Analyze a stock value
Execute the purchase or sale of stocks
Assess your stock portfolio’s performance
Definition: Facilities allowing investors to buy/sell existing stocks; a stock must be listed to be traded.
Major Exchanges in Canada:
Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX): trades senior equities
TSX Venture Exchange: public venture capital
Montreal Exchange: derivatives exchange
To be listed on TSX, firms must meet minimum requirements in:
Cash flow
Net tangible assets
Working capital
Electronic Trading:
Major exchanges provide electronic trading services.
Market Makers: Securities dealers who maintain liquidity by trading actively.
Where to Find Stock Quotes:
Online platforms (MarketWatch, Yahoo! Finance)
Financial newspapers (National Post, Globe & Mail)
TV networks (BNN, Bloomberg)
Example of a Stock Quote: Closing Price, Volume, Bid, Ask (e.g., Yahoo Finance)
Full-service Broker: Provides investment advice; may suggest frequent trading.
Discount Brokerage Firm: Executes transactions without providing advice.
Brokerage Commissions:
Full-service brokers charge between 3%-8%.
Market Order: Buys/sells at prevailing market price.
Advantage: Quick execution.
Disadvantage: Price may change before execution.
Limit Order: Buy/sell only if the price meets specified limits.
Royal Bank of Canada (RY) Stock Example:
Market order for 100 shares at $132.
Limit orders for various prices ($140, $120, $100, $150).
Definition: Buying stock with borrowed funds plus personal investment; minimum margin requirement = 30%.
Margin Call: Request by brokerage to increase cash in the account if the value of the investment declines.
Buying 500 shares at $20; computations for margin and price fluctuation effects.
Financial Performance
Company Track Record
Business Costs
Risk Factors
Dividend History
Company's Disclosure Document:
Annual reports provide CEO messages, performance summaries, and financial statements.
Key Financial Statements:
Balance Sheet: Assets, Liabilities, and Shareholders' Equity.
Income Statement: Measures revenues, expenses, and earnings over periods.
2021 vs 2020 data for items like cash, accounts payable (A/P), accounts receivable (A/R), and total assets.
Example: Financial data displaying revenues, cost of goods sold, expenses, and net income for 2021.
Liquidity: Ability to cover expenses (Current Ratio).
Financial Leverage: Ability to make debt payments (Debt Ratio, Times Interest Earned Ratio).
Efficiency: Use of assets (Inventory Turnover, Total Asset Turnover).
Profitability: Net profit margin, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE).
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
Times Interest Earned = EBIT / Interest
Inventory Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold / Inventory
Total Asset Turnover = Sales / Total Assets
Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Sales
Return on Assets = Net Income / Total Assets
Return on Equity = Net Income / Total Equity
Motivations: Stock price influences manager compensation; financial performance focus leads to unethical practices.
Techniques: Revenue recognition before earnings are realized.
Preventive Measures: Sarbanes-Oxley Act aims to restore investor confidence.
Economic factors like interest rates, economic outlook, inflation, political shocks, and currency value fluctuations.
Value stocks using technical or fundamental analysis.
Technical Analysis: Valuation based on historical price patterns.
Fundamental Analysis: Based on revenue and firm performance.
DDM: Values stocks based on future dividend payments discounted at the required return.
Limitations: Non-stable dividends, growth rate unpredictability.
P/E Ratio: Relationship between earnings per share (EPS) and stock price.
Limitations: Difficulty in forecasting earnings; variable results across industries.
Calculate rate of return
Measure against benchmarks like S&P indices.
Stocks are traded on exchanges with quotes providing performance data.
Analyze liquidity, leverage, efficiency, and profitability before investing.
Various methods like DDM and ratio analysis assist in stock valuation based on particular methods.