Effects of Agricultural Revolution (Agrarian Revolution):
(New farming technologies/practices) Increased farm/food productivity (This must happen before a country industrialized)
Seed Drill-Jethro Tull ▪
Townshend Crop Rotation Increased life expectancy (for middle & wealthy classes) Increased population Allows Industrial Revolution to Begin in England
England 1st: irregular coastline, plentiful natural resources, large labor supply, lots of capital
Sufficient (Plenty) coal and iron ore reserves and a good transportation system Industrial Revolution: (depended on technological developments)
The shift from a man-made/domestic system + introduction of the factory system
Demand for goods increased as goods became cheaper to produce “evils” of the factory system led to government regulation, reforms, and labor unions
Railroads helped promote the factory system and urbanization (growth of cities)
Urbanization and industrialization prompt changes in traditional beliefs and customs
A growing and influential middle class emerges (increased social mobility)
Economic Change Capitalism (U.S.A) ▪ (Free) Market system—prices based on supply and demand, motivated by profit ▪ Democratic Government—people are the source of gov’t power ▪
Entrepreneurs—business people willing to risk their own money for profit
Freedom to Pursue self-interest in a free market economy ▪
Private property/business ownership
Class system (A growing middle class) ▪ Early Capitalism=Laissez fair capitalism (supported by Adam Smith in his book, Wealth of Nations)—minimal government involvement in business practices—let the market/owners make the economic decisions ●
Examples—free trade, no minimum wage or gov’t regulation (that comes later) o Social Darwinism—theory used to support capitalism ▪
Survival of the fittest ▪ upward social mobility and work ethic are closely related ▪
Individuals should succeed through their own efforts
Socialism—(Democratic Socialist Countries today: France, England, Canada) ▪
Usually democratic government
Much of Business is controlled by society as a whole/gov’t control of business
Brought on by evils of the Industrialization/factory system
May have private ownership and classes
Robert Owen & Jeremy Bentham=Utilitarians-greatest good for the greatest number (early socialists)
Malthus-population will outgrow the food supply, famine, disease, and war are natural checks on population.
David Ricardo Communism—Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto (book) ▪
Brought on by evils of Industrialization/factory system
Revolution of the workers:
Industrial Revolution benefits the wealthy and exploits (takes advantage of) the poor ●
Proletariat (workers) overthrow Bourgeoisie (middle class) ▪
Redistribution of wealth
No private property rights/No freedoms
Classless system
Command economy—Government owns and makes all business decisions. All work for state ● “I command you to make phones and sell them at $50.00 a piece”