un quiz 1

General Assembly - 1.Approves the UN Budget

2. Elects Non-Permanent members of the Security Council

3.Elects the Secretary General from list approved by SC

4.Elects judges to the ICJ from a list approved by the SC

5. Admits new members to the UN upon approval by the SC

Committees - 6.Suspends members

GA 1 - Disarmament and International Security

GA 2 – Economic and Financial

GA 3 – Social, Humanitarian and Cultural

GA 4 – Special Political and Decolonization

GA 5 – Administrative and Budgetary

GA 6 - Legal

Collective Security - An attack on one is an attack on all

  • Permanent Members (P-5) - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom & United States

  • SC Resolutions  - - Need 9/15 votes and are binding

  • Veto Power - - If one of the P-5 votes against a resolution it cannot be adopted. However they can abstain and let it pass.

  • Security council Can act - when there is a threat to international peace and security, breach of peace or war

  • Actions Security Council Can take: Any and all actions diplomatic, economic, political and military it deems necessary to maintain international peace & security

    Economic and Social Council - To coordinate and implement UN programs relating to international cooperation in social, economic, cultural matters

  • Specialized agency : Universal postal union

  • Trusteeship Council - Suspended operations 1994

  • Secretariat - The administrative arm the UN and implementer of policy decisions made by UN bodies

    There are approximately 37,500 personnel from 140 countries employed at the Secretariat

    The Secretary-General - “Chief administrative officer" of the UN, The Secretary-General is also required to "bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security". 
