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Sure! Here is a 75-item multiple-choice exam covering the content provided, with answers included:

1. What is the most abundant tissue in the body?

- A) Connective tissue

- B) Muscle tissue

- C) Nervous tissue

- D) Epithelial tissue

- Answer: B

2. Which muscle type is responsible for voluntary movement?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

3. Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system?

- A) Body movement

- B) Maintenance of posture

- C) Production of blood cells

- D) Respiration

- Answer: C

4. What type of muscle is responsible for the heart beating?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Cardiac muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

5. What is the connective tissue sheath surrounding each skeletal muscle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcomere

- Answer: A

6. Which structure is the basic functional unit of skeletal muscle?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

7. What characteristic allows skeletal muscle to return to its original resting length after being stretched?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: D

8. What type of contraction causes heat production in the body?

- A) Cardiac muscle contraction

- B) Smooth muscle contraction

- C) Skeletal muscle contraction

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

9. Which type of muscle contraction is involved in propelling food in the digestive tract?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

10. Where are intercalated disks found?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: B

11. What structure extends from one Z disk to another Z disk?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

12. Which molecule provides a calcium binding site on actin myofilaments?

- A) Tropomyosin

- B) Troponin

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

13. What is the term for the most stationary end of a muscle?

- A) Origin

- B) Insertion

- C) Belly

- D) Aponeurosis

- Answer: A

14. Which muscle type is under voluntary control?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

15. What type of muscle has gap junctions to allow action potentials to spread?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

16. Which type of muscle has striations but is not as distinctly striated as skeletal muscle?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: B

17. What is the function of the retinaculum?

- A) Attaching muscle to bone

- B) Holding down tendons at the wrist and ankle

- C) Connecting muscle fibers

- D) Providing a calcium binding site

- Answer: B

18. What term describes a muscle acting in opposition to an agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: C

19. Which muscle flexes the elbow?

- A) Triceps brachii

- B) Biceps brachii

- C) Deltoid

- D) Pectoralis major

- Answer: B

20. What condition is characterized by painful, spastic contractions of muscle?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Tendinitis

- C) Cramps

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: C

21. What is the main symptom of fibromyalgia?

- A) Muscle weakness

- B) Muscle pain

- C) Muscle atrophy

- D) Muscle hypertrophy

- Answer: B

22. What is the result of an increase in the number of myofibrils within muscle fibers?

- A) Muscle atrophy

- B) Muscle hypertrophy

- C) Muscle relaxation

- D) Muscle spasm

- Answer: B

23. What disorder is characterized by the failure of muscles to relax following a forceful contraction?

- A) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- B) Myasthenia gravis

- C) Tendinitis

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

24. What type of muscle contraction does not develop an oxygen debt?

- A) Skeletal muscle contraction

- B) Cardiac muscle contraction

- C) Smooth muscle contraction

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

25. What type of drugs are used to treat myasthenia gravis?

- A) Anti-inflammatory drugs

- B) Immunosuppressive drugs

- C) Anti-cholinesterase drugs

- D) Muscle relaxants

- Answer: C

26. What is the term for inflammation of tendon attachment points?

- A) Tendinitis

- B) Myasthenia gravis

- C) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

27. What is the name for a broad, sheet-like tendon?

- A) Fascia

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Epimysium

- Answer: C

28. What does the term "striated" refer to in muscle tissue?

- A) Muscle fibers are spindle-shaped

- B) Muscle fibers have transverse bands

- C) Muscle fibers are connected by gap junctions

- D) Muscle fibers contract slowly

- Answer: B

29. What type of muscle fibers are organized into sarcomeres?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) Both A and C

- Answer: D

30. What muscle characteristic allows it to respond to a stimulus?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: B

31. What is the term for the ability of skeletal muscle to shorten with force?

- A) Extensibility

- B) Elasticity

- C) Contractility

- D) Excitability

- Answer: C

32. Which muscle type is responsible for peristalsis in the digestive tract?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

33. Which type of muscle contraction can lead to hypertrophy?

- A) Involuntary contraction

- B) Voluntary contraction

- C) Cardiac contraction

- D) Smooth muscle contraction

- Answer: B

34. What is the connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibers called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: C

35. What structure is involved in muscle contraction and is composed of actin and myosin?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Myofilament

- D) All of the above

- Answer: D

36. Which muscle is the agonist in elbow extension?

- A) Biceps brachii

- B) Triceps brachii

- C) Deltoid

- D) Pectoralis major

- Answer: B

37. What term describes the decrease in muscle size due to a decrease in myofilaments within muscle fibers?

- A) Hypertrophy

- B) Atrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Myasthenia gravis

- Answer: B

38. Which structure in cardiac muscle cells allows for action potential conduction between cells?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Z disk

- Answer: C

39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smooth muscle cells?

- A) Spindle-shaped

- B) Striated

- C) One nucleus per cell

- D) Less actin and myosin than skeletal muscle

- Answer: B

40. Which type of muscle is involved in all aspects of communication, such as speaking and writing?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

41. What is the term for the connective tissue that surrounds a muscle fascicle?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

42. Which muscle type is influenced by hormones such as epinephrine?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) Both A and B

- Answer: D

43. Which of the following conditions involves chronic muscle pain syndrome?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Fibromyalgia

- C) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: B

44. What type of connective tissue holds down tendons at each wrist and ankle?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Perimysium

- Answer: B

45. What is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber called?

- A) Sarcolemma

- B) Sarcoplasm

- C) Myoplasm

- D) Myofibril

- Answer: B

46. Which of the following conditions is characterized by muscle atrophy due to nerve damage or casting?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Fibromyalgia

- C) Hypertrophy

- D) Atrophy

- Answer: D

47. What is the term for the band of connective tissue that holds down tendons at the wrist and ankle?

- A) Fascia

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Tendon

- Answer: B

48. What type of muscle fibers are not organized into sarcomeres?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

49. What is the condition called when the muscle has no tone due to severed nerve supply?

- A) Flaccid

- B) Hypertrophy

- C) Atrophy

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

50. Which structure is attached to the Z disk?

- A) Actin myofilaments

- B) Myosin myofilaments

- C) Troponin

- D) Tropomyosin

- Answer: A

51. What term describes a muscle that accomplishes a certain movement?

- A) Agonist

- B) Antagonist

- C) Synergist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: A

52. Which type of muscle contraction is under involuntary control?

- A) Skeletal muscle contraction

- B) Smooth muscle contraction

- C) Cardiac muscle contraction

- D) Both B and C

- Answer: D

53. What is the main characteristic of myasthenia gravis?

- A) Muscle hypertrophy

- B) Muscle atrophy

- C) Destruction of acetylcholine receptors

- D) Inflammation of tendons

- Answer: C

54. What muscle characteristic allows it to be stretched to its normal resting length and beyond?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: C

55. What is the smallest functional unit of skeletal muscle capable of contracting?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myofilament

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

56. Which muscle type is responsible for maintaining posture?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

57. Which of the following structures is composed of actin and myosin myofilaments?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Muscle fiber

- D) All of the above

- Answer: D

58. Which condition involves chronic progressive autoimmune disease affecting acetylcholine receptors?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: A

59. What type of muscle is involved in heart contraction?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Cardiac muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

60. Which structure forms an attachment site for actin myofilaments?

- A) Myosin myofilaments

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Z disk

- D) Troponin

- Answer: C

61. What is the term for the muscle attachment point that undergoes the greatest movement?

- A) Origin

- B) Insertion

- C) Belly

- D) Aponeurosis

- Answer: B

62. What characteristic of cardiac muscle allows it to function as a unit?

- A) Sarcomeres

- B) Striations

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Spindle shape

- Answer: C

63. Which of the following describes a muscle that acts in opposition to an agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: C

64. What is the connective tissue surrounding a muscle fascicle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

65. What condition results from the buildup of lactic acid causing muscle pain?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Tendinitis

- C) Cramps

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: C

66. What term describes a muscle that accomplishes the same movement as the agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: B

67. Which muscle type has a single nucleus per cell and is under involuntary control?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) Both B and C

- Answer: D

68. What structure contains numerous myofibrils within the sarcoplasm?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Muscle fiber

- C) Myofilament

- D) Z disk

- Answer: B

69. Which of the following is a result of an increase in the number of myofibrils within muscle fibers?

- A) Atrophy

- B) Hypertrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Myasthenia gravis

- Answer: B

70. What is the primary role of the respiratory muscles?

- A) Body movement

- B) Maintenance of posture

- C) Respiration

- D) Production of body heat

- Answer: C

71. Which structure facilitates action potential conduction between cardiac muscle cells?

- A) Z disk

- B) Myofibril

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Sarcomere

- Answer: C

72. Which condition involves chronic muscle pain that is widespread in muscles and muscle-tendon junctions?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: C

73. What is the connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: A

74. Which muscle characteristic allows it to respond to a stimulus?

- A)


- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: B

75. What is the role of the muscle fasciculi in skeletal muscle?

- A) Surrounds each muscle fiber

- B) Contains several muscle cells

- C) Contains numerous myofibrils

- D) Forms the sarcomere

- Answer: B



Sure! Here is a 75-item multiple-choice exam covering the content provided, with answers included:

1. What is the most abundant tissue in the body?

- A) Connective tissue

- B) Muscle tissue

- C) Nervous tissue

- D) Epithelial tissue

- Answer: B

2. Which muscle type is responsible for voluntary movement?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

3. Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system?

- A) Body movement

- B) Maintenance of posture

- C) Production of blood cells

- D) Respiration

- Answer: C

4. What type of muscle is responsible for the heart beating?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Cardiac muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

5. What is the connective tissue sheath surrounding each skeletal muscle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcomere

- Answer: A

6. Which structure is the basic functional unit of skeletal muscle?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

7. What characteristic allows skeletal muscle to return to its original resting length after being stretched?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: D

8. What type of contraction causes heat production in the body?

- A) Cardiac muscle contraction

- B) Smooth muscle contraction

- C) Skeletal muscle contraction

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

9. Which type of muscle contraction is involved in propelling food in the digestive tract?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

10. Where are intercalated disks found?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: B

11. What structure extends from one Z disk to another Z disk?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

12. Which molecule provides a calcium binding site on actin myofilaments?

- A) Tropomyosin

- B) Troponin

- C) Myosin

- D) Actin

- Answer: B

13. What is the term for the most stationary end of a muscle?

- A) Origin

- B) Insertion

- C) Belly

- D) Aponeurosis

- Answer: A

14. Which muscle type is under voluntary control?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

15. What type of muscle has gap junctions to allow action potentials to spread?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

16. Which type of muscle has striations but is not as distinctly striated as skeletal muscle?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: B

17. What is the function of the retinaculum?

- A) Attaching muscle to bone

- B) Holding down tendons at the wrist and ankle

- C) Connecting muscle fibers

- D) Providing a calcium binding site

- Answer: B

18. What term describes a muscle acting in opposition to an agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: C

19. Which muscle flexes the elbow?

- A) Triceps brachii

- B) Biceps brachii

- C) Deltoid

- D) Pectoralis major

- Answer: B

20. What condition is characterized by painful, spastic contractions of muscle?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Tendinitis

- C) Cramps

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: C

21. What is the main symptom of fibromyalgia?

- A) Muscle weakness

- B) Muscle pain

- C) Muscle atrophy

- D) Muscle hypertrophy

- Answer: B

22. What is the result of an increase in the number of myofibrils within muscle fibers?

- A) Muscle atrophy

- B) Muscle hypertrophy

- C) Muscle relaxation

- D) Muscle spasm

- Answer: B

23. What disorder is characterized by the failure of muscles to relax following a forceful contraction?

- A) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- B) Myasthenia gravis

- C) Tendinitis

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

24. What type of muscle contraction does not develop an oxygen debt?

- A) Skeletal muscle contraction

- B) Cardiac muscle contraction

- C) Smooth muscle contraction

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

25. What type of drugs are used to treat myasthenia gravis?

- A) Anti-inflammatory drugs

- B) Immunosuppressive drugs

- C) Anti-cholinesterase drugs

- D) Muscle relaxants

- Answer: C

26. What is the term for inflammation of tendon attachment points?

- A) Tendinitis

- B) Myasthenia gravis

- C) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

27. What is the name for a broad, sheet-like tendon?

- A) Fascia

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Epimysium

- Answer: C

28. What does the term "striated" refer to in muscle tissue?

- A) Muscle fibers are spindle-shaped

- B) Muscle fibers have transverse bands

- C) Muscle fibers are connected by gap junctions

- D) Muscle fibers contract slowly

- Answer: B

29. What type of muscle fibers are organized into sarcomeres?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) Both A and C

- Answer: D

30. What muscle characteristic allows it to respond to a stimulus?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: B

31. What is the term for the ability of skeletal muscle to shorten with force?

- A) Extensibility

- B) Elasticity

- C) Contractility

- D) Excitability

- Answer: C

32. Which muscle type is responsible for peristalsis in the digestive tract?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

33. Which type of muscle contraction can lead to hypertrophy?

- A) Involuntary contraction

- B) Voluntary contraction

- C) Cardiac contraction

- D) Smooth muscle contraction

- Answer: B

34. What is the connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibers called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: C

35. What structure is involved in muscle contraction and is composed of actin and myosin?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Myofilament

- D) All of the above

- Answer: D

36. Which muscle is the agonist in elbow extension?

- A) Biceps brachii

- B) Triceps brachii

- C) Deltoid

- D) Pectoralis major

- Answer: B

37. What term describes the decrease in muscle size due to a decrease in myofilaments within muscle fibers?

- A) Hypertrophy

- B) Atrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Myasthenia gravis

- Answer: B

38. Which structure in cardiac muscle cells allows for action potential conduction between cells?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Z disk

- Answer: C

39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smooth muscle cells?

- A) Spindle-shaped

- B) Striated

- C) One nucleus per cell

- D) Less actin and myosin than skeletal muscle

- Answer: B

40. Which type of muscle is involved in all aspects of communication, such as speaking and writing?

- A) Cardiac muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

41. What is the term for the connective tissue that surrounds a muscle fascicle?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

42. Which muscle type is influenced by hormones such as epinephrine?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) Both A and B

- Answer: D

43. Which of the following conditions involves chronic muscle pain syndrome?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Fibromyalgia

- C) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: B

44. What type of connective tissue holds down tendons at each wrist and ankle?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Perimysium

- Answer: B

45. What is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber called?

- A) Sarcolemma

- B) Sarcoplasm

- C) Myoplasm

- D) Myofibril

- Answer: B

46. Which of the following conditions is characterized by muscle atrophy due to nerve damage or casting?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Fibromyalgia

- C) Hypertrophy

- D) Atrophy

- Answer: D

47. What is the term for the band of connective tissue that holds down tendons at the wrist and ankle?

- A) Fascia

- B) Retinaculum

- C) Aponeurosis

- D) Tendon

- Answer: B

48. What type of muscle fibers are not organized into sarcomeres?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

49. What is the condition called when the muscle has no tone due to severed nerve supply?

- A) Flaccid

- B) Hypertrophy

- C) Atrophy

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: A

50. Which structure is attached to the Z disk?

- A) Actin myofilaments

- B) Myosin myofilaments

- C) Troponin

- D) Tropomyosin

- Answer: A

51. What term describes a muscle that accomplishes a certain movement?

- A) Agonist

- B) Antagonist

- C) Synergist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: A

52. Which type of muscle contraction is under involuntary control?

- A) Skeletal muscle contraction

- B) Smooth muscle contraction

- C) Cardiac muscle contraction

- D) Both B and C

- Answer: D

53. What is the main characteristic of myasthenia gravis?

- A) Muscle hypertrophy

- B) Muscle atrophy

- C) Destruction of acetylcholine receptors

- D) Inflammation of tendons

- Answer: C

54. What muscle characteristic allows it to be stretched to its normal resting length and beyond?

- A) Contractility

- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: C

55. What is the smallest functional unit of skeletal muscle capable of contracting?

- A) Myofibril

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Myofilament

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

56. Which muscle type is responsible for maintaining posture?

- A) Smooth muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Skeletal muscle

- D) All of the above

- Answer: C

57. Which of the following structures is composed of actin and myosin myofilaments?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Myofibril

- C) Muscle fiber

- D) All of the above

- Answer: D

58. Which condition involves chronic progressive autoimmune disease affecting acetylcholine receptors?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: A

59. What type of muscle is involved in heart contraction?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Smooth muscle

- C) Cardiac muscle

- D) None of the above

- Answer: C

60. Which structure forms an attachment site for actin myofilaments?

- A) Myosin myofilaments

- B) Sarcomere

- C) Z disk

- D) Troponin

- Answer: C

61. What is the term for the muscle attachment point that undergoes the greatest movement?

- A) Origin

- B) Insertion

- C) Belly

- D) Aponeurosis

- Answer: B

62. What characteristic of cardiac muscle allows it to function as a unit?

- A) Sarcomeres

- B) Striations

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Spindle shape

- Answer: C

63. Which of the following describes a muscle that acts in opposition to an agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: C

64. What is the connective tissue surrounding a muscle fascicle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: B

65. What condition results from the buildup of lactic acid causing muscle pain?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Tendinitis

- C) Cramps

- D) Fibromyalgia

- Answer: C

66. What term describes a muscle that accomplishes the same movement as the agonist?

- A) Agonist

- B) Synergist

- C) Antagonist

- D) Prime mover

- Answer: B

67. Which muscle type has a single nucleus per cell and is under involuntary control?

- A) Skeletal muscle

- B) Cardiac muscle

- C) Smooth muscle

- D) Both B and C

- Answer: D

68. What structure contains numerous myofibrils within the sarcoplasm?

- A) Sarcomere

- B) Muscle fiber

- C) Myofilament

- D) Z disk

- Answer: B

69. Which of the following is a result of an increase in the number of myofibrils within muscle fibers?

- A) Atrophy

- B) Hypertrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Myasthenia gravis

- Answer: B

70. What is the primary role of the respiratory muscles?

- A) Body movement

- B) Maintenance of posture

- C) Respiration

- D) Production of body heat

- Answer: C

71. Which structure facilitates action potential conduction between cardiac muscle cells?

- A) Z disk

- B) Myofibril

- C) Intercalated disks

- D) Sarcomere

- Answer: C

72. Which condition involves chronic muscle pain that is widespread in muscles and muscle-tendon junctions?

- A) Myasthenia gravis

- B) Myotonic muscular dystrophy

- C) Fibromyalgia

- D) Tendinitis

- Answer: C

73. What is the connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle called?

- A) Epimysium

- B) Perimysium

- C) Endomysium

- D) Sarcolemma

- Answer: A

74. Which muscle characteristic allows it to respond to a stimulus?

- A)


- B) Excitability

- C) Extensibility

- D) Elasticity

- Answer: B

75. What is the role of the muscle fasciculi in skeletal muscle?

- A) Surrounds each muscle fiber

- B) Contains several muscle cells

- C) Contains numerous myofibrils

- D) Forms the sarcomere

- Answer: B