Chapter 5 Vocabulary
accommodation The method by which religious missionaries, such as the Jesuits, adjust their evangelization methods to match the cultural and linguistic elements of the group whom they are evangelizing.
colonization The process by which a nation establishes a prominent presence by exerting an element of power or control in an area beyond their original borders.
humanism A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized the rediscovery of the literature, art, and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome.
indulgences A partial or total wiping away of the punishment due for sins that have been forgiven. Indulgences are, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “closely linked to the effects of the sacrament of Penance” (CCC, 1471).
New World A term applied to the Americas, as compared to the “Old World” of Europe.
Renaissance A cultural rebirth begun in the late Middle Ages that rediscovered the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, and Egypt. The Renaissance stressed the natural and the human. It emphasized the pleasures of life, glorified the human body, and celebrated education.
Western civilization The European-based culture framed upon the principles and contributions of ancient Greek and Roman society, history, philosophy, law, language, art, architecture, and other far-reaching factors.
Chapter 6 Vocabulary
Counter-Reformation The response of the Catholic Church to the protests of Martin Luther and others who had separated from the Church. It consisted of an effort to clarify and re-present the teachings and pastoral practices inherent to Catholicism.
Eucharistic species The Real Presence of Jesus’ Precious Body (under the mere appearance of the host) and Jesus’ Precious Blood (under the mere appearance of grape wine), accompanied by the fullness of his soul and divinity, after they have been consecrated by the priest at Mass.
Chapter 7 Vocabulary
apparition A supernatural appearance of a being greater than human to someone on earth. A Marian apparition is an appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a person, typically to deliver an important message. In order for an apparition to be considered authentic, it must first be verified by the Vatican.
bourgeoisie A term for the middle class, often used to denote the rising French middle class particularly in the centuries following the Middle Ages.
Deism A natural religion that developed in the Enlightenment; the belief that while God does exist and did create the world, he refrains from any kind of interference or direct participation in his creation.
Immaculate Conception The dogma that states that Mary was free from the stain of Original Sin from the moment of her conception.
Kulturkampf A German term meaning “cultural struggle”; the steady attempts, between 1871 and 1887, of German chancellor Otto von Bismarck to control the Catholic Church through governmental officials.
pantheism A false belief that identifies the universe as a manifestation of God.
rationalism A philosophy of the Enlightenment that taught that only human reason, separated from religious belief, can bring people into the light of knowledge.
Sacred Heart of Jesus A devotion that recognizes that Jesus’ divinity is accompanied by his having partaken in a share of humanity, with an outpouring of love from his heart upon all people
Chapter 8 Vocabulary
capitalism An economic and sociopolitical system with limited governmental control, centered upon the free market and with an emphasis on private property, sometimes resulting in economic inequality.
common good The collective well-being of society as a whole, particularly in matters related to social justice.
communism A socioeconomic theory based on the political aims furthered by Karl Marx, which include the government’s unrestrained control of citizens’ property, the suppression of free speech and assembly, the oppression of religion in public life, and other denials of democratic values.
parochial school A Catholic school—typically an elementary and middle school— affiliated with a parish community. The word parochial means “affiliated with a parish.”
socialism An economic and sociopolitical system aimed toward regulating the free market, and with an emphasis on governmental control of various facets of life.
Chapter 9 Vocabulary
aggiornamento Italian for “bringing up to date,” the term used by Pope John XXIII to describe the process by which the Church was called to reengage with the world, as inspired by the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
fascism A governmental system typified by authoritarianism and dictatorship, in which individual rights are suppressed by the will of those in power.
Holocaust Also known as the Shoah; the attempt by the Nazi forces under Adolf Hitler, by way of a system of concentration camps, to obliterate the presence of the Jewish people and other non-Jewish civilians from the areas under Nazi control from 1933 through 1945, resulting in the deaths of over six million Jews.
Synod of Bishops A periodic meeting of various bishops from around the world with the pope, for the purpose of holding theological discourse and advising the pope on matters related to the faith
Chapter 10 Vocabulary
New Evangelization An initiative within the Church to spread the Gospel to all nations, as well as to invite those already in the Church to a renewed commitment to their faith. religious literacy The familiarity with the basic tenets of various mainstream faiths that allows meaningful and peaceful dialogue with those of other faiths