Introduction to Cellular Pathology Module

Pathology = Study of disease

Cellular Pathology = it is the study and function changes in cells, tissues and organs that underlie diseases (using scientific techniques)

The GOAL of pathology is the identification of what causes the disease? which can lead to a successful therapy attempt and disease prevention.

A quote from Virchow is what modern pathology is based on

“All diseases involve changes in normal cells”


This means that understanding the basics of cells in their healthy state you can easily compare to diseased cells and analyse what went wrong in the patient to diagnose

Over 70-80% of clinical decisions are decided by pathology especially in FPH where i saw Doctors or other clinical staff use the lab results in a POCT device or lab processed results to determine the correct response of treatment

Module learning Outcomes

  • Compare and contrast the morphological changes in gross/micro/ultra structures of cells and tissues disease in

  • Rationalise tissues preparation procedures and staining protocols

  • Examine the importance of laboratory accreditation and internal and external quality assessments for cellular pathology

  • Evaluate the impact of key molecular mechanisms on behaviour of a selected disease and observe and identify on a microscope for diagnostic treatment

  • Independently utilise histological investigations
