Lecture 12 Climate Change


  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Air Pollution

  • Definition: Gaseous and particulate contaminants in Earth's atmosphere.

  • Types of Pollutants:

    • Primary Pollutants: Direct impact on the environment.

    • Secondary Pollutants: Formed by reactions between primary pollutants.

  • Categories:

    • Outdoor Air Pollution: e.g. fine particles from coal, tobacco smoke, ozone.

    • Indoor Air Pollution: e.g. particulates, carbon oxides from household products.

Air Pollution: Sources

  • Stationary Sources: Non-moving sources such as factories and power plants.

  • Mobile Sources: Moving sources like cars and gas-powered equipment.

  • Agricultural Sources: Emissions from farming practices (manure, fertilizers).

  • Natural Sources: Erupting volcanoes, wildfires, dust storms.

Common Air Pollutants

  • Particulate Matter: Small particles affecting heart and lungs; harmful if 10 micrometers or smaller.

  • Carbon Monoxide: Colorless, odorless gas mainly from combustion.

  • Ground-level Ozone: Formed from reactions between nitrogen oxides and VOCs in sunlight.

  • Sulfur Oxides: From fossil fuel combustion, linked to respiratory effects.

  • Nitrogen Oxides: Indicator of air quality, contributes to ground-level ozone.

  • Lead: Main sources are vehicles and industries; regulated by EPA.

Indoor Air Quality

  • Many people spend 90% of time indoors; indoor air can be more polluted.

  • Sick Building Syndrome: Health issues linked to specific buildings.

Ozone Layer

  • Definition: Gaseous ozone present in the atmosphere.

  • Hazard: Reactive in lower atmosphere; protects from harmful solar radiation in the upper atmosphere.

  • Depletion: Caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances.

Ozone Depletion Policies

  • CFCs banned in spray cans in 1978; Montreal Protocol (1987) controlled 96 harmful substances.

  • Recovery of ozone layer observed; ongoing vigilance required.

Acid Rain

  • Definition: Precipitation with higher levels of nitric and sulfuric acids.

  • Effects: Acidifies lakes, damages forests, accelerates material decay.

Climate Change Overview

  • Climate: Long-term weather patterns affected by natural and human activities.

  • Greenhouse Effect: Natural process that traps heat; influenced by GHGs like CO2 and methane.

  • Recent Trends: Continued increase in GHGs, influencing temperature and precipitation patterns.

Future Trends in Climate

  • Expectations of rising temperatures, changing precipitation, and sea-level rise due to GHG emissions.

  • Ocean acidification impacts marine life, particularly coral reefs.

Take Action

  • Individuals can reduce GHG emissions through actions at home and work.

  • Support climate initiatives locally.

UN Targets by 2030

  • Improve resilience to climate-related hazards, integrate climate measures in policies, enhance awareness and funding.

State of Goal (2023)

  • Climate change impacts worsening: sea-level rise, increase in temperatures, need for significant GHG reductions.
