Evolution: The change over time in the characteristics of a population
Core Principles:
All life is linked through a common ancestor
evolution is the product of change in a population, not an individual
advantageous traits are selected over less advantageous traits
traits passed down from generations
Early Proposed Mechanics of Evolution:
all organisms thought to be fixed (non changeable)
1809, Lamarck hypothesized organisms evolved through inheritance of acquired characteristics
acquired characteristics is the process of bodies being modified during lifetime through use/disuse of different parts inherited by offspring
we now know this isn’t true
Darwin & HMS Beagle:
1831, five year survey to the Galapagos Islands
noticed lots of similar birds, slightly different characteristics
Darwins Theory - Theory of Natural Selection (Alfred Wallace had similar insights)
How Natural Selection Works: (4 Postulates)
Individuals vary
traits are inherited
some individuals fail to survive & reproduce
reproductive success is not random
Early Genetics:
Darwin believed in more advantageous genes, inside some information packets (now know as genes)
Opposition of Evolution
nature of historical evidence
Physical Evidence:
Fossil Record
Radiometric dating
Comparative anatomy
comparative embryology
Molecular similarities
bio chemical processes
Fossils - found in older rocks
Comparative Embryology
Early embryo development in all vertebrates go through similar stages
Molecular Similarity
allows us to know more about genes
shows what we have in common
Universal Biochemical Processes:
all cells, all living things have DNA and RNA
Artificial Selection:
Controlled breeding to produce desirable traits