China and its Neighbors

China and its NeighborsĀ 

pg. 53-62

  1. Why are the centuries of the Song dynasty in China sometimes referred to as a ā€œgolden ageā€?

  • enduring state structure for 100 yesars

  • is was the cultural peak, economiv revelutionary and set standard for excellence

  1. What does this map suggest about Chinaā€™s relationship with the nomadic peoples to the north?

  • hostile because of great wall

  1. In what ways did the Song dynasty establish an enduring state structure?

  • judged others by morality especailly officals

  • examination system including both commoners and nobles

  • make 6 new major ministry to increase goverment officals

  • printing press

  1. How did the uses and spread of gunpowder after 1200 occur?

  • it came to be as mass market became more popular, it replaced local spending

  • this was easier because of many waterways, which were easily accessable

  1. China had the worldā€™s leading economy around 1200, what are its features?Ā 

  • shipbuiling

  • coal production

  • printing

  • navigation

  • gunpowder

  • military

  1. In what ways did womenā€™s lives change during the Song dynasty?

  • strained realtionship between man and women

  • bound ffet

  • growth of urban enviorments led to more job oppurtunites including rice

  • modern rights expanded

  • womans textile industr taken over by men(made less money

  1. How does the Chinese practice of foot binding demonstrate the tightening of patriarchy in the Song dynasty?

  • idea of frigal obediate beauty(beauty standard

  • patriarcal society

  1. Explain theĀ  interactions between major empires and the states near them, such as China with Korea and Vietnam with China.

  • tribute to china

  • but some colonization(varied)

  1. Evaluate the similarities and differences in the influence China had on Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. In what ways was that influence resisted?

  • cultural elite borrowed heavily

  • vietnam had political dominance and cultural change

  1. What cultural changes occurred in Korea in response to Chinese influence?

  1. Explain the differences between the ways Chinese culture was introduced into Japan and how it was introduced into Korea and Vietnam.

  1. In what different ways did Japanese and Korean women experience the pressures of traditional Confucian teachings?
