Untitled Flashcards Set

Chromosome Structure

  • Terms:

    • chromosome

    • chromatin

    • centromere

    • sister chromatids

    • nucleosome

    • histone

  • Chromatin condensation 


  • What processes require mitosis?

  • What are the products of mitosis?

  • Structures: kinetochore, spindles, centriole, centrosome

  • Stages of mitosis - know these in order; describe major events and appearance of cell

    • prophase

    • metaphase

    • anaphase

    • telophase

  • What happens during cytokinesis?  How does it differ in plant and animal cells?

Cell Cycle Regulation

  • Cell cycle phases: interphase (G1, S, G2) and M phase (mitosis)

  • What are some of the external factors that control cell cycle?

  • What are checkpoints

  • Oncogenes & Tumor suppressor genes

Background Terminology

  • homologous chromosomes

  • alleles

  • haploid (1n) vs. diploid (2n)

  • somatic cells vs. gametes


  • What are the products of meiosis?

  • What processes require meiosis

  • Stages of meiosis - know these in order; describe major events and appearance of cell

    • prophase I

    • metaphase I

    • anaphase I

    • telophase I

    • prophase II

    • metaphase II

    • anaphase II

    • telophase II

Genetic Variation

  • Crossing over (recombination)

    • vocab: synapsis, tetrad, chiasma

    • when does this occur?

    • what happens during crossing over?  How does it contribute to genetic variation?

  • Independent assortment  

    • when does this occur?

    • what is independent assortment?  How does it contribute to genetic variation?

  • Fertilization

    • what is fertilization?  How does it contribute to genetic variation?

Disruption of Meiosis

  • What is non-disjunction?

  • What are the results of non-disjunction in Meiosis I? What are the results when it occurs in Meiosis II?

  • What is a karyotype? What are monosomy and trisomy?

Background Vocab

  • gamete, germ cell, somatic cell


  • Explain how a combination of mitosis and meiosis leads to the formation of a sperm cell from a spermatagonium

  • Structure of sperm: acrosome, nucleus, mitochondria, flagellum

  • Identify the location of spermatogenesis (testes, seminal vesicles) and explain how mature sperm are released into the seminal vesicle

  • Do not need to know: Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, GnRH, LH, FSH, testosterone


  • Explain how a combination of mitosis and meiosis leads the the formation of an egg cell and polar bodies from an oogonium

  • Know what polar bodies are and how they contribute to oogenesis

  • Explain the timing of the meiotic divisions relative to human development

  • Identify the location of oogenesis (ovary, follicles) 

  • Do not need to know: corpus luteum, GnRH, FSH, LH, progesterone, estrogen, coordination of the hormonal cycle that controls ovarian and uterine cycles


  • Explain where fertilization takes place and where a fertilized egg will implant (fallopian tube, uterus, endometrium)

  • Explain the role of the acrosome in fertilization

  • Understand that the haploid sperm and egg nuclei unite to form a diploid zygote

Parthenogenesis (case study)

  • Know what parthenogenesis is and understand how it can take place. You do not need to memorize the four ways that it can happen, but you should be able to determine the outcome if the mechanism is given to you.

