Figures of repetition

Sound/letter repetition

  • Alliteration - Repetition of the same sound at the beginning of multiple words.

  • Assonance - Repetition of similar vowel sounds.

  • Consonance - Repetition of final or stressed consonants.

Word repetition

  • Anadiplosis - Repetition of the last word of a clause/sentence at the beginning of the next. (Last word is same as first word of next sentence/clause.)

  • Mesodiplosis - Repetition of the same word/s in the middle of successive sentences. (middle is the same in successive sentences)

Beginning/end repetition

  • Anaphora - Repetition of the same word/group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences or lines. (the start is the same in successive clauses, sentence or lines).

  • Epistrophe - Repetition of series of lines, phrases, clauses, sentences ending with the same word/s. Opposite of anaphora. (the end is the same in successive clauses, sentence or lines).

  • Epanalepsis - Repetition at the end of a line, phrase, clause of the word/s that occurred at the start of the same line, phrase or clause. (a line, phrase or clause starts and ends the same).

Meaning changing

  • Antanaclasis - Repetition of a word, with its meaning changing in the second instance.

  • Diacope - Repetition of a common name, to designate an individual and to signify the qualities connotated by a name or title.

Word within a sentence repetition

  • Diaphora - Repetition of a word with one or more in between.

  • Epizeuxis - Repetition of words with no others in between.

Consistent repetition

  • Polysyndeton - Many conjunctions used in between clauses.

  • Tautology - Repetition of the same idea in different words, in a way that is wearisome or unnecessary.
