Definition: The process of verifying the identity of a user, process, or device.
Purpose: A prerequisite for granting access to resources in an IT system.
Function: Presents an identifier to a system to recognize and distinguish entities (e.g., user, process, device).
Definition: Establishing confidence in the identity of users of information systems.
Process: Takes a user’s identity from the operating system and passes it to an authentication server for verification.
Function: Confirms an entity���s identity or the origin of information.
Identification Methods:
Email or phone number.
Authentication Methods:
Options for user actions: Log In, Forgot password, Create new account.
Definition: Access privileges granted to a user, program, or process.
Management: Implemented through Access Control.
Purpose: Granting or denying specific requests to:
Obtain and use information and related processing services.
Enter specific physical facilities (e.g., federal buildings, military establishments).
Definition: A list of permissions associated with an object.
Function: Specifies who or what can access the object and what operations are allowed.
Mechanism: Implements access control by enumerating permitted system entities and their access modes.
Definition: Conversion of data into a code.
Process: Data is coded before transmission and decoded after.
Security: Unauthorized users can access data but cannot decode it without the encryption key.
Terminology: Ciphertext refers to data in its encrypted form.
Software Functionality: Uses a fixed algorithm and an encryption key to manipulate plaintext.
Transmission: Information is sent as ciphertext and translated back into plaintext by the receiver.
Security: Accessing data during transmission requires the encryption key to understand the information.
Public Key (Asymmetric) Encryption
Private Key (Symmetric) Encryption
Security Level: Less secure than public-key method due to reliance on a single secret key for each pair of parties.
Data Encryption Standard (DES): A prevalent shared private key method developed by the US government, based on 56 binary digits.
Advanced Encryption Standard: Succeeded DES due to vulnerabilities to brute force attacks.
Definition: Uses a public-private key pair for encryption and/or digital signature.
Functionality: Information encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.
Confidential Communication: Ensures only the holder of the private key can decrypt and read the communication.
Process: The sender uses their private key to encode a document, and the recipient uses the sender’s public key to decode it.
Assurance: Decoding with the public key verifies the document's authenticity.
Definition: A coded electronic certificate containing:
Holder’s name.
Copy of its public key.
Serial number.
Expiration date.
Purpose: Verifies the holder’s identity.
Usage: Identifies a person and includes personal information.
Applications: Signing electronic documents and emails, implementing access control for sensitive information.
Definition: Identify a server and contain the host name or IP address.
Usage: Ensures secure communication of data over a network, especially in Internet Banking transactions.
Purpose: Used to encrypt messages using the recipient's public key to ensure data confidentiality during transmission.
Definition: A system managing the distribution, authentication, and revocation of digital certificates.
Relevance: Essential for internet banking and providers of highly