1. animosity-a feeling of resentment, hostility, or enmity

  2. didactic-intended to teach

  3. emaciated-extremely thin; wasted away

  4. engender-cause to exist; produce

  5. equanimity-calmness; composure

  6. exonerate-free from blame; to exculpate

  7. fanaticism-excessive, irrational enthusiasm

  8. glib-smooth-talking; slick

  9. gratuitous-free of charge; or, uncalled for and unwarranted

  10. haughty-proud to the point of being arrogant

  11. impugn-to attack with words; to accuse of being false

  12. incidental-happening by chance or luck; accidental

  13. inclusive-covering or including everything

  14. inherent-having a certain quality by nature; intrinsic

  15. modicum-a very small amount

  16. nebulous-unclear; vague

  17. opalescent-reflecting a rainbow of color; dazzling

  18. pedantic-obsessed with the details of knowledge; book-smart

  19. pragmatic-practical

  20. quiescent-calm-inactive; latent

  21. rebuke-criticize; reprimand; reprove

  22. satire-a sarcastically humorous depiction

  23. sedulous-hard-working and careful of details; diligent

  24. vagary-an unpredictable result or action

  25. viable-capable of living or functioning
