Treatment for Circulatory Shock

Treatment for Circulatory Shock

Emergency Measures (PATPCB)

  1. Positioning

    • Place patient in a supine body position with feet elevated.

  2. Airway Management

    • Ensure adequate airway is maintained.

  3. Thermoregulation

    • Maintain body warmth using blankets (avoid external heat).

  4. Pain Alleviation

    • Administer Morphine sulfate (not for children under 5 years, unconscious, or stuporous patients - CUS).

  5. Circulating Blood Volume (D)

    • Monitor elevated hematocrit as an indicator of plasma loss.

    • Use plasma expander: Dextran.

  6. Blood Pressure Management (HC)

    • For severe hypotension, administer Hydrocortisone (10-25 mg/kg) within the first 24 hours.
