Religion - Hinduism

1. What do Hindus believe - Reincarnation
2. What is the ultimate goal - To seek liberation from the cycle of life
3. Why are Hindus patient - There is no death only transformation
4. What is seen world - an illusion
5. What is the cycle of life - Samara to Moksha
6. What is Moksha - the freedom from the cycle of reincarnation
7. Who are Monistic - Hindus
8. What do Monists believe - all reality is one substance
9. What is similar to this teaching of reality is one - Brahman
10. What is Atman - The eternal self
11. Is Hinduism monistic religion with many Gods? - Yes
12. How many gods are estimated - 330 million
13. Can you measure Brahman - No it takes many forms
14. What are the major gods of Hinduism - Brahma (creator), vishnu (sustainer) and Shiva (destroyer)
15. What is agni - god of fire
16. What is ganesha - elephant god
17. What is krishna - child god
18. What is Ethics - how one should act
19. What is Karma - the moral law of cause and effect of actions
20. What is Dharma - ethical duty based the divine order of reality
21. What is the name for the duty of every individual - Dharma
22. What establishes order and balance to the world - Dharma
23. What is the path of works - doing good deeds
24. What is the path of knowledge - studying
25. What is the path of devotion - emotional
26. what are the 3 paths to liberation - works, knowledge and devotion
27. What is the sacred texts of Hinduism - Rig Veda, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita
28. What are the eight steps to Yoga - stop harming living things, lying, stealing, acting unchastely and being greedy/ cleanliness, calmness, self-control, studioness and prayerfulness/ lotus position/ breathing properly/ stop perceiving the outside world/ concentrate on 1 thing/ Meditating/ get onto a trance
