B.Tech 2024-2025
Course Code: BAS-104
Contact Hours: L-2 T-1 P-2
Course Category: BAS
Credits: 4
Semester: 1
S No | Type of Course | Subject | L-T-P | Code | Credits |
1 | Basic Sciences | Probability and Statistics | 3-0-2 | BAS 103 | 4 |
2 | Basic Sciences | Environmental Sciences | 2-1-2 | BAS 104 | 4 |
3 | DCC | Programming with Python | 3-0-2 | BAI 101 | 4 |
4 | CAD Modelling | 0-2-2 | BMA 102 | 4 | |
5 | SEC | Cyber Security Awareness | 3-0-0 | BIT 101 | 3 |
6 | Applied Mechanics | 2-0-2 | BMA 105 | 3 | |
7 | Interdisciplinary | Web Application Development | 2-0-2 | BCS 102 | 4 |
8 | Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2-0-2 | BEC 101 | 2 | |
9 | SEC | IT Workshop | 2-0-2 | BAI 102 | 3 |
10 | AEC | Communication Skills | 2-0-2 | HMC 101 | 3 |
Total | 21 |
Water Pollution:
Overview of water quality parameters
Classification of water pollutants and sources
Total Hardness (EDTA method), Alkalinity determination (Numericals), DO, BOD, COD determination
Treatment for Domestic Use: Disinfection by Breakpoint chlorination
Waste-water Treatment: Primary, secondary, tertiary
Water Conservation and Management, Rain-water Harvesting
Air Pollution:
Types, sources, effects, sinks & control measures for common air pollutants (CO, NOx, SOx, hydrocarbons, particulates)
Photochemical smog, acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming
Carbon dioxide sequestration and Carbon Credits
Solid and Hazardous Waste Pollution:
Classification, treatment and disposal methods
Sanitary landfill, thermal and biological processes, nuclear waste disposal (case study), e-waste disposal
Terminology & toxic effects, interactions
Effects of arsenic, mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium on biochemical pathways
Functionality of monomers, polymerization, environmental degradation, biodegradable polymers, bioplastics
Energy Resources:
Renewable and non-renewable sources, alternative energy (solar, wind, hydro, biomass)
Resource Management:
Sustainable development, Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Impact Assessments
Pollution Management Initiatives
Environmental Studies Lab: Familiarization with laboratory equipment and performing various experiments
Determination of Alkalinity in water
Determination of Hardness in water
Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Determination of pH, conductivity, TDS in drinking water samples
Determination of Residual Chlorine in water
Determination of Ammonia in water
Determination of Free Carbon Dioxide in water
PM2.5 concentration in ambient air (gravimetric method)
Mid Term: 15 Marks
Continuous Assessment for Practical (CAP): 10 Marks
Internal Assessment: 40 Marks
End Term Internal Practical (ETIP): 15 Marks
End Term Theory Examination: 60 Marks
Total Marks: 100
P.W. Atkins, "The Elements of Physical Chemistry", 6th Ed., Oxford University Press, 2012.
B.S. Bahl, et al., "Essentials of Physical Chemistry", 24th Ed., S. Chand & Co., 2000.
D.A. Skoog, et al., "Principle of Instrumental Analysis", 6th Ed., 2016.
O.G. Palanna, "Engineering Chemistry", McGraw Hill, 2017.
K. Sesha Maheswaramma, et al., "Engineering Chemistry", 1st Ed., Pearson India, 2016.
Ranu Gadi, et al., "A Text book of Environmental Studies", 5th Ed., S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2024.
S. Rattan, "Applied Chemistry", S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2023.
Orientation Program: 5th August, 2024
Commencement of Classes: 6th August, 2024
Mid Term Examination: 14th October, 2024
End Term Examination: 2nd December, 2024
Definition: Addition of substances harmful to human health and the environment.
Sources: Natural and Anthropogenic
Types of Pollutants: Primary (e.g., CO, NOx) and Secondary (formed from primary interactions)
Impacts on health (e.g., respiratory issues) and environment (e.g., acid rain)
Modifying engine designs and fuels
Use of pollution-free energy sources
Definition: Continuous increase in the temperature of the lower atmosphere.
Causes: Fossil fuel burning, deforestation, agricultural practices, etc.
Greenhouse Gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, etc., destroy the ozone layer and trap heat.
System for trading emissions and reducing overall greenhouse gases.
Merits: Flexible control of emissions, financial incentives.
Demerits: May not lead to actual reductions, small businesses face challenges.
Involves gases like CO2 and CH4 trapping solar radiation.
Human activity is intensifying this natural process, contributing to global warming.