sociopolitical art is used to help people understand political and social issues by creating art that expresses those same things
ex. Third of May & Second of May (Francisco Goya), Guernica (Picasso), Remembering (Ai Weiwei)
subject matter that may politicize a work of art:
political figures
people/populations who have been impacted by political decisions
common objects that represent/symbolize an idea/population
context can be…
point in history
place in history
social factors (race, SES, culture, etc.)
propaganda art is used to spread non-objective ideas/info/rumors for the purpose of helping an institution or cause
ex. Rosie the Riveter, Uncle Sam, Hope Obama poster
protest art is used as a form of protest/objection/disapproval of an idea/action (can sometimes depict an actual protest)
ex. Mexican Muralists, In the Trenches (Diego Rivera), the gorillas
satirical art uses humor/irony, exaggeration to expose/criticize peoples stupidity in a political context
ex. political cartoons (can also be propaganda)
Art and War
propaganda art is often used to promote war but art can also be used to protest war/conflict
sometimes (wwii) enemies will destroy the other sides art/architecture to deal a blow to their morale
art is looted during war (wwii)
hitler and art
hitler would order art to be burned if it could not be displayed/seen in the Fuhrermuseum
destroying people doesn’t matter, but destroying their art, their architecture, their history, that’s when you erase them
iconoclast- “image breaker”, those who take the Bible’s Commandment against the worship of graven images literally, sometimes even destroying images in a religious setting
provenance- record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity/quality
UNESCO- united nations educational scientific and cultural organization
socio/political themes
sociopolitical art is used to help people understand political and social issues by creating art that expresses those same things
ex. Third of May & Second of May (Francisco Goya), Guernica (Picasso), Remembering (Ai Weiwei)
subject matter that may politicize a work of art:
political figures
people/populations who have been impacted by political decisions
common objects that represent/symbolize an idea/population
context can be…
point in history
place in history
social factors (race, SES, culture, etc.)
propaganda art is used to spread non-objective ideas/info/rumors for the purpose of helping an institution or cause
ex. Rosie the Riveter, Uncle Sam, Hope Obama poster
protest art is used as a form of protest/objection/disapproval of an idea/action (can sometimes depict an actual protest)
ex. Mexican Muralists, In the Trenches (Diego Rivera), the gorillas
satirical art uses humor/irony, exaggeration to expose/criticize peoples stupidity in a political context
ex. political cartoons (can also be propaganda)
Art and War
propaganda art is often used to promote war but art can also be used to protest war/conflict
sometimes (wwii) enemies will destroy the other sides art/architecture to deal a blow to their morale
art is looted during war (wwii)
hitler and art
hitler would order art to be burned if it could not be displayed/seen in the Fuhrermuseum
destroying people doesn’t matter, but destroying their art, their architecture, their history, that’s when you erase them
iconoclast- “image breaker”, those who take the Bible’s Commandment against the worship of graven images literally, sometimes even destroying images in a religious setting
provenance- record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity/quality
UNESCO- united nations educational scientific and cultural organization