Crime and Punishment Vocab

Crime and Punishment Study Guide

  1. garret: floor consisting of open space at the top of a house

  2. invariably: without change, in every case

  3. abject: of the most contemptible kind

  4. prevaricate: be deliberately ambiguous or unclear

  5. axiom: a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof

  6. overwrought: deeply agitated especially from emotion

  7. grandiloquent: lofty in style

  8. languid: lacking spirit or liveliness

  9. exemplary: worthy of imitation

  10. bedlam: a state of extreme confusion and disorder

  11. affectation: a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

  12. declaim: speak against in an impassioned manner

  13. expostulate: reason with for the purpose of dissuasion

  14. fortitude: strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

  15. pell-mell: in a wild or reckless manner

  16. entreat: ask for or request earnestly

  17. reproach: express criticism towards

  18. ignominy: a state of dishonor

  19. concubine: a woman who cohabits with an important man

  20. aloof: remote in manner 

  21. abstain: choose not to consume

  22. perplexity: trouble or confusion resulting from complexity

  23. brooding: persistent morbid meditation on a problem

  24. semblance: an outward appearance that is deliberately misleading

  25. copse: a dense growth of trees, shrubs, or bushes

  26. relish: vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

  27. clamber: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

  28. brandish: exhibit aggressively

  29. abscess: a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue

  30. irrevocable: incapable of being retracted

  31. perpetuity: the property of being seemingly ceaseless

  32. casuistry: argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle

  33. doggedly: with obstinate determination

  34. prudence: knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress

  35. malice: the quality of threatening evil

  36. contorted: twisted, especially as in pain or struggle

  37. filigree: delicate and intricate ornamentation

  38. hapless: deserving or inciting pity

  39. sentry: a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event

  40. deliverance: recovery or preservation from loss or danger

  41. oblivion: total forgetfulness

  42. delirium: a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion

  43. trepidation: a feeling of alarm or dread

  44. impudent: improperly forward or bold

  45. askance: with suspicion or disapproval

  46. affront: treat, mention, or speak to rudely

  47. disconcerted: having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion

  48. surmise: a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence

  49. amiable: disposed to please

  50. contemptuously: without respect; in a disdainful manner

  51. revulsion: intense aversion

  52. effusion: an unrestrained expression of emotion

  53. vanity: feelings of excessive pride

  54. loathsome: highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust

  55. base: having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality

  56. repulsion: intense aversion

  57. spleen: a feeling of resentful anger

  58. bewildered: perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements

  59. beseech: ask for or request earnestly

  60. repugnance: intense aversion
