
Sociology Study Guide

1. Define the following terms:

- Society

- Culture

- Population

- Acknowledgment

- Connection

2. Explain the elements of culture:

- Non-Material/Abstract

- Beliefs

- Values

- Norms

- Symbols

3. Discuss the concept of culture change:

- Invention

- Innovation

- Discovery

- Diffusion

- Culture lag

#### Language and Technology

4. Explore the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis:

- How does language influence thought?

- Discuss examples of language change.

5. Examine the role of technology in culture change:

- Conceptual ideas such as intersectionality

- Borrowing in the context of technology

- Tangible and material culture

#### Social Institutions and Deviance

6. Describe the various social institutions:

- Family

- Peers

- School

- Media

- Government

- Workplace

7. Discuss the concept of deviance:

- Functionalist Theories (Durkheim)

- Mechanical solidarity

- Organic solidarity

- Conflict Theory (Marx)

- Exploitation of the working class

- Superstructure

- Symbolic Interactionism (Weber)

- Class, Status, Power

- Rationalization and bureaucracy

#### Social Stratification and Inequality

8. Explain the concepts of social stratification:

- Power, Prestige, Wealth

- Social mobility

- Social class

9. Discuss major sociological theories related to social stratification:

- Functionalist (Davis and Moore)

- Conflict (Dahrendorf)

- Symbolic Interactionism (Weber)

10. Explore the different systems of social stratification:

- Estate

- Caste

- Class

#### Race, Ethnicity, and Intergroup Relations

11. Define and differentiate race and ethnicity:

- Race

- Ethnicity

12. Discuss the experiences of different racial and ethnic groups in the United States:

- Native Americans

- African Americans

- Asian Americans

- Hispanic Americans

- White Americans

13. Examine sociological theories on intergroup relations:

- Functionalist theory

- Conflict/Feminist theory

- Interactionism theory

- Intersectionality

#### Gender and Sexuality

14. Differentiate between sex and gender:

- Sex

- Gender

15. Discuss theories related to gender inequality:

- Functionalist theory

- Conflict/Feminist theory

- Interactionism theory

16. Explore concepts related to gender and sexuality:

- Gender identity and expression

- Sexism and heterosexism

- Occupational segregation, wage gap, and pink tax

#### Population and Demography

17. Define demographic terms:

- Fertility

- Mortality

- Migration

18. Explore population theories:

- Malthusian Theory

- Zero Population Growth

- Cornucopian Theory

- Demographic Transition Theory

19. Discuss the impact of globalization on populations:

- Classifications (First, Second, Third, Fourth World)

- World Systems (Core, Semi-peripheral, Peripheral)

Certainly! Here's an answer key for the study guide:

### Sociology Study Guide Answer Key

#### Society and Culture


Define the following terms:

- Society: A group of individuals living together in a community, sharing common values, institutions, and culture.

- Culture: The shared beliefs, values, norms, symbols, and practices that characterize a social group.

- Population: The total number of individuals in a specific geographical area.

- Acknowledgment: Recognition or acceptance of something.

- Connection: The relationships and associations between individuals in a society.

2. Explain the elements of culture:

- Non-Material/Abstract: Aspects of culture that are intangible, such as beliefs and values.

- Beliefs: Convictions or acceptances that certain things are true.

- Values: Shared ideas about what is good, right, and desirable.

- Norms: Social expectations and rules that guide behavior.

- Symbols: Objects or signs that carry shared meanings within a culture.

3. Discuss the concept of culture change:

- Invention: The creation of something new.

- Innovation: The process of bringing new ideas or methods into use.

- Discovery: The recognition and understanding of something previously unknown.

- Diffusion: The spread of cultural traits from one society to another.

- Culture lag: The time it takes for a culture to catch up with technological innovations.

#### Language and Technology

4. Explore the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis:

- The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that language shapes thought and perception.

- Language change occurs due to various factors, including cultural shifts and technological advancements.

5. Examine the role of technology in culture change:

- Conceptual ideas such as intersectionality: The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender.

- Borrowing in the context of technology: Adoption and integration of technological advancements from one culture to another.

- Tangible and material culture: Physical objects and artifacts that represent a culture's way of life.

#### Social Institutions and Deviance

6. Describe the various social institutions:

- Family, Peers, School, Media, Government, Workplace: Institutions that play essential roles in socializing individuals and maintaining societal order.

7. Discuss the concept of deviance:

- Functionalist Theories (Durkheim):

- Mechanical solidarity: Social cohesion based on similarity and shared values.

- Organic solidarity: Social cohesion based on interdependence and specialization.

- Conflict Theory (Marx):

- Exploitation of the working class and the role of superstructure.

- Symbolic Interactionism (Weber):

- The role of symbols and the construction of reality in deviance.

#### Social Stratification and Inequality

8. Explain the concepts of social stratification:

- Power, Prestige, Wealth: Dimensions used to categorize individuals in a society.

- Social mobility: The ability to change positions within a social stratification system.

- Social class: A category of people with similar access to resources and opportunities.

9. Discuss major sociological theories related to social stratification:

- Functionalist (Davis and Moore): Inequality is functional for society's stability.

- Conflict (Dahrendorf): Inequality is systematically maintained to preserve class advantage.

- Symbolic Interactionism (Weber): Focus on the symbols and meanings attached to class.

10. Explore the different systems of social stratification:

- Estate, Caste, Class: Different ways societies categorize and rank individuals.

#### Race, Ethnicity, and Intergroup Relations

11. Define and differentiate race and ethnicity:

- Race: Superficial physical differences considered significant by a society.

- Ethnicity: Shared culture, practices, and traditions.

12. Discuss the experiences of different racial and ethnic groups in the United States:

- Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, White Americans: Overview of historical and contemporary experiences.

13. Examine sociological theories on intergroup relations:

- Functionalist theory: Stresses the importance of stability and mutual respect.

- Conflict/Feminist theory: Explores how power dynamics intersect with race, class, and gender.

- Interactionism theory: Emphasizes symbols and interactions in shaping intergroup relations.

- Intersectionality: The interconnected nature of social categories affecting individuals.

#### Gender and Sexuality

14. Differentiate between sex and gender:

- Sex: Assigned at birth based on biological characteristics.

- Gender: Learned behaviors, roles, and expectations associated with being masculine or feminine.

15. Discuss theories related to gender inequality:

- Functionalist theory: Gender roles contribute to societal stability.

- Conflict/Feminist theory: Identifies and challenges systematic gender inequalities.

- Interactionism theory: Explores how individuals construct and express gender identities.

16. Explore concepts related to gender and sexuality:

- Gender identity and expression: How individuals perceive and communicate their gender.

- Sexism and heterosexism: Discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

- Occupational segregation, wage gap, and pink tax: Disparities in the workplace related to gender.

#### Population and Demography

17. Define demographic terms:

- Fertility: The measure of the number of children born.

- Mortality: The number of people who die.

- Migration: The movement of people across regions.

18. Explore population theories:

- Malthusian Theory: Population growth is limited by available resources.

- Zero Population Growth: A state where births equal deaths.

- Cornucopian Theory: Optimistic view that technological advancements can sustain population growth.

- Demographic Transition Theory: Describes the relationship between population growth and economic development.

19. Discuss the impact of globalization on populations:

- Classifications (First, Second, Third, Fourth World): Differentiated based on economic status.

- World Systems (Core, Semi-peripheral, Peripheral): Describes the global economic hierarchy.

This answer key provides concise responses to the study guide questions. Use it as a reference to check your understanding and reinforce key concepts in sociology.
