Act 2, Scene 4


  • Ross and an Old Man discuss what an unnatural night it has been.

  • Ross and Macduff discuss whether Malcolm and Donaldbain are responsible for Duncanā€™s murder

  • Ross heads to Scone to see Macbeth crowned as King of Scotland - Macduff stays home


ā€˜Threescore and ten I can remember wellā€™ - Old Man

  • ā€˜Threescore and tenā€™ - he has lived for 70 years

  • His age amplifies how terrible the night has been as it is nothing like he has seen before yet her has a lot of experience

ā€˜the heavensā€™ ā€˜stageā€™ ā€˜actā€™ - Ross

  • Constant semantic field of theatre in Rossā€™ response

  • Theatre shows that the night has been so unruly that it was if it was controlled by others (could link to God and the Great Chain of Being)

  • Makes the disruption of nature seem significant and global

ā€˜the face of earth entombā€™ - Ross

  • Personifies earth

  • Buried by darkness - emphasises the significance of the event

ā€˜'Tis unnaturalā€™ - Old Man

  • Great Chain of Being has been disrupted

ā€˜Duncan's horsesā€™ā€¦ā€™the minions of their raceā€™ - Ross

  • Duncanā€™s horses are the best of their kind - they destroy each other - symbolises the fight for the Scottish crown following the murder of Duncan

  • Horses turned on each other
