Lecture 9

  • enzyme lowers the activation energy required to achieve the transition state

    • transition state is a state where it is energetically favorable to form the products

  • delta G — free energy of reaction

    • difference in energy between reactants and products

    • does not change whether there is an enzyme there or not

  • enzymes do not cause reactions to occur that would not eventually occur anyway; only speech up existing reactions

    • many enzymes increase reaction rates by several million times

    • some enzymes increase reaction rates by several trillion times

    • ex: 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2

      • platinum (inorganic catalyst) decreases Ea by 1/3rd

      • catalase (enzyme) decrease Ea by almost 90%

  • enzymes bind substrates with extremely high specificity into their active sites (usually just a few amino acids)

    • enzymes will most likely cause some conformational change in the substrate molecules(s), but they themselves usually change shape upon binding substrate

      • called induced fit

    • if the substrate doesn’t “fit”, the enzyme will reject it

    • the active site is only a small part of the enzyme

  • how does substrate binding to active site decrease Ea?

    • acting as a template for substrate orientation (induced fit)

      • there’s only one way substrates can fit

    • stressing the substrate(s) and stabilizing the transition state

    • providing a favorable microenvironment (pH, etc.)

    • participating directly in the catalytic reaction

      • mediator

      • accepts a proton, etc. just to give it to the second substrate

      • not every enzyme does all this

  • if an enzyme accepts a group from a substrate, it must in turn donate that group to help form a product

  • enzymes are (ultimately) unchanged by the reactions they catalyze)

    • they might change in the course of the reaction, but have to come out unchanged

  • enzymes do not change the equilibrium of reactions, they only make it easier (and therefore faster) to reach that equilibrium

    • if Ea is lowered for forward reaction, Ea is lowered the same amount for the reverse reaction

  • enzymes decrease Ea by the same amount in both directions

  • because most enzymes are proteins, it follows that conditions that affect protein stability also affect enzyme activity

    • enzymes have temperature and pH optimums

    • most human enzymes tend to be near body temperature (37°C) and neutral pH (7.0)

  • Enzyme inhibition

    • E + S → [ES] → E+P

    • E + I → [EI] -/->

    • can either be reversible or irreversible

    • reversible inhibition can be competitive or noncompetitive

  • irreversible inhibitors

    • permanently bind to or modify active site; changing concentration of natural substrate or inhibitor has no effect

      • nerve agents like sarin gas are irreversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, which catalyzes termination of nerve impulses

    • tend to be molecules not typically encountered by that particular cell

    • irreversible inhibition is a demonstration of the important point that enzymes must ultimately be unchanged if they are to be used over and over

  • in competitive inhibition, the inhibitor molecule physically resembles the natural substrate, and occupies active site

    • enzyme can’t use inhibitor as substrate — no products are forms

    • can be “flooded out” by increasing concentration of natural substrate

    • decreasing concentration of inhibitor also reduces probability of inhibitor finding active sit

    • ex: in bacteria, DHPS catalyzes the conversion of p-aminobenzoic acid into folic acid

      • sulfa drugs like sulfanilamide are inhibitors of DHPS; bacteria die

  • in noncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor molecule binds to the enzyme in a place other than the active site

    • if change in enzyme completely prevents substrate binding, increasing substrate concentration has no effect

    • reversible because inhibitor can become unbound

  • V_max and K_M

    • V_max (products/second) — the maximum velocity products can be created

    • K_M — the time it takes to reach ½ (V_max)

    • competitive inhibition

      • V_max stays the same

      • K_M takes longer

    • noncompetitive inhibition

      • V_max is lowered

      • K_M stays the same
