What are the dates of the baroque period? - 1600-1750
What type of music was rising during this period - instrumental music
What technology was advanced greatly that influenced music during this time? Clockworks
What was this period called? -age of invention
Who brought in violin players from Italy? - Louis XIII and XIV
What started to form during this time period? - the modern musical orchestra
What did the symphony start as? It started as an overture, an instrumental piece that started an opera or play
Where did the basic structure of symphonies
Who was the first innovator of music during this period? -Arcangelo Corelli first virtuoso of violin really intense, grouped string instruments, created co
What is a conturso? When a small group opposes a larger group
What did Vivaldi do with the concerto? He made the small group down to one violin, which opposed the rest of the string instruments, or the larger section
What is harmonic precession - the laws of music governing the sequence of chords
What was unusual apod An evening hymn (Henry Purcell)? He picked a simple sequence of chords, repeated it
What is the most popular series of chord progressions? The circle of fifths
Which composer is the gold standard of music with no melodies? Vivaldi
Where were most composers from during the 1600s ? Italy
How many pieces of music did Vivaldi write? 500 concertos and 40 operas
What did Bach base a large portion of his music on? German Prodestant Church Music
What is all of Bach’s vocal music focused on? Devotion to God in the human form as Jesus of Nazareth
What is counterpoint and who was the master of it? Interweaving of melodies, Bach
What is a fugue? A more complicated version of a round
Who did Vivaldi influence? Bach and Handel
What is the most important musical invention of Western Music? Equal Temperament - created 12 separate subdivisions between C, equalized difference between notes, allowed for chord jumping as much as you’d like.
Why does Indonesian traditional music sound exotic? Because they used a different tuning system
What did Bach help invent? The piano
Why was the piano important? Because unlike the harpsichord, you could vary volume
Who became the champion of the piano? Johan Christian, Bach’s son
Who has gotten more fame overall? Opera writers rather than Church music writers
What major change came in the 1750s? Audienced that payed to see the performances
Where did Handel write most of his pieces? London
How many Operas did Handel write? 39 in Italian
What is an Oratorio? An opera with no women or costumes or “lewd things”, used by Handel, and often containing Old Testament stories