Title: 2023 AP® English Language and Composition Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary Set 1
Publisher: © 2023 College Board
Content Overview:
Free-Response Question 3
Scoring Guidelines
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
Prompt: Consider Maxine Hong Kingston’s statement regarding community of voices.
Task: Write an argumentative essay addressing Kingston’s claim.
Present a defensible thesis.
Provide supporting evidence.
Explain the relevance of the evidence.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
Thesis Evaluation (0–1 points):
0 points: No defensible thesis, restatement of prompt, unclear claim, or vague position.
1 point: Defensible thesis responding adequately to the prompt.
Scoring Notes:
Responses that fail to take a clear position or state an obvious fact do not earn points.
A defensible thesis should be specific to Kingston’s claim.
Scoring Evaluation (0–4 points):
0 points: No relevant evidence or incoherent response.
1 point: General evidence provided, but lacks effective commentary.
2 points: Some specific evidence given, but lacks a clear line of reasoning.
3 points: Specific evidence and some coherent commentary supporting a line of reasoning.
4 points: Uniform specific evidence and explanation that supports a clear line of reasoning.
Important Notes: Grammatical errors can impact the score in this category.
Sophistication Evaluation (0–1 points):
0 points: Fails to meet sophistication criteria.
1 point: Demonstrates sophistication and complexity in understanding the rhetorical situation.
Responses must enhance arguments with nuances and effective rhetorical choices.
Main Idea: Power of community voices vs. individual voices.
Examples Provided:
Historical contexts (Civil Rights Movement).
Importance of collective action in social change.
Claim: Unity among voices leads to significant impact.
Further Exploration:
Community power revealed through collective efforts.
Notable figures like Martin Luther King Jr. as catalysts for change.
The need for many voices amplifying truth.
Thesis: Community of voices holds more power than individual voices.
Case Study: Civil Rights Movement as an example of effective collective action.
Observation: Historical protests as mechanisms for change and awareness.
Conclusion: Community action is essential for achieving goals.
Thesis: Community of voices introduces complexities; not all voices are equal.
Concerns Raised:
Possibility of harmful opinions arising from collective voices.
Reference to social media (Twitter) as an example of collective opinion power.
Implications: Potential negative consequences for individuals based on community judgments.
Overall Scores:
Thesis: 1 point
Evidence & Commentary: 4 points
Sophistication: 1 point
Well-supported claims with nuanced arguments.
Strong historical examples demonstrating collective voice power.
Overall Scores:
Thesis: 1 point
Evidence & Commentary: 2 points
Sophistication: 0 points
Minimal commentary and connection establishment.
Lack of depth in argument development.
Overall Scores:
Thesis: 1 point
Evidence & Commentary: 1 point
Sophistication: 0 points
Lacks effective evidence and explanation.
Simple approach without exploring complexities.