points deducted for absences/lateness.
APA Assignment (20 points): Understanding APA formatting.
Writing Assignment: Biopsychosocial Approach paper (3-4 pages) (40 points).
Additional Assignments: 2 assignments (20 points each) on Chapters 6 and 11.
Total of 3 Exams: 100 points each (only 2 count).
Final Grade Scale:
A: 90-100% (540-600)
B: 80-89% (480-539)
C: 70-79% (420-479)
D: 60-69% (360-419)
F: 0-59% (359 and below)
Read and review lecture slides.
Study regularly, utilizing SQR3 study method.
Actively participate in class.
Respect differing opinions.
Relate course material to real life.
Ask questions if unsure.
Submissions via Canvas, except for exams and discussions/activities.
Late Assignment Policy: No late submissions accepted; zero credit for missed deadlines.
No Review Policy: No reviews of tests/quizzes after completion.
Attendance impacts grades; poor attendance correlates with poor performance.
Services for Students with Disabilities: Contact SSD if accommodations are needed.
Academic Honesty: Plagiarism will not be tolerated; consequences include zero credit and referral for disciplinary action.
AI tools may assist in research but not in direct assignment submissions. Proper citation required for any resources found.
Student Technology Help Desk: Free support available for technology-related issues.
LAVC Library Resources: Variety of services available to students.
Refund Drop Deadline: February 23, 2025
W Drop Deadline: May 11, 2025
Subject to change; instructor will provide notice of 24 hours in case of changes.