Define forecasting, give 3 examples:
The scientific process of predicting a future event
Ex: weather forecast, sports games, sales forecast, traffic, etc
We study demand/sales forecasting
Give 5 differences between short-range and long-range forecasting:
Predict a few days into the future
More accurate
Used to make day-to-day operational decisions
Uses quantitative techniques
Used in the maturity & decline phase of PLC
Predict a few years into the future
Less accurate
Used to make strategic long-term decisions
Uses qualitative techniques
Used in the Intro & Growth phase of PLC
What is PLC? How is it related to forecasting? (Draw the diagram)
Product life cycle shows relationship between sales/demand and time.
Introduction and growth require longer forecasts than maturity and decline.
Introduction - Growth - Maturity - Decline
Introduction it slightly grows (no one knows about it), growth it grows rapidly(people start liking it/learning about it), maturity/stabilization it flattens out (competitors), and decline it declines
Short-range forecasting is used during maturity and decline, while long-range forecasting is used during the intro and growth phases.
Why is forecasting important? Give at least 4 reasons: (at least 1 sentence in your own words about each)
Reliable forecasting helps in better
Supply chain Management: lets us know how much we need to order (supplies, materials, etc) and when
Capacity planning: lets us know how much capacity we have to store, produce, sell, etc
Human resource/personnel planning: lets us know how many employees we need and/or where they should be
Scheduling: lets us know when we should schedule our employees, on what days, and for how long
Market positioning: lets us know when we should release products, advertisements, etc according to market conditions
List 4 qualitative forecasting techniques:
Jury of Executive Opinion (group of CEOs, CFOs, and such)
Delphi method
Sales force composite
Market Survey (questionnaires by email or phone, fill it out)
Write short notes on the following:
Jury of executive opinion:
Involves a small group of high-level experts and managers
Relies on managerial experience and expertise (intuition and gut feeling)
Relatively quick
‘Group think’ disadvantage
Delphi method:
The iterative group process continues until consensus is reached
Three types of participants: Decision makers, staff, and respondents
Sales Force Composite:
A method of forecasting future demand for a product by adding together what each member of the sales force expects to be able to sell in his/her territory
Each salesperson projects his/her sales
Combined at district and national levels
Sales reps know customer’s wants
May be overly optimistic
Ex: Lexus dealers
What is a time series? Describe the components and draw a pic
A time series is a series of interspersed data collected at regular time intervals. For example, the stock price of a company plotted on the Y axis and the time on the x axis. The four components of time series are
Trend: gradual upward or downward overall movement of the graph
Seasonality: regular ups and downs of the graph depending on the seasons (weekdays vs weekends, summer vs winter)
Cyclicals: other cycles related to macroeconomic events, (inflation, economic depressions, currency fluctuations, etc), weather incidents, global events, etc
Random errors: unsystematic, unpredictable small errors or fluctuations
Why is location a strategically important decision?
One of the most important decisions a firm makes
Increasingly global in nature
Significant impact on fixed and variable costs
Decisions made relatively infrequently
Long-term decisions
Once committed to a location, many resource and cost issues are difficult to change
List the seven factors that affect location decisions
Labor productivity
Wage rates not only cost, but lower productivity may also increase total cost
Exchange rates and currency risks
Tangible - easily measured costs like utility labor materials taxes
Intangible - public transportation etc
Political risk, values, and culture
National state local gov attitudes toward private and intellectual property
Proximity to suppliers
Perishable goods, high transportation costs, bulky products
Proximity to consumers/market
Very important to services
JIT systems or high transportation costs may make it important to manufacturers
Proximity to competitors
Often driven by resources such as natural, info, capital, talent
Found in both manufacturing and service industries
Numerical question about the Factor-Rating Method
Calculate all weights time all scores to get weighted score
=SUMPRODUCT in Excel (select weight column then comma then score column)
Numerical question about the Center-of-gravity method
FInds location of distribution center that minimizes distribution costs
Considers location of markets, volume of goods shipped to those markets, shipping cost (or distance)
X-coordinate of the center of gravity = Sum of x × Q / sum of Q
Y coordinate of the center of gravity = Sum of y × Q / sum of Q
Where x = x coordinate of location i
y = y coordinate of location i
Q = quantity of goods moved to or from location i
Center of gravity method:
X-coordinate of center of gravity = sumproduct (x-coordinate , volume) / sum (volume)
Exponential smoothing
New forecast = last period’s forecast + a (last period’s actual demand - last period’s forecast)
Ft = Ft-1 + a (At-a - Ft-1)
Where Ft = new forecast
Ft-a = previous period’s forecast
a = smoothing (or weighting) constant,
Least squares method
Equations to calculate the regression variables
y^ = a + bx
B = (sum of) (xy - nyx) / sum of x^2
Mean squared error (MSE) = sum of (forecast errors)^2 / n
Mean absolute deviation (MAD) = sum absolute value of error / n
Mean absolute percent error (MAPE) = (( sum of absolute value of error / actual value ) / n ) *100
Weighted moving average = sum of ((weight for period n) × (demand in period n)) / sum of weights. Ex: ((3 × 10) + (2 × 12) + (1 × 8)) / 6
Untitled Flashcards Set
Define forecasting, give 3 examples:
The scientific process of predicting a future event
Ex: weather forecast, sports games, sales forecast, traffic, etc
We study demand/sales forecasting
Give 5 differences between short-range and long-range forecasting:
Predict a few days into the future
More accurate
Used to make day-to-day operational decisions
Uses quantitative techniques
Used in the maturity & decline phase of PLC
Predict a few years into the future
Less accurate
Used to make strategic long-term decisions
Uses qualitative techniques
Used in the Intro & Growth phase of PLC
What is PLC? How is it related to forecasting? (Draw the diagram)
Product life cycle shows relationship between sales/demand and time.
Introduction and growth require longer forecasts than maturity and decline.
Introduction - Growth - Maturity - Decline
Introduction it slightly grows (no one knows about it), growth it grows rapidly(people start liking it/learning about it), maturity/stabilization it flattens out (competitors), and decline it declines
Short-range forecasting is used during maturity and decline, while long-range forecasting is used during the intro and growth phases.
Why is forecasting important? Give at least 4 reasons: (at least 1 sentence in your own words about each)
Reliable forecasting helps in better
Supply chain Management: lets us know how much we need to order (supplies, materials, etc) and when
Capacity planning: lets us know how much capacity we have to store, produce, sell, etc
Human resource/personnel planning: lets us know how many employees we need and/or where they should be
Scheduling: lets us know when we should schedule our employees, on what days, and for how long
Market positioning: lets us know when we should release products, advertisements, etc according to market conditions
List 4 qualitative forecasting techniques:
Jury of Executive Opinion (group of CEOs, CFOs, and such)
Delphi method
Sales force composite
Market Survey (questionnaires by email or phone, fill it out)
Write short notes on the following:
Jury of executive opinion:
Involves a small group of high-level experts and managers
Relies on managerial experience and expertise (intuition and gut feeling)
Relatively quick
‘Group think’ disadvantage
Delphi method:
The iterative group process continues until consensus is reached
Three types of participants: Decision makers, staff, and respondents
Sales Force Composite:
A method of forecasting future demand for a product by adding together what each member of the sales force expects to be able to sell in his/her territory
Each salesperson projects his/her sales
Combined at district and national levels
Sales reps know customer’s wants
May be overly optimistic
Ex: Lexus dealers
What is a time series? Describe the components and draw a pic
A time series is a series of interspersed data collected at regular time intervals. For example, the stock price of a company plotted on the Y axis and the time on the x axis. The four components of time series are
Trend: gradual upward or downward overall movement of the graph
Seasonality: regular ups and downs of the graph depending on the seasons (weekdays vs weekends, summer vs winter)
Cyclicals: other cycles related to macroeconomic events, (inflation, economic depressions, currency fluctuations, etc), weather incidents, global events, etc
Random errors: unsystematic, unpredictable small errors or fluctuations
Why is location a strategically important decision?
One of the most important decisions a firm makes
Increasingly global in nature
Significant impact on fixed and variable costs
Decisions made relatively infrequently
Long-term decisions
Once committed to a location, many resource and cost issues are difficult to change
List the seven factors that affect location decisions
Labor productivity
Wage rates not only cost, but lower productivity may also increase total cost
Exchange rates and currency risks
Tangible - easily measured costs like utility labor materials taxes
Intangible - public transportation etc
Political risk, values, and culture
National state local gov attitudes toward private and intellectual property
Proximity to suppliers
Perishable goods, high transportation costs, bulky products
Proximity to consumers/market
Very important to services
JIT systems or high transportation costs may make it important to manufacturers
Proximity to competitors
Often driven by resources such as natural, info, capital, talent
Found in both manufacturing and service industries
Numerical question about the Factor-Rating Method
Calculate all weights time all scores to get weighted score
=SUMPRODUCT in Excel (select weight column then comma then score column)
Numerical question about the Center-of-gravity method
FInds location of distribution center that minimizes distribution costs
Considers location of markets, volume of goods shipped to those markets, shipping cost (or distance)
X-coordinate of the center of gravity = Sum of x × Q / sum of Q
Y coordinate of the center of gravity = Sum of y × Q / sum of Q
Where x = x coordinate of location i
y = y coordinate of location i
Q = quantity of goods moved to or from location i
Center of gravity method:
X-coordinate of center of gravity = sumproduct (x-coordinate , volume) / sum (volume)
Exponential smoothing
New forecast = last period’s forecast + a (last period’s actual demand - last period’s forecast)
Ft = Ft-1 + a (At-a - Ft-1)
Where Ft = new forecast
Ft-a = previous period’s forecast
a = smoothing (or weighting) constant,
Least squares method
Equations to calculate the regression variables
y^ = a + bx
B = (sum of) (xy - nyx) / sum of x^2
Mean squared error (MSE) = sum of (forecast errors)^2 / n
Mean absolute deviation (MAD) = sum absolute value of error / n
Mean absolute percent error (MAPE) = (( sum of absolute value of error / actual value ) / n ) *100
Weighted moving average = sum of ((weight for period n) × (demand in period n)) / sum of weights. Ex: ((3 × 10) + (2 × 12) + (1 × 8)) / 6