BNMG 310 Organizational Behavior & Management
Exam 1 Study Guide – Spring 2025
The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions only (no essay questions) covering the material from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11. Here are the topics to focus on:
Chapter 1
Different types of managers and their responsibilities
Strategic management definition
The management functions in the POLC framework
Types of planning and what each involves
Environmental scanning definition
The roles of individual performers and managers and how they differ
Chapter 2
The levels of analysis in organizational behavior and examples
Hypothesis definition
Meta-analysis definition
Triple bottom line definition
The different research methods in OB and what each involves
What the Hawthorne studies involved, and the key findings from the research
Chapter 3
Definition of strategy and where it fits in the POLC framework
Purpose of diversification as it relates to strategy
What is involved in a SWOT analysis
Differences between/definition of intended, deliberate, emergent, and realized strategy
Porter’s generic strategies, and how they can be combined
What is involved in a VRIO analysis
Components of Porter’s Five Forces model
Be familiar with some examples of companies changing/maintaining their strategy as discussed in class
Chapter 4
Know the difference between surface and deep-level diversity traits and examples of each
Why companies should consider implementing diversity programs. In other words, the benefits to doing so. (Based on the research covered in the text and class discussion, not just your opinion).
Know examples of reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities
Definition of glass ceiling
The four groups of programs that are part of affirmative action programs
Each of the dimensions from Hofstede's culture framework and their characteristics
Ethnocentrism defined
Know how diversity relates to legality in hiring, i.e., what factors are legal to consider when hiring based on current federal law
Chapter 5
The two types of fit (Person-Job and Person-Organization) and how they are used or should be used by hiring managers.
Know the Big Five personality dimensions and the general characteristics associated with each
Know which of the Big Five factors is the best predictor of job performance across most occupations
Self-monitoring definition
Emotional intelligence definition
The characteristics of internal and external locus of control individuals
The difference between traditional and practical intelligence, and how each is typically measured
The effectiveness of intelligence/cognitive ability for predicting job performance
The characteristics of a proactive personality
Chapter 11
The stages in Tuckman's model of group development and what each involves
How groups and teams differ
Examples of the different types of formal and informal groups
The different types of norms that can be established by a team
The conditions under which norms are most powerful
Groupthink definition
Cohesion definition
The various ways that group cohesion can be increased
The three different types of social loafing discussed in class
How social loafing can be reduced or prevented