Types of crime
Violent crime
Non-violent crime
Street Crime
Corporate crime
Victimless crime
Hate crime
Crime statistics (in PH)
Sources of crime data
Types of crimes
Index crimes
Non-index crimes
Recent trends
8% decrease in index crimes
Correction system
More commonly known as the prison system, is tasked with supervising individuals who have been arrested, convicted, and sentenced for a criminal offence
The Philippine corrections system oversees individuals arrested, convicted, and sentenced for criminal offenses
Alternatives to incarceration
To address overcrowding and promote rehabilitation, th
Deviant is cause by
Deviancy is pushed
Frequent exposure to deviancy will affect one's perception of deviancy; Frequency of interaction
Social control
Techniques and strategies employed for preventing deviant human behavior in any society
Parents, Peer groups, Government, Bureaucratic org
Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm
If we fail to live up to the norm we may face informal sanctions (fear and ridicule) or formal sanctions (jail sentences or fines)
Conformity and Obedience
Reflecting in the milgram experiment
2/3s of the participants fell
Informal and formal social control
Informal social control
Used to casually to enforce norms
Smiles, laughter, raised eyebrows, ridicule
Formal social control
Carried out by authorized agents
Informal social control can undermine formal social control, encouraging people to violate social norms
Functionalist perspective
Merton's deviance theory
Interactionist perspective
Cultural transmission
Cultural transmission: humans learn how to behave in social situations, whether properly or improperly
Differential association: process through which exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts leads to the violation of rules
Social disorganization theory: increases in crime and deviance attributed to absence
Labeling perspective
Labeling theory: attempts to explain why some people are viewed as deviants while others are not; also known as societal-reaction approach
Societal-reaction approach: another term for labeling theory, designed to remind us that the response to an act, not the behavior, determines deviance