Coin | (v) to create new word or phrase |
Prompt | (v) to cause someone to do something |
Parish | (n) the area for which a priest in some Christian churches is responsible |
Pastor | (n) a minister in charge of a parish or church |
Patrol | (n) a group of people or vehicles that go through an area to make sure that it is free of trouble or danger |
Endorse | (v) to express formal support |
Inclusion | (n) the act of including someone or something in a larger group or set |
Array | (n) a large group or number of things |
Stroke | (n) a single movement of a pen |
Joint | (adj) it is done by or involves two or more people or groups |
Mobilize | (v) to prepare an army to fight in a war |
tribute | (n) something that you say, do or give in order to express respect for someone |
Assimilate | (v) to adopt the ways of a new culture |
Epilepsy | (n) a medical condition that affects the brain and can make someone become unconscious |
Integral | (adj) an important part of the whole |
Audit | (v) to inspect financial records from a person or business |
Synthetic | (adj) then it is made to be like something natural |
Compel | (v) to force them to do it |
Partiality | (n) a tendency to prefer one thing to another |
Optic | (adj) it relates to the eyes or light |
Rack | (n) a period between the 14th and 17th centuries |
Undertake | (v) to take on the responsibility of doing it |
Cite | (v) to mention it as an example or as proof of something |
Outlook | (n) a person’s opinion or way of thinking about something |
Complement | (v) to make them better |
Metabolism | (n) the way chemical processes in their body use energy |
Quantum | (n) it relates to the behavior of atomic particles |
Coalition | (n) a group of people or organizations working for a common purpose |
Erosion | (n) the destruction of a rock |
Framework | (n) a set of rules or ideas that people use to solve problems |
Forthcoming | (adj) then it is about to happen in the future |
Plumbing | (n) the system of pipes used in a home to supply water |
Whereby | (adv) by which or through which |
Heredity | (n) the process of passing on features from parents to children |
Pioneer | (n) a person who is the first to discover |
Deviate | (v) to move away from your proper course |
Err | (v) to make mistake |
Inadvertent | (adj) it is done without what you are doing |
Mariner | (n) a sailor |
Multitude | (n) a very large number of them |
nuisance | (n) a person or thing that is annoying or causes a lot of problems |
aristocracy | (n) the highest class of people in certain societies |
attire | (n) nice or special clothing |
denote | (v) to make known |
protocol | (n) a system of rules and customs that guides how things are done |
reputable | (adj) then they have a good reputation |
vanity | (n) excessive pride |
embryo | (n) a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother |
altar | (n) a table used in churches |
arthritis | (n) an illness causing pain and swelling in a person’s joints |
hone | (v) to improve it and make it very good |
sinister | (adj) they are evil |
strife | (n) disagreement or fighting between people or groups |
artery | (n) a tube that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body |
prevail | (v) to be accepted or very common |
stun | (v) to make them unable to speak due to surprise or shock |
albeit | (conj) although |
lentil | (n) very small beans that people cook and eat |
marshal | (v) to assemble them in order |
prophecy | (n) a prediction about what will happen in the future |
compile | (v) to collect a variety of them into a group |
federation | (n) a group of states or businesses working for a common cause |
imperative | (adj) extremely important and must be done |
practitioner | (n) a doctor |
provision | (n) the act of giving it to people in need or want |
replenish | (v). to make it full or complete again |
sterile | (adj) completely clean and free from germs |
advent | (n) the arrival or beginning of an important person, thing or event |
definitive | (adj) the most official |
invoke | (v) to mention it to support an argument or ask for help |
novelty | something that is new, original, or strange |
outmoded | (adj) then it is no longer in fashion or use |
concentric | (adj) they have the same center |
interchange | (n) ideas between people is a discussion of each person’s idea |
defer | (v) to arrange for an action to happen at a later time |
subsist | (v) to have food, water and money needed to stay alive |
scorn | (v) to behave without respect toward them |