Introduction to Modeling Language

  • Transition from text encoding (like ASCII) to modeling language and understanding higher-level representations.

  • Purpose of today's discussion to explore how sentences and words are modeled in computing.

Key Concepts


  • Definition: A way to map something real-world (like language) into a format usable by a computer.

  • Example: ASCII, which is a way of encoding characters into a numerical form.


  • Definition: A simplified description or abstraction of an object, system, or process.

  • Models dictate how we represent information, determining what is important and relevant.

  • Application: Models can vary in context, applicable in numerous fields including statistics and computational theories.

Connection Between Representation and Models

  • The representation of information (like ASCII) is shaped by underlying models.

  • Models help define the scope of what can be represented.

  • ASCII's model includes the Latin alphabet, numbers, and punctuation as the basis for coding characters.

Computational Devices and Examples

Voice Assistants (e.g., Alexa, Siri)

  • Uses models to interpret and respond to user requests.

  • Users can phrase questions in multiple ways (e.g., 'Alexa, what time is it?' or 'Alexa, time?') and still receive consistent answers.

  • Models help in recognizing variations of questions and interpreting their meanings uniformly.

  • Objective of model: Simplify user queries to derive intended meanings from varied linguistic expressions.

Application in Class

  • Introduction of 'Simple Language Recognizer', a simplified programming environment for hands-on practice.

  • Class members are directed to access the link via Canvas from the modules section to become familiar with text and language representation.
