Chapter 10: Simple Experiments
2 Variables Refresher: An overview of the key concepts of independent and dependent variables in experimental research.
Revisiting Causality with a Focus on Internal Validity: Exploring the relationship between causation and various forms of validity in experiments.
Design Types and Considering Pretest/Posttest, Posttest Only: Discussion on the different experimental designs, including their strengths and weaknesses, and how pretesting can influence the results.
Interrogating Causal Claims: Methods to critically analyze causal claims made in psychological research.
Establish causation through experiments: Understanding how to apply three primary criteria: covariance (the extent to which variables change together), temporal precedence (the order of cause and effect), and internal validity (ensuring no alternative explanations for results).
Identify variables: Clearly delineate between independent variables (IVs), dependent variables (DVs), and control variables in experimental designs.
Classify experiment designs: Recognize the differences between independent-groups designs (different subjects for different conditions) and within-groups designs (same subjects across all conditions).
Evaluate threats to internal validity: Factors such as design confounds (uncontrolled variables that might influence results), selection effects (biases in sample selection), and order effects (the impact of sequence of conditions) will be analyzed.
Interrogate experimental design using four validities: Focus on construct, external, statistical, and internal validity to assess the quality of the research.
Experiment: Involves the manipulation of one or more variables and the measurement of their effects using random assignment to conditions.
Manipulated Variable: The research assigns different levels to this variable (e.g., comparing different notetaking methods, like computer versus longhand).
Measured Variable: This variable records the outcomes of the manipulation (e.g., number of anagrams solved by participants).
Independent Variable (IV): The variable that is purposely manipulated in the experiment.
Dependent Variable (DV): The variable that is measured to assess the effects of the IV.
Control Variable: A variable that is held constant throughout the experiment to eliminate its potential impact on the DV.
Variable: Changes or is measured during the study.
Constant: A variable that does not change throughout the duration of the study.
Study by Pam Mueller & Daniel Oppenheimer (2014): This influential study compared the effectiveness of taking notes on laptops versus notebooks in classroom settings.
Method: Participants watched TED Talks, took notes using their assigned method, engaged in a filler activity, and were subsequently quizzed on the material.
Independent variables count?: Focus on identifying and distinguishing between the independent and dependent variable in the context of this study.
Causal claims analysis: Critically analyze the causal claims stemming from the experiment's findings.
Study with 100 babies aged 13-18 months: Investigated the influence of motivation on behavior through two conditions: "effort" (where babies had to press a button to access toys) versus "no-effort" (toys readily available).
Methodology: Behavior was recorded based on the time spent with toys and the number of attempts made to press the button.
Identifying independent variables: Questions aimed at discerning how independent variables are established in this observational context.
Causal claims evaluation: Further scrutiny of the causal relationships presented in the findings.
A detailed examination of internal validity and its significance in establishing true causation in experimental designs.
Establishing three crucial criteria: Covariance (the correlation between the IV and DV), temporal precedence (the timing of the IV in relation to changes in the DV), and internal validity (ensuring there are no third-variable confounds).
Careful evaluation of potential confounds is essential.
The necessity of comparison groups, which include both control groups (no treatment) and treatment groups (receiving the IV).
Importance of demonstrating that changes in the DV occur after manipulations of the IV, solidifying the causal direction.
The critical need for ruling out third-variable explanations (e.g., alternative explanations for the outcomes in the notetaking study that don't involve the IV directly).
Definition and impact of systematic variability that can lead to alternative explanations for the results obtained in the study.
An exploration of how participants systematically differ across levels of the IV, potentially skewing results.
Utilize matched groups to ensure participants are comparable based on certain characteristics, particularly in small sample sizes.
A comprehensive breakdown of the study's methodology to highlight strengths and weaknesses related to internal validity.
Consideration of participant demographics and preferences that may influence the results and their generalizability.
Distinction between between-subjects designs (independent groups) and within-subjects designs (repeated measures).
Independent-groups Design: Different participants are assigned to various levels of the IV.
Within-groups Design: Same participants are subjected to all levels of the IV, enhancing reliability.
An overview of designs that only test participants after they have been exposed to the IV.
Discusses the framework involving random assignment to groups tested both before and after the intervention.
Emphasizes the context-dependent nature of deciding which experimental design to adopt based on the research question at hand.
Types include repeated-measures (same subjects under all conditions) and concurrent-measures (comparing different conditions in one trial).
Notable for controlling individual differences as each participant acts as their own control.
A detailed overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in both types of designs to inform methodological choice.
Analysis of order effects and methods to mitigate their influence on the results.
Detailed discussion of full versus partial counterbalancing techniques to manage presentation order variations.
Examination of how to utilize partial counterbalancing within factorial designs to control for order effects.
Considerations of potential order effects and demand characteristics that may arise as participants become aware of the experimental manipulation.
Differences in exposure to the IV juxtaposed between different design frameworks to highlight implications on results.
Validity considerations are outlined, highlighting the critical nature of assessing construct, external, statistical, and internal validity in research findings.
Involves the quality of variable measurement and the effectiveness of manipulation within the experiment.
Generalizability to other populations and settings is discussed, highlighting factors that influence applicability.
Discussion on the concepts of statistical significance and effect sizes, emphasizing the importance of rigorous statistical analysis in experimental research.
Understanding and calculating effect sizes through Pearson's r and Cohen's d, providing insight into the practical significance of research findings.
Critical considerations for ensuring internal validity throughout the experimental process are outlined, emphasizing the rigor required in designing experiments.
Interactive questions designed to reinforce learning and assess understanding of experimental concepts.
Clarification of misconceptions related to control groups, the necessity of pretests, and the difference between random samples versus random assignment.