Vocab 1
Saint: a holy person who led a life in union with God through the grace of Christ and received the reward of eternal life, or Heaven
Trinity: The Christian mystery revealed to us by God that He is three persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Sprit.
Destiny: The end goal or purpose for which each of us is created by God which is to be with Him forever in Heaven
Eternity: A span of existence that stretches infinitely into the past and future without beginning or end.
Person: Someone rather than something with inherit capability of self-knowledge, self possession and the capacity for love.
Disciples: Students, the disciples were followers or student of Jesus. Jesus had thousands of disciples. all Christians today are His disciples. Sometimes used interchangeably in the Gospel to refer to 12 Apostles
Holiness: The State of being holy set apart by God. It is the fullness of Christian life and the perfection of charity. we do not make ourselves holy, rather holiness comes from God’s initiative
Discipleship: The process of growing in relationship with Jesus, learning from his teaching and examples, and journeying on the path of life as His disciples.
Universal call to Holiness: God’s calling of every Christian to the fullness or Christian life and to the perfection of charity
Vocation: A call from God to a permanent state of life, or marriage. all people have the vocation from God yo love and to be holy
Vocab 2
Beatitudes: the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on the meaning and way to true happiness of fulfillment
Corporal works of Mercy: Loving actions taught to us by Christ that help us meet a person’s physical needs. Corporal mean “of the body”. The Corporal works of Mercy are feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned and burry the dead
Eucharist: The Sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. The Eucharist is the source and summit of out Christian life and spiritual food for the soul. not merely a symbol it is Jesus true flesh and blood
Obedience of Faith: the response due from man to God’s revelation of Himself: to listen and freely submit to the Word of God.
Prayer: the raising of one’s mind and heart to God in praise of His glory, asking for some desired good, giving thanks or asking for His blessing on others. A relationship with God.
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: The Sacrament through which sins committed after Baptism can be forgiven, and reconciliation with God and community can be effected.
Sacrament: Signs of God’s grace that actually give the grace they signify. Jesus founded seven: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony.
Sermon on the Mount: Jesus’ most important moral teaching, found in Matthew 5, in which he explain the divine principles of justice guiding us to the normal path that leads us to Heaven.
Temptations: An attraction either from outside oneself or from within to act contrary to right reason and commandments of God.
Ten Commandments. the ten rules for a moral life given by God to His chosen people through Moses on Mount Sinai. The first three commandments teach us how to love God, the last seven teach us how to love our neighbor as ourself.
Love & Responsibility
God’s Call to each of us
What do most people experience at some point in the course of their life?
A deep sense of calling to some kind of work or service
This calling seems significant and permeant
An inspiration to sacrifice and seek with all of our energy some good we believe deep down will fulfill us and make the world a better place
As disciples of Christ- we all have God given calling:
Vocation: a call from God to a permanent state of life; ordained priesthood, consecrated religious life or marriage
All people have the vocation from God to love and be holy
3 traditional vocations
Consecrated religious life
ordained presithood
Holiness: the state of being holy or set apart by God. It is the fullness of the christan life and the perfection of charity. We do not make ourselves holy; rather, holiness comes from God’s initiative.
The Universal call to Holiness
God’s calling to every Christian to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity
we are called to be saints
The core of our call to Holiness
To become like God
God is the Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Sprit
What does this mean? Relationship
God is a communion of love
to be created in His image. means that we have this capacity to give ourselves in love to one another
“Love is therefore the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being.”
Pope St. John Paul III
The 1st step towards holiness
To become holy we must put God above everything else and love Him above all else
charity towards others will flow out of this
What is required to be a true disciple of Christ
All Christians today are disciples of Christ. A disciple is a follower or student of Jesus. “Discipleship” the process of growing in relationship with Jesus- learning from his teachings and examples
1. Obedience of Faith
The response due from man to God’s revelation of Himself: to listen and freely submit to the world of God
Required us to follow and obeys God’s commandments
Obedience of faith is required to be a discipleship of Christ
10 commandment Beatitudes
2. Carrying your cross
“Then Jesus said to his disciples” whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself. Take up his cross and follow me.
Holiness requires sacrifice and dying self
3. A life of Prayer
Prayer is foundation of our relationship with God
We cannot be disciples of Christ without prayer
We should approach God in prayer with trust in His will, and confidence that He will provide for all of our needs.
4. The Sacrament of life
The Sacraments are signs of God’s grace that actually give the grace the signify
Frequenting the sacraments strengthens us as disciples. It’s through them, that God bestows his grace and aid.
There are 3 sacraments
Discerning God’s call
What is discernment?
The process of hearing and answering the call to some work or ministy. When we discern a christan vocation, we are deciding upon the best path for us on our way to Sainthood- the unquie path of holiness to which God is calling us.
What did Jesus Command us during his lifetime?
The command us to love one another- as he loved us.
We must care for those who are physically needy- the poor, windowed, orphan and mistreated
How does God most often make His will know to us?
Most often God speaks to us through our desires, ablites and opportuniities and external fedback of others
All of these factors must be prayerfully considered
we cannont allow oursleves to simply led by feelings or opions of others
Why should we strive to do God’s will in the little things?
The more we thrive to do God’s will in the little things, the more our own will becomes conformed to Hos in things big and small
faithfullness to God in the small things makes it easier to act in obedience with the big things
Why is it important to have a spiritual advisor when discerning a vocation?
The more we talk to God and listen to Him the more we will understand not just what His will is for our lives, but also the ways we need to grow and heal so we can ourse His will
Why is a healthy prayer life essential step in preparing a vocation?
Every decision we make will either led us in the devlopment of vice or virture
Every decion forms our character- our willingness to follow Giod and our abllity to hear His call is depend on the character we devlop over time
Why is the pursuit of virtue a critical part of preparation for our vocation?
every decision STOP!!!!
Why is the Virtue of Chasity one of the most important virtues we can develop now?
What can we do to strength’s God’s life within us so as to ready our hearts for His call?
How do feelings of desolation and cosolation help us to discern a vocation?
Why is living together as a couple never good way to discern marraige?
How is sucess of a life lived a disciple of Christ diffrent from sucess measured by the eye of the world?
What is the real gift God gives to hummanity: the ablioty to love beyond natrual limits
Signs of Controdiction
Vocab 1
Vocab 2
Matthew includes sayings that we related to specifically Jewish Christian problems that Luke did not find appropriate for his Gentile Christian audience
Matthew Sermon on the Mount is longer
Luke addresses the real economic and social conditions of humanity ( the poor, the rich, the hungry, the satsfied)
Matthew emphasizes that religious and spiritual valse of disciples in the kingdom inaugurated by Jesus
Titles are different
Matthew is to a crow and Luke is to other disciples
Men, Women, & the Mystery of Love
Deus Caritas est (God is love)