跟:(gēn) with; and


得: (de)


帮助:(bāng zhù) to help


枝: (zhī) measure word: pens


张: (zhāng) a measure word for flat objects


懂: (dǒng) to understand


真: (zhēn) really


预习: (yù xí) to preview


学(习: xué (xí) to study; to learn


平常: (píngcháng) usually


功课: (gōngkè) homework; schoolwork


开始: (kāishǐ) to begin, to start; beginning


念: (niàn) to read aloud


录音: (lùyīn) sound recording; to record


学习: (xuéxí) to study; to learn


男的: (nán de) man


酷: cool (kù)
