Social 20-1 Final Key terms

Nation is something more reflected in the mind, through internalized feelings

Nation-State is a territory with internationally recognized borders and a politically organized body of people under a sovereign government.  People lived in a politically defined area, with common legal & moral beliefs as the key to their nation-state.

Sovereign – recognized by other nation-states as having the right to govern themselves independently

Ethnic Nation has one ethnicity 

Civic Nation – is made up of people who share certain political beliefs.  Their race, color, creed, gender, language, and ethnicity do not matter then.   Citizens are equal – they will have the same rights and responsibilities.

Diaspora - any group migration or flight from a country or region; any group that has been dispersed outside its traditional homeland.

Conscription crisis of WW1 in 1917

Military Service Act – Conscription happened to gain another 100 000 men for WW1 due to massive losses in manpower by 1916. 

-Quebec hated it as they thought it was Pro-British along with Prairie farmers as it meant loss of workers for them.

-Also thought of conscription as a part of attempted assimilation, worried about only English speaking troops

Meech Lake Accord & First Nations:

-Government's way of including Quebec more

-Manitoba, NFL, NB voted against

Conscientious Objection: saying no to military service based on religious or moral views

Genocide - an act committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group

-Nazi Germany, Hutus in Rwanda, Soviets with Ukrainians in 1932 Great


National Interest- is the goal of a nation.

-nation’s survival and security

-nation’s economic growth and power

-maintenance of the quality of life for the people in the nation

Foreign Policy- a set of goals that will outline how a country will interact with other


Domestic Interests: nations focused on their own needs and national interests

Nationalism: the collective, shared sense of belonging of people who identify themselves as a nation.

-Nationalist rivalries increased tensions between nations.

Imperialism: domination by a country over another country’s economic, political, or cultural institutions, without seizing gov’t control.

-Imperialism led to clashes between European nations for control of undeveloped countries that had raw materials and possible new markets or that were situated in strategic locations.

Militarism - The building up of one’s own military to a large force with it being a key ideal for the nation above all other interests. The intent of it is using it or threatening other countries with it.

Alliances - great alliances in Europe: 

-The Triple Alliance - Germany, Austro-Hungary, & Italy.

-Turkey joined later on

-Italy eventually left and joined Allies

-The Triple Entente (known later as the Allies) - Britain, France, & Russia.

Start of WW1

-A Bosnian Serb assassin, killed the Archduke of Austro-Hungary.  Blaming Serbia as they supported this assassin, Austro-Hungary demanded that Serbia disarm itself & allow the Austro-Hungarians to take over their country.  Serbia said no, Austria-Hungary

declared war

-Now the Alliance system included Serbs with Russia (Russia wanted more influence in this area and to expand their own lands). Said they would back Serbia, Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary.

-Germany agreed to come to the aid of Austria-Hungary if the Russians declared war on them

-Russia, knowing that a combined army of Germans & Austro-Hungarians would be a tough fight, sought out an ally that historically hated the Germans - France was it. IF

-Germany declared war on Russia, France would come on side with the Russians

-When the fighting broke out, German victory would be the “Schleiffen Plan”, meant for Germany to defeat France first by skipping around their border with France, going through the flat terrain of Belgium & Holland (invading these non-fighting nations to get to France)

-Belgium signed a treaty of neutrality with Britain (British would defend Belgium if anyone broke their neutrality)

-British Empire, including Canada, went to war against Germany as a result.

-USA manpower to help end the war, when they joined in, in 1917.

Expansionism: The idea that countries needed more land to accomplish their goals. It was very popular in the interwar period.

-Expansionism was led by Germany, Italy, and Japan.  

-Germany – Wanted to be like their old ancestors of the 1800’s, the Prussians

-Italy – Wanted high stature as an international power – a new “Roman” empire

-Japan –  An island nation Japan went from ancient ways to being as fully developed as Europe or the US from 1853 – 1900.

-They believed as Asians, it was their “right” to colonize SE Asia & get rid of European domination of the Pacific lands surrounding them.

Other Asian Colonies

France – Indo-China – today Vietnam, Laos, Thailand

USA – Philippines - Hawaii

Britain – Burma, India, Hong Kong*, Singapore*

The Treaty of Versailles

-Ended WW1 acknowledging German reparations

-France: wanted no German military near their border, Alsace & Lorraine to be returned, de-militarize 50 km’s east of the Rhine river, financial $ reparations for the German damage to France for flooded mines, destroyed railways, given all the coal in Germany’s Sar Valley until 1935

-Britain: limit the size of the German navy – no U-boats,

-Hurt Germany economically & militarily

War Guilt Clause:

-Germany was to take sole moral responsibility for the war.

-German pride was hurt on a massive scale

-After devastating toll on the German economy; hyperinflation, food shortages, & the inability to pay French reparations, France invaded the Ruhr valley to take resources

German Unification

-Realizing that once united, German people were behind economically, technologically and politically to the French & British empires (specifically lacking colonies for resources needed for industrial growth)

-War with France created unity as the Franco-Prussian war (Prussia being the

northern part of the Germany later on) & gave them valuable resource rich region

of Alsace-Lorraine, which they received in France’s surrender. The French would remember this loss with bitter enmity.

-As now a united country of Germany in 1871, they made huge economic strides & rivaled or surpassed England. To surpass them completely, they would need to compete with trade with them and that meant a strong navy. This caused great military alarm and challenge toward England.

Germans lost key economically important territories, (Alsace-Lorraine to the French).

-Now they wanted this back and Lebensraum - “living space”

-It was a nationalistic if not ultra nationalistic desire for the future of the “Aryan” race.

-Hitler also wanted to unite all “German speaking” people into one country - which meant the elimination of the countries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria into one great country. He based this on national self-determination - however, this “Self-determination” would mean the end of other countries and would be simply expansionary.

-With the Great Depression in the early 30’s, a change in the type of gov’t where people would be fed & clothed & have a job. New political parties grew because of it:

-On the left – in Britain – the labour party

-On the right – in Germany & Italy – right wing parties

-Anschluss (union) with Austria & Germany.

-Believed that the only way to solve the Depression & post WW1 problems was

through militarism, expansion, & conquest. 

-Most important would be military strength – this was a key for their nations to end any feelings of old humiliation & feel powerful once more.

-Hitler was elected in the early 30’s to the Reichstag (Parliament) & led the Nazi party or (NSDAP - National Socialist German Workers Party).

-Took total control of the gov’t being the Chancellor in 1933

-Passed the “Enabling Act” in March of ‘33 - it allowed the Nazi’s to pass any law without the approval of the Reichstag.

-Hitler now ended all other political parties & by law, the Nazi party was the only

one to exist.  Channeled all the negatives of the Treaty of Versailles & the great Depression into his advantage by focusing his people on what they wanted - jobs for the unemployed, an end to communism for the wealthy, & the industrialists would get stability - as long as Hitler was dictator Vibrant economy

Beginning of WW2

-Militarization of Germany

-Elimination of all political opposition

-Propaganda created superpatriotism (ultranationalism)

-Fascism - nation or race is above the individual in importance

-Unquestioned loyalty to the leader and country

-Scapegoating of the Jews

-Lebensraum - meant the population in Poland & part of Ukraine had to move east - or be put into work camps, specifically Jews & Poles - many were sent directly to their death in camps or were murdered in cold blood where they lived.

-Killing of Jews in the new German lands - The Nazis used to allow emigration of the Jews, but then “too many” were still around. 

-They devised a “Final Solution” - the death camp

Munich Conference

-Appeasement: the policy of avoiding further arguments or war by accepting the conditions or demands of an aggressor.

-France & England appeased Hitler 

-Hitler moved on & took the Sudetenland from the Czechoslovaks through the Munich conference 1938, then the rest of Czechoslovakia in early 1939.


-Italians wanted to include all those with Italian ethnicity along a natural border, called irredentism.

-Benito Mussolini stages a coup d'état in 1922 & captured several Greek islands 

-His political party, the Fasci, created Fascism & changed gov’t into a single party state, with no others allowed or labor unions. The state took over the economy & created work projects that kept people working & developed even more national pride during the depression.

-However, he wanted to create a great Italian empire. He took over parts of Africa & chose to ally himself with Hitler and the Nazis.

WW2 Conscription Crisis

“War Measures Act”:  powerful law that gave gov’t power to arrest & detain anyone suspected of being enemy.

Internment camps: camps that held all “enemy aliens” & put them to work.

“Govern by decree” : they simply pass on orders & avoid any debate in Parliament, which is the normal process, when the gov’t felt there to be a time of war, invasion, or threat of insurrection (rebellion), real or perceived.

-November Crisis

“Order-inCouncil”: All personal property was confiscated & sold off by the gov’t, with no proceeds going back to their original Japanese owners.

Stalinism - Joseph Stalin

- Known for, collectivization of agriculture, rapid Industrialization of USSR at great human cost, purges of anyone who was a threat or undesirable - 30 million of his own


-5 - year economic plans, to pay for his rapid industrialization, he wanted a huge increase in agricultural output for $, which, in turn, would be used to buy machines for his factories.

-Grain was the key because the West wanted it from them. 

-Ukraine had private farms & peasants sold their output, Stalin changed it to collectivized farms: made several farmers come together to farm on one large property, run by the gov’

-He knew they would fight this so he made examples of those rebelling: Banishment, split families up to work in different areas of the USSR, Siberia, or just plain shot. 

-One problem group would be the Kulaks.

Self-determination can also be made by:

De-colonization - Nations grant independence to colonies; it was granted independence and two nations based on ethnic background were created: 

-India & East & West Pakistan.

-India was mostly Hindu - E & W Pakistan - Muslim - so the Hindus in Pakistan and the Muslims in India migrated to their new nations they felt comfortable in.

Successor states

Hegemonic – The world is being integrated based on unequal terms with the dominance of one nation or nation-state over others.

Revolutionary Internationalism – a belief that conflicts within societies are determined by international factors & alliances.

Liberal Internationalism: An approach based on the belief that, through greater interaction and cooperation, nations & nation-states can achieve common goals, especially peace & prosperity.

Self-Determination: the ability & desire to fulfill its people’s economic, social, cultural, and political needs so that the nation can continue to exist & grow.

Peacekeeping & Peacemaking: Peacekeeping is a humanitarian effort as well. The role has been changing recently to an interventionist approach – peacemaking.

-Providing security for one’s nation means allowing them to control their own destiny. -Military Alliances are great for maintaining peace.

-Internationalism extends here as well.

Isolationism – is a foreign policy in which a nation-state chooses not to become involved in the affairs of other nations, either militarily or through trade.

Multilateralism – various nations co-operate to pursue their interests and goals beyond their national borders, not alone, but in co-operation and coalitions with other states.

Unilateralism: One state acts independently to pursue its interest: the opposite of multilateralism

Bilateralism: Two nations co-operate to pursue each nation’s interests. The USA & Canada do this on trade and other issues.

Continentalism: a theory of closer ties

Supranationalism: Nations putting aside their self-interests to work with one

another for the good of the collective/global good. The well being of humanity is placed above the well-being of any one particular nation.

BNA Act – British North America Act – Confederation of Canada

The Statute of Westminster – where all old colonies got complete

political freedom to do as they choose regarding foreign policy.

Repatriation of the constitution in 1982 – getting it from England

Creation of Maple Leaf Flag - 1965

Quiet Rev- Premier Jean Lesage (Liberal), in the 1960’s with its slogan: “Maître Chez Nous” or “Masters in our own House”.

-Changes in Quebec

Multinational Model – a structure of gov’t that has semi-autonomous – almost independent – nations functioning within a central union.

Parti Quebecois: Provincially in Quebec – looking for separation

Bloc Quebecois: Federally in Ottawa – looks out more for protecting Quebec’s interests.

French Rev:

-Absolute monarchy with power given to leaders “by God’

-Ancien Regime, classed society into estates

-Clergy, nobility, serfs and peasants

-Ordinance of Villers-Cotterets: discontinuation of Latin in legal docs

-Bourgeoisie: wanted change (more privilege and say)

-King caused bankruptcy, caused hardship on third estate

-Cahiers de Doleances: change in politics

-Reign of Terror (1793-1794): civil unrest against monarchy

-1804-1814: French Empire lead by Napoleon

-1815- 100 days war, napoleon seizes power of france