
  • a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do

  • entire set of programs, procedures, and routine

  • indispensable part of the computer; cannot be seen but is highly important

types of software

system software

  • helps the user, hardware, and application software to interact and function together

  • essential in managing the whole computer system

application software

  • what you engage with the most

  • “AppS”

  • productive end-user programs that help you perform tasks

  • ex. honkai impact, valorant, messenger (mga apps)

programming software

  • not used by end-user

  • usually used by those with knowledge in computer

  • used to write, develop, test, and debug other software

  • ex. python, java

driver software

  • operates and controls devices and peripherals plugged into a computer

  • enable the devices to perform their designated tasks and translate commands of an operating system for the hardware devices, assigning duties


operating system

  • controls the working of computer hardware and software

  • ensures your gadget to work properly

  • ex. windows, linux, macos, android, ios

utility software

  • helps to maintain the proper and smooth functioning of a computer system

  • different from the application program

  • for the hardware

  • ensures your system to remain stable and secure overtime

  • ex. anti-virus, deleting data, software updates, system updates, formatting, user accounts and security


general purpose apps

  • designed to perform a wide range of fundamental functions that a user needs to perform on a system

  • ex. chrome, microsoft, gdocs, firefox, opera, spreadsheet, gmail, photoshop, dlc media player

business apps

  • designed to fulfill specific business function and operations

  • to improve the accuracy and efficiency of business operations

  • ex. crm (automated responses like ung sa mga banko, press 1 kineme), erp,

custom developed apps

  • solely built for some specific organization or user based on business requirements

  • ex. ust shs github, mga enrollment system (how we manage/ways),

software sub-category


  • free to use with limitations

  • forced trial period, often 30 days

  • some features may require payment

freeware (i love u)

  • free to use with no limitations

  • no trial period

  • all features are operational for all users

closed source

  • only the original authors of the source code are allowed to touche it

  • its illegal to meddle with the source code

open source

  • available to view, learn from, copy, change, and share

  • errors get corrected fast and updates happen often

challenges in software updates

security concerns

  • ung pag lagi kang nagpipirate

compatibility issues

  • baka hindi fit ung drive mo kineme dun sa laptop and stuff

rapid technological changes

  • laging may udpate and so ur gadget wont catch up