Chapter 9 - Industrialization - OV


  • Effects of Agricultural Revolution (Agrarian Revolution):

  • (New farming technologies/practices) Increased farm/food productivity (This must happen before a country industrialized)

  • Seed Drill-Jethro Tull ▪

  • Townshend Crop Rotation Increased life expectancy (for middle & wealthy classes) Increased population Allows Industrial Revolution to Begin in England

Why England?

  • England 1st: irregular coastline, plentiful natural resources, large labor supply, lots of capital

  • Sufficient (Plenty) coal and iron ore reserves and a good transportation system Industrial Revolution: (depended on technological developments)


  • The shift from a man-made/domestic system + introduction of the factory system

  • Demand for goods increased as goods became cheaper to produce “evils” of the factory system led to government regulation, reforms, and labor unions

Technological Effects:

  • Railroads helped promote the factory system and urbanization (growth of cities)

  • Urbanization and industrialization prompt changes in traditional beliefs and customs

  • A growing and influential middle class emerges (increased social mobility)

Economic Effects:

  • Economic Change Capitalism (U.S.A) ▪ (Free) Market system—prices based on supply and demand, motivated by profit ▪ Democratic Government—people are the source of gov’t power ▪

  • Entrepreneurs—business people willing to risk their own money for profit

  • Freedom to Pursue self-interest in a free market economy ▪

  • Private property/business ownership

Social Effects:

  • Class system (A growing middle class) ▪ Early Capitalism=Laissez fair capitalism (supported by Adam Smith in his book, Wealth of Nations)—minimal government involvement in business practices—let the market/owners make the economic decisions ●

    • Examples—free trade, no minimum wage or gov’t regulation (that comes later) o Social Darwinism—theory used to support capitalism ▪

  • Survival of the fittest ▪ upward social mobility and work ethic are closely related ▪

  • Individuals should succeed through their own efforts

Government Effects:

  • Socialism—(Democratic Socialist Countries today: France, England, Canada) ▪

    • Usually democratic government

  • Much of Business is controlled by society as a whole/gov’t control of business

  • Brought on by evils of the Industrialization/factory system

  • May have private ownership and classes

  • Robert Owen & Jeremy Bentham=Utilitarians-greatest good for the greatest number (early socialists)

  • Malthus-population will outgrow the food supply, famine, disease, and war are natural checks on population.

  • David Ricardo Communism—Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto (book) ▪

  • Government=dictatorship

  • Brought on by evils of Industrialization/factory system

Revolts + Long-Term Effects:

  • Revolution of the workers:

  • Industrial Revolution benefits the wealthy and exploits (takes advantage of) the poor ●

  • Proletariat (workers) overthrow Bourgeoisie (middle class) ▪

  • Redistribution of wealth

  • No private property rights/No freedoms

  • Classless system

  • Command economy—Government owns and makes all business decisions. All work for state ● “I command you to make phones and sell them at $50.00 a piece”
