Untitled Flashcards Set

Vocab To Know:

The list below is a courtesy head’s up. Most of the vocabulary on this test is considered 10th grade level or below. Additionally, some of the words on this list were 9th grade vocab words. Ironically, the starred 11th grade words came from 10th grade materials, so it seems appropriate to keep them. None of words below will be defined for you on the day of the test.

articulate (vb) dissent immunity musing* separatist

assertive divergent impassioned oblivion solemn

earnest indignant principles stimuli*

conclusive ecstatic inflammatory repentant sympathizer

condescending* evoke* instill resolved torment

contemplative fatalistic jubilant sadistic validity*

discord grave (adj) mirth scornful whimsical*

dispel gratitude muddled sentient    **starred defined on back

condescending (adj) acting superior; treating others as inferior

evoke (v) to call up or produce (as in memories of feelings

musing (adj) absorbed in thought; meditative

stimuli (n. plural) that which can provoke an action or response

validity (n) the quality of being well-founded, sound, or based on truth

whimsical (adj) given to light, fanciful, playful humor

  • wane (v) to decrease in size, amount, intensity, or degree; to diminish.
