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A Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Character List

Santiago Nasar

  • Was murdered at 21 yrs old

  • Is an Arab- Columbian

  • Often had dreams with trees- “ He’d dreamed he was going through a grove of timber trees where a gentel drizzle was, falling and for an instant he was happy in his dream, but when he awoke he felt completely spattered with bird shit. “ (marquez 3)

    • The trees could symbolize Santiagos destiny and roots he holds within his community, which may be the reason he is killed. In the story the narrator describes them as an “omen”, which is a sign that foreshadows or predicts an event in.

  • Santiago was a financially stable man who owned his fathers cattle ranch, which was passed down to him after his father passed away.

  • He owned guns and was very familiar with them but never kept them loaded unless there was some bird shooting ceremony to happen

  • He is described as “slim” and “pale” with his fathers eyelids and curly hair

  • Had to sacrifice his studies in order to take care of the family ranch.

    • “By his nature, Santiago Nasar was merry and peaceful, and open hearted.” (Marquez 8)

  • Was obsessed with the bishop, wanted to kiss his ring. ( marquez 8 )

    • The bishops ring symbolizes the bishops spiritual devotion to the church, thus anyone who is allowed to kiss the ring is acknowledged as loyal to the church. So its a big deal and like a blessing.

      • Now why would he want this blessing and recognition?

        • Maybe as a way to move on easily in the after life, through all the messed up things he has done in this life.

  • He was also Obsessed with Divina Flor, the daughter of Victoria.

    • “The time has come for to be tamed,” (marquez 9)

      • he is really gross but this reveals his view on the women

Victoria Guzman

  • the cook at the Nasar house hold

  • According to her the weather hadn’t been more beautiful the month of Santiagos death- “The sun warms things up earlier than in August.” ( marquez 9 )

    • just by this we can infer that she couldn’t have been happier by the fact that he died because she viewed the weather as sunny, referring to August.

    • Everyone else wasn’t sure if it had specifically rained or not. She didn’t even doubt it, for her it was a no.

  • Last time she saw Santiago was the morning of his death where she was cooking lunch.

    • “…recalled without affection.” (marquez 9 )

  • She was Ibrahims lover.

    • She was seduced by him in the fullness of her adolescence. She made love to him in secret. ( Marquez 9 )

    • reason why she hated Ibrahim, because he after all of that tossed her aside to be a house servant.

  • She hated Santiago

    • “He was just like his father,” …”A shit” (Marquez 10)

  • Her allibi was that her and Divina Flor were feeding the dogs with the insides of the rabbits the morning of his death.

  • They lied about not knowing about his death- that it was going to happen

    • “…she admitted that both knew it when he came into the kitchen to have his coffee. They had been told by a woman who had passed by after 5 o’clock to beg a bit of milk, who had in addition mentioned the motive and setting. “ (marquez 13)

  • She wanted Santiago to die even though she said she believed it was just a joke

Divina Flor

  • Daughter of Victoria

  • She was taken advantage by Santiago

    • “I didn’t feel the usual surprise but an awful urge to cry.”…”…she saw the almond trees on the square, snowy in the light of dawn…” (marquez 13)

      • Clearly to her it was winter since she mentions snow= death

Clotilde Armenta

  • proprietress of the establishment where the two killers were waiting for Santiago - the milk shop next to the church

  • She saw him first thing

    • he already looked like a ghost (marquez 15)

Pedro and Pablo Vicario

  • the murderers

    • “… the new docks” (marquez 12)

  • twins who were 24 yrs old

  • they were also at the wedding with Santiago

  • They initially slept at a bench with their knives hidden in news paper at the milk shop of Clotilde. They were gonna follow him from there to kill him, but Clotilde stopped them and told them it was best to leave him for after the Bishop had left.


  • narrators sister

  • According to her it was Christmas weather

  • She was with Santiago when he was going to the bishop - the pier

  • didn’t know he was going to get killed

Angela Vicario

  • sister of Pablo and Pedro

  • got married the day before the murdure

  • got returned home after the groom found out she wasn’t a virgin

    • this shows how conservative the town is. This was viewed as unacceptable

  • We can infer that Santiago took away her virginity and thats why her brothers killed him

Luisa Santiaga

  • mother of narrator

  • godmother of Santiago

  • Blood relative of Paula Vicario (mother of Angela, Pedro and Pablo )

  • she knows everything going on about the town but surprisingly didn’t know anything until Margot started telling her what was going on

  • was going to tell Placida what they were going ot do to her son but it was too late

Don Lazaro Aponte

  • a colonel who knew what was going to happen but then didn’t do anything about it

Flora Miguel

  • was going to marry Santiago Nasar

Cristo Bedoya

  • was with Santiago and the narrator until after 4

  • then the day after- monday- he was with him at the square

The Bishop

  • hates the town

  • loves rooster soup

Ibrahim Nasar

  • Santiagos father

  • died when Santiago was 18

  • Came to this columbian town at the end of the civil wars

Placida Linero

  • Columbian- mother of Santiago

  • An accurate dream interpreter

    • She failed to accurately interpret her sons dreams (ironic and also suspicious) “…she hadn’t noticed any ominous augury in those two dreams of her son’s, or in the other dreams of trees he’d described to her on the morning preceding his death. “ (marquez 4)

  • She was devastated by his death: “…for the eternal headache that her son had left her the last time he went through the bedroom…she confused me with the memory of Santiago Nasar…”he was the man in mu life. ““(marquez 6-7)

  • The last time she saw her son was the morning of his death when he awoke her looking around for an aspirin

  • Had quite a lonely relationship with her husband Ibrahim


  • Close relationship with Santiago

  • Makes sure to give an alibi which is suspicious.

    The morning Santiago was killed he home sleeping with Maria Alejandrina Cervantes, and was awoken by the sound of the alarm bells. So he wasn’t awake until after it had happened. or so he says.

  • He comes back to his town to put together the peaces of Santiagos murder.

Beyardo San Roman

  • man who gave back Angela

  • he came into the town 6 months before the wedding

  • he was 30 years old

  • his reason for coming into town was that he was looking for someone to marry

  • he was a track engineer and wanted to build a railroad in the town

  • he liked partying and was a good drinker, a mediator of fights and an enemy of cardsharp

  • very persuasive and charming

  • he was capable of doing everything and doing it well

  • he was obsessed with Angela

  • the narrator says he was excessive good manners- fake

Magdalena Oliver

  • she was with Beyardo when he took the trip to the columbian town

  • she described him as extremely handsome


Overview- Catholic Columbian small town that is located near the shore. Conservative and superstitious town

Roosters: signify the awareness of what is about to happen that morning, how everyone including the roosters knew

Season/ Weather

Everyone had their own interpretation of the weather that Monday. For some it was snowy and cold, others sunny and bright, others cloudy and rainy. Now based on the symbolism this reveals how they felt towards what occurred.

  1. It was February and no one could make up their mind on how the weather was the Monday Santiago was killed. But majority knew something was wrong “But most agreed that the weather was funeral, with cloudy, low sky and the thick smell of still water, and that at the moment of misfortune a thin drizzle was falling like the on Santiago Nasar had seen in his dream grove.” ( Marquez 4)

    • The “thin drizzle” of rain symbolizes the unavoidable event- murder of Santiago

Significance of setting:

So basically since its a small town everyone seems to know each other and always whats going on. Everyone knew what was going to happen to Santiago, and no one did anything to stop it. They were all in on it, but why?

Time Line

On a Monday 27 years ago at 5:30 am- Santiago Nasar wakes up ( to wait for bishop who was coming)



  • Wedding of Angela

  • Santiago stayed until 4 lingering with the narrator and Cristo


5:30 Am - Santiago wakes up

6:05 am- he leaves the house to go to the docks. He goes through the back door which is almost never used and gets named “The Fatal Door”.

  • the last people who see him at the house are Divina and Victoria

On his way to the docks he meets up with Cristo who he walks to the docs with and later joined by Margot.

Between 6:00 am and 7:00 am

  • Pedro and Pablo see Santiago walking to the docks but don’t follow him there

  • People see him alive and think he wont die anymore

  • he is invited over to Margots house for breakfast but he forgot his watch so he tells her he will meet with her there later.

  • Santiago does not get direct contact with the Bishop because he doesn’t get off the boat

  • so he makes his way back

  • Margot tells her mom about what is going on

  • her mom goes to tell Placida but on her way there she is told he is already killed.

A Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Character List

Santiago Nasar

  • Was murdered at 21 yrs old

  • Is an Arab- Columbian

  • Often had dreams with trees- “ He’d dreamed he was going through a grove of timber trees where a gentel drizzle was, falling and for an instant he was happy in his dream, but when he awoke he felt completely spattered with bird shit. “ (marquez 3)

    • The trees could symbolize Santiagos destiny and roots he holds within his community, which may be the reason he is killed. In the story the narrator describes them as an “omen”, which is a sign that foreshadows or predicts an event in.

  • Santiago was a financially stable man who owned his fathers cattle ranch, which was passed down to him after his father passed away.

  • He owned guns and was very familiar with them but never kept them loaded unless there was some bird shooting ceremony to happen

  • He is described as “slim” and “pale” with his fathers eyelids and curly hair

  • Had to sacrifice his studies in order to take care of the family ranch.

    • “By his nature, Santiago Nasar was merry and peaceful, and open hearted.” (Marquez 8)

  • Was obsessed with the bishop, wanted to kiss his ring. ( marquez 8 )

    • The bishops ring symbolizes the bishops spiritual devotion to the church, thus anyone who is allowed to kiss the ring is acknowledged as loyal to the church. So its a big deal and like a blessing.

      • Now why would he want this blessing and recognition?

        • Maybe as a way to move on easily in the after life, through all the messed up things he has done in this life.

  • He was also Obsessed with Divina Flor, the daughter of Victoria.

    • “The time has come for to be tamed,” (marquez 9)

      • he is really gross but this reveals his view on the women

Victoria Guzman

  • the cook at the Nasar house hold

  • According to her the weather hadn’t been more beautiful the month of Santiagos death- “The sun warms things up earlier than in August.” ( marquez 9 )

    • just by this we can infer that she couldn’t have been happier by the fact that he died because she viewed the weather as sunny, referring to August.

    • Everyone else wasn’t sure if it had specifically rained or not. She didn’t even doubt it, for her it was a no.

  • Last time she saw Santiago was the morning of his death where she was cooking lunch.

    • “…recalled without affection.” (marquez 9 )

  • She was Ibrahims lover.

    • She was seduced by him in the fullness of her adolescence. She made love to him in secret. ( Marquez 9 )

    • reason why she hated Ibrahim, because he after all of that tossed her aside to be a house servant.

  • She hated Santiago

    • “He was just like his father,” …”A shit” (Marquez 10)

  • Her allibi was that her and Divina Flor were feeding the dogs with the insides of the rabbits the morning of his death.

  • They lied about not knowing about his death- that it was going to happen

    • “…she admitted that both knew it when he came into the kitchen to have his coffee. They had been told by a woman who had passed by after 5 o’clock to beg a bit of milk, who had in addition mentioned the motive and setting. “ (marquez 13)

  • She wanted Santiago to die even though she said she believed it was just a joke

Divina Flor

  • Daughter of Victoria

  • She was taken advantage by Santiago

    • “I didn’t feel the usual surprise but an awful urge to cry.”…”…she saw the almond trees on the square, snowy in the light of dawn…” (marquez 13)

      • Clearly to her it was winter since she mentions snow= death

Clotilde Armenta

  • proprietress of the establishment where the two killers were waiting for Santiago - the milk shop next to the church

  • She saw him first thing

    • he already looked like a ghost (marquez 15)

Pedro and Pablo Vicario

  • the murderers

    • “… the new docks” (marquez 12)

  • twins who were 24 yrs old

  • they were also at the wedding with Santiago

  • They initially slept at a bench with their knives hidden in news paper at the milk shop of Clotilde. They were gonna follow him from there to kill him, but Clotilde stopped them and told them it was best to leave him for after the Bishop had left.


  • narrators sister

  • According to her it was Christmas weather

  • She was with Santiago when he was going to the bishop - the pier

  • didn’t know he was going to get killed

Angela Vicario

  • sister of Pablo and Pedro

  • got married the day before the murdure

  • got returned home after the groom found out she wasn’t a virgin

    • this shows how conservative the town is. This was viewed as unacceptable

  • We can infer that Santiago took away her virginity and thats why her brothers killed him

Luisa Santiaga

  • mother of narrator

  • godmother of Santiago

  • Blood relative of Paula Vicario (mother of Angela, Pedro and Pablo )

  • she knows everything going on about the town but surprisingly didn’t know anything until Margot started telling her what was going on

  • was going to tell Placida what they were going ot do to her son but it was too late

Don Lazaro Aponte

  • a colonel who knew what was going to happen but then didn’t do anything about it

Flora Miguel

  • was going to marry Santiago Nasar

Cristo Bedoya

  • was with Santiago and the narrator until after 4

  • then the day after- monday- he was with him at the square

The Bishop

  • hates the town

  • loves rooster soup

Ibrahim Nasar

  • Santiagos father

  • died when Santiago was 18

  • Came to this columbian town at the end of the civil wars

Placida Linero

  • Columbian- mother of Santiago

  • An accurate dream interpreter

    • She failed to accurately interpret her sons dreams (ironic and also suspicious) “…she hadn’t noticed any ominous augury in those two dreams of her son’s, or in the other dreams of trees he’d described to her on the morning preceding his death. “ (marquez 4)

  • She was devastated by his death: “…for the eternal headache that her son had left her the last time he went through the bedroom…she confused me with the memory of Santiago Nasar…”he was the man in mu life. ““(marquez 6-7)

  • The last time she saw her son was the morning of his death when he awoke her looking around for an aspirin

  • Had quite a lonely relationship with her husband Ibrahim


  • Close relationship with Santiago

  • Makes sure to give an alibi which is suspicious.

    The morning Santiago was killed he home sleeping with Maria Alejandrina Cervantes, and was awoken by the sound of the alarm bells. So he wasn’t awake until after it had happened. or so he says.

  • He comes back to his town to put together the peaces of Santiagos murder.

Beyardo San Roman

  • man who gave back Angela

  • he came into the town 6 months before the wedding

  • he was 30 years old

  • his reason for coming into town was that he was looking for someone to marry

  • he was a track engineer and wanted to build a railroad in the town

  • he liked partying and was a good drinker, a mediator of fights and an enemy of cardsharp

  • very persuasive and charming

  • he was capable of doing everything and doing it well

  • he was obsessed with Angela

  • the narrator says he was excessive good manners- fake

Magdalena Oliver

  • she was with Beyardo when he took the trip to the columbian town

  • she described him as extremely handsome


Overview- Catholic Columbian small town that is located near the shore. Conservative and superstitious town

Roosters: signify the awareness of what is about to happen that morning, how everyone including the roosters knew

Season/ Weather

Everyone had their own interpretation of the weather that Monday. For some it was snowy and cold, others sunny and bright, others cloudy and rainy. Now based on the symbolism this reveals how they felt towards what occurred.

  1. It was February and no one could make up their mind on how the weather was the Monday Santiago was killed. But majority knew something was wrong “But most agreed that the weather was funeral, with cloudy, low sky and the thick smell of still water, and that at the moment of misfortune a thin drizzle was falling like the on Santiago Nasar had seen in his dream grove.” ( Marquez 4)

    • The “thin drizzle” of rain symbolizes the unavoidable event- murder of Santiago

Significance of setting:

So basically since its a small town everyone seems to know each other and always whats going on. Everyone knew what was going to happen to Santiago, and no one did anything to stop it. They were all in on it, but why?

Time Line

On a Monday 27 years ago at 5:30 am- Santiago Nasar wakes up ( to wait for bishop who was coming)



  • Wedding of Angela

  • Santiago stayed until 4 lingering with the narrator and Cristo


5:30 Am - Santiago wakes up

6:05 am- he leaves the house to go to the docks. He goes through the back door which is almost never used and gets named “The Fatal Door”.

  • the last people who see him at the house are Divina and Victoria

On his way to the docks he meets up with Cristo who he walks to the docs with and later joined by Margot.

Between 6:00 am and 7:00 am

  • Pedro and Pablo see Santiago walking to the docks but don’t follow him there

  • People see him alive and think he wont die anymore

  • he is invited over to Margots house for breakfast but he forgot his watch so he tells her he will meet with her there later.

  • Santiago does not get direct contact with the Bishop because he doesn’t get off the boat

  • so he makes his way back

  • Margot tells her mom about what is going on

  • her mom goes to tell Placida but on her way there she is told he is already killed.